Chapter 276
No. On the 11th day, the heavy rain still did not stop, the river became more turbid, and uprooted trees and even dead animals washed down from the upper reaches.

Although the two boats of the Mang Tribe sailed into the artificial lake, they were still unsafe because the banks of the artificial lake had been submerged due to the surge of the river.

As for those small boats, they were carried back to the tribe by the fishing team long ago, so as not to be washed away by the flood.

The big boat swayed violently in the turbulent river, and was hit by a broken tree floating down from the upper reaches from time to time, making a muffled "thump, thump".

"Pull the boat to shore, quick!"

Bibo commanded the soldiers under his command to paddle the canoe onto the big boat, then tie the rope, and the others pulled it on the shore.

These two boats are the foundation of Bibo's foothold in the Mang tribe, and Bibo will never allow any accidents to them.

"Hey, hey..."

On the shore, more than 100 soldiers pulled the rope to pull the big boat from the raging river to the shore.


When the ship was pulled above the anchor, the soldiers on the ship immediately called to stop, and they had to pull up the anchor first.

The anchor is made of high-quality stone, very strong, and has a claw shape. When it sinks into the water, the boat continues to move forward, and the inclined anchor will grab the silt and stones at the bottom of the water.

If you want to pull the anchor up again, you must drive the boat to a direction perpendicular to the anchor, so that you can pull it up.

Sometimes, if it is stuck tightly, it is even necessary to drive the boat to the opposite side of the anchor, so that the anchor can be pulled up.

There was an anchor at the bow and an anchor at the stern, and after much effort, both anchors were finally pulled up.

"Keep pulling!"

The people on the boat commanded, and the people on the shore pulled the boat vigorously.

With everyone's hard work, the first boat was finally pulled to the shore, and the anchor was lowered again. Bibo was still worried, and fixed it with ropes.

The second boat did the same. Several soldiers boarded the canoe, fixed the rope, pulled up the anchor, and then the people on the shore continued to pull.

However, just when the anchor was pulled up, an accident happened.

"Look, what kind of monster is that?"

The soldiers on the bank pointed to the middle of the river and screamed, their hands and feet trembling slightly.

I saw the head of a giant beast suddenly appeared on the river.


The giant beast spewed out two water arrows, and then roared upwards.

The sound made by this giant beast is really too loud, even though it is far away, it is still deafening, as if thunder is exploding in the ear.

The soldiers on the boat tightly covered their ears with their hands, and squatted on the ground, the blood in their whole bodies was violently churned by the sound.

The people on the shore were similar, all of them were very pale.

Bibo squatted on the ground, covered his ears with his hands, and looked at the giant beast in the river in fear.

The monster was so huge that it could have snapped a boat in two with one bite.

She had only heard of giant beasts in the big river in the Fish Tribe before, but she had never seen them. Today, she really saw them, but she was so frightened that her legs went weak.

Not only Bibo's side, but also the hunting team and fishing team soldiers who were picking snails and catching fish and shrimp along the river, everyone was terrified.

The weaker fighters even fell into the water directly under the roar, and ran to the bank with some scrambling.

After the giant beast roared, it quickly sank into the water again, and the water in the river was surging.

"Continue to pull the boat, pull the boat quickly!"

Although Bibo was frightened, she adjusted quickly. After waking up, she was even more afraid that the boat would have an accident in the deep water.

Under the urging of Bibo, all the soldiers on the shore stood up and pulled the big boat to the shore with all their strength.

Soon, the big boat was pulled into shallow water and hit bottom.

Bibo commanded these soldiers, got off the anchor, fixed it with ropes, checked several times, and finally felt relieved.

"Go back, go back to the tribe."

Bibo led these soldiers and ran into the tribe without looking back. The river was too dangerous.

The fish-catching fighters of the Mang tribe didn't dare to stay by the river, and ran into the tribe one after another.


Not long after, another huge head popped out of the river, and it also roared loudly.

Among the running warriors of the Mang tribe, some fell directly to the ground, covered in mud and water, very embarrassed.

"Quick, go back to the tribe!"

Lie pulled up a soldier who fell to the ground, and then everyone continued to run holding the rattan baskets containing fish and shrimp.

After Chen Bei heard the movement, he also came out in the rain, and he saw the terrifying giant beast from a distance.

I saw that the monster's head was oval-shaped, its eyes were relatively small, but its mouth was very large, which was full of sharp teeth and had two nostrils.

"What kind of monster is this? It doesn't look like a fish either!"

Chen Bei felt very incomprehensible, this kind of giant beast was not any kind he knew.

But in this world, there are many magical species, and it seems reasonable to have such a giant beast in the water.

Chen Bei no longer struggled with this problem.

Fortunately, this kind of giant beast has never appeared before, otherwise, let alone sailing in the river, even fishing, it would be risking everyone being eaten in one bite.

After appearing twice in a row, there were no giant beasts on the river in front of the Mang Tribe, but there were still faint roars of beasts in the distance. Obviously, they had gone far away.

There are not many such giant beasts even in the big rivers, because considering their size, the food they need to consume is too terrifying. If there are too many of them, they will definitely starve to death.

"They should appear in the sea." Chen Bei said to himself.

Thinking of the vast and boundless ocean, Chen Bei's heart surged a little.

There are countless mysteries in the ocean of the previous life, let alone this even more mysterious world today.

"If there is a chance, I will definitely go to sea along the river to see it in the future."

Chen Bei said this sentence full of longing.

Of course, he knows that this goal is still far away for the current Mang tribe, because the Mang tribe still has many enemies on land that cannot be dealt with, let alone the distant ocean.

On this day, the members of the Mang tribe did not approach the river again, because no one knew whether the giant beast in the water would return.

The next day, the rain finally eased a little, and there was no other movement on the river except for those big fish swimming against the bank.

Chen Bei thought again and again, and finally led the soldiers to the river again to catch fish, snails, shrimps and crabs.

After all, there are too many people in the tribe who need to eat, and this good opportunity to get food cannot be missed.

If the rain stopped, the water level of the river would drop, and the river water would become clear. It would be impossible to pick fish casually like now.

In this way, for seven consecutive days, nothing special happened. Although the rain was still falling, it was only a drizzle, and the impact was not very great.

The river finally stopped flooding.

On the night of the eighth day, it rained again, accompanied by lightning and thunder, which was very scary.

In the middle of the night, a beast roar woke up the people of the Mang tribe.

Chen Bei sat up from the bed, looking at the darkness, still outside the rainy window, said: "They have gone back."

On the river, the giant beast went downstream along the river, and soon disappeared.

 Thanks to the book hall master "Huang Aide" for the reward of 500 book coins.

  Thanks for the 100 book coins rewarded by book friends who "shut up and can't beat".

(End of this chapter)

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