Chapter 277
It rained heavily all night, and in the early morning, the rain finally stopped gradually.

A ray of sunlight penetrated the thick clouds and sprinkled on the earth.

Afterwards, more sunlight came down, the clouds gradually dissipated, and the sky became clear.

Chen Bei pushed open the door, glanced at the sky, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It has been raining for more than half a month, and it finally stopped."

He took a breath of fresh air and felt much better.

This heavy rain has brought great losses to the Mang tribe. Countless crops have been flooded, and a reduction in production is bound to happen.

Even the fish in the fishpond took advantage of the flood and ran away a lot.

There is no way for such a natural disaster to happen, no matter which tribe it is, it will be unbearable.

Chen Bei simply washed up, cleaned up the rain-washed vegetable patch in the yard, then pushed open the courtyard door and walked outside.

On the ground, there are still puddles everywhere. Fortunately, the roads of the Mang tribe are often repaired, and gravel is paved on them, so they will not be so muddy.

After the sun came out, the people of the Mang tribe got busy again.

Being trapped by the heavy rain for more than half a month has already driven them crazy. After the rain finally cleared up, hurry up and do all the things that can be done.

Chen Bei was concerned about the crops, so he didn't stop much along the way, and walked directly to the nearest field.

When he passed by, he happened to see Yan, who was squatting beside a paddy field, breaking the dam built when it rained, and letting the water out of the field.

"The seedlings haven't been soaked, have they?" Chen Bei stepped forward and asked.

Yan raised his head and saw the leader coming, he smiled wryly and said: "When the water is at its maximum, the seedlings are all submerged, so they must be soaked."

Yan pointed to a seedling with sickly leaves next to it and said, "Look, leader, this seedling has been soaked, and it will soften immediately after being exposed to the sun."

Chen Bei looked carefully at the seedlings in the field, and found that there were quite a few seedlings like this. Even if they could survive in the future, the rice seedlings would definitely be very little, or even empty shells.

Yan pointed to the vegetable field in the distance again, and said, "The seedlings are alright, they are more resistant to water, but those green vegetables are all gone."

"After soaking in water, all these vegetables will rot, and the loss is too great."

Yan's face turned bitter. As the captain of the planting team, he was the one who was most saddened by such a natural disaster.

Chen Bei patted Yan on the shoulder, and said: "Don't be discouraged, the vegetables are gone, we can plant them again, it's only summer now, there is still time."

"we can only do this."

Yan nodded helplessly.

Chen Bei said again: "Those soaked vegetables, while they are still not spoiled, are all picked to the breeding area, let them cook the vegetables and feed them to the pigs."

Vegetables that are soaked will not go bad immediately, but will be completely softened in the sun, and then rot quickly within a day or two.

Before it rots, get them all back to cook and feed those animals, which can be regarded as waste utilization.

"Yes, I'll take someone to do it right away."

Yan never procrastinated in doing things. After Chen Bei ordered, he immediately led the planting team to pick the baskets of vegetables and transport them to the breeding area.

The people in the breeding area are very happy. How can there be so many vegetables delivered?

Some of these vegetables are drained and thrown into the gray-haired rabbits. There are too many gray-haired rabbits in the Mang tribe, and they need to eat a lot of grass and vegetable leaves every day.

Of course, these gray-haired rabbits also provided a large amount of rabbit meat and furry rabbit skins to the Mang tribe, making them good breeding objects.

Some of the vegetables are directly thrown in to feed the pigs. The pigs are not picky eaters, and they can be eaten raw or cooked.

Others are boiled and fed to livestock such as triangular green sheep and colorful pheasants.

On this day, the livestock in the entire breeding area are well fed, and they are as happy as the Chinese New Year.

After leaving the crop field, Chen Bei went around the fruit forest again.

Although some fruit trees have lost fruit, compared with those crops, the loss of fruit trees is much smaller.

Chen Bei couldn't help sighing, this is the reason why it must develop in an all-round way.

With such a large tribe and such a large population, if we only rely on a single way to obtain food, the ability to resist risks is too weak.

For example, those small tribes that rely entirely on hunting and gathering, when the heavy rains continue, they will soon run out of food.

They can only eat insects, even grass roots and bark, and survive this disaster with difficulty.

The Mang tribe is different. When there are problems in planting, the livestock raised can also provide the tribe with meat for a long time.

Coupled with hunting, fishing, etc., the Mang tribe's ability to resist risks is much stronger than other tribes.

After visiting the fruit forest, Chenbei walked to the river again. The hunting team and fishing team of the Mang tribe were making the most of the last time to fish.

By the Lobster River, the river water has dissipated a lot, but the river water is still turbid, and there are a lot of broken trees, dead branches and leaves left on the bank brought by the water.

Because the fast-flowing river in the middle is relatively turbid, while the slow-flowing river on the bank is slightly clearer, and the fish in the river swim around the bank.


The fishing net was thrown out by the soldiers of the fishing team, and quickly unspooled and spread out in the air, like a flower blooming quickly.

Then, the fishing net fell into the water, and the fish surrounded by the fishing net rushed back and forth in panic, but it was too late.

Only a few fish on the edge of the fishing net ran faster and escaped smoothly.

"Quick, quick, pull up the fishing net!"

The soldiers next to him came to help pull the net. There were more than a dozen big fish in the net. The fish in the net kept jumping around, which made people happy.

"Haha, this time when there was a flood, the people in the planting team cried and cried, but our fishing team is different. The more flood there is, the richer our harvest will be!"

The members of the fishing team smiled and took the fish out of the fishing nets, and put them into rattan baskets, and a special person picked them back to the tribe.

As the saying goes, blessings and misfortunes depend on them, and misfortunes and blessings rest on them. Things always have a good side and a bad side.

The planting team suffered heavy losses, but the fishing team gained a lot because of the flood. Under the balance of the two, the loss of the Mang tribe was not particularly serious.

Some of these fish will be raised in ponds, and some will be dried and kept as food in winter.

Chen Bei walked over and said with a smile: "The harvest is not bad."

One of the soldiers said: "Boss, it's been two days. When the water recedes, there will be no such good things."

Another soldier said: "That's right, the past few days were better than now, fish, shrimp, and big snails all ran to the shore by themselves, we just need to pick them up, but now it's far worse than before. "

Chen Bei said: "If such a good thing happens all the time, wouldn't the fish and shrimp in the river be fished out? We won't have any fish in the future."

The soldier scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "That's true."

"Taking advantage of these two days to get some more fish, I'll help too!"

Chen Bei didn't stand by and watch, but did it himself, which made those soldiers have a good impression of him.

(End of this chapter)

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