Chapter 28 The Red Duck

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, and there were still many bugs in the vegetable field. Everyone in the planting team was devastated and busy catching bugs every day.

Chen Bei tried to catch some tiger frogs from the pond, but the effect was still not good.

Until noon on the fourth day, Ya suddenly ran up to Chen Bei excitedly.

"Boss, a large flock of red birds flew by the river. They look plump and can swim. Everyone is trying to catch some of them to eat."

"A bird that can swim? A water bird?"

Chen Bei seemed to have thought of something, and immediately said, "Take me to have a look."

Ya immediately took Chen Bei to the river. In his heart, this kind of bird that can swim has a lot of meat and is a good prey.

"Quack quack..."

Before reaching the river, Chenbei heard a burst of joyful shouts in the distance.

Chen Bei ran over to take a look, his eyes widened.


I saw a group of red wild ducks swimming happily on the shoal by the river, about fifty or sixty of them, going into the water from time to time to catch small fish, shrimps, snails and other things to eat.

"It's really a duck! Could it be that this is the turning point Wu talked about?"

Chen Bei was excited, he connected the ducks with the pests in the vegetable field.

In his previous life, he often saw reports of using ducks to control locusts, because ducks eat a lot and digest quickly, which is much more efficient than chickens.

Since ducks can control locusts, it should be possible to control pests in vegetable fields, right?

Although ducks may also eat vegetables, they definitely like to eat bugs more than wild vegetables, and they can eat a lot of bugs.

The more Chen Bei thought about it, the more he felt that it was feasible, his eyes were shining when he saw this group of wild ducks.

Another point is that wild ducks are relatively easy to domesticate. They live in groups. As long as the leading duck is controlled, the rest of the wild ducks will follow obediently.

There are so many ponds in the tribe, if you feed them every day and fatten them up, they will not be able to fly, and naturally they will not be able to escape.

"Ya, go inform the hunting team, catch them, don't let any of them go!"

"Yes, leader, I'll go right away!"

Yayou ran to the tribe with an excited face. He is 13 years old this year. When the winter sacrifice goes well, he will be able to awaken the power of the totem, become a totem warrior, and join the hunting or fishing team.

Therefore, as long as it is related to these two teams, he is always very active.

The hunting team happened not to go hunting today, and everyone was in the tribe, so Ya called them all to the river without any effort.

Not only that, but the fishing team that was relatively close also rushed over. After all, the riverside was their territory, so they couldn't stand by and watch.

"Boss, what kind of ducks are you going to catch?"

The hunting captain Yun glanced at Ya, and said, "It's a duck, right?"

Ya Chong nodded at him, because he heard Chen Bei call it that.

Chen Bei said: "That's right, these red ducks are just like colorful pheasants. I want to catch them and domesticate them."

"These red ducks are very important. They are likely to get rid of the bugs in the vegetable field, so don't let any one go, catch them all!"

"Yes, leader, I will definitely not let you go."

With the experience of catching colorful pheasants, Yun agreed this time very readily and confidently.

Yun turned around and went to Lie to discuss how to catch these red ducks.

Lie said: "I suggest to use a net, like catching colorful pheasants, set up the net first, then put their favorite food under the net, and when they go in to eat, pull the net down to catch them Living."

Yunyuan looked at the red ducks on the river for a while, and said: "It seems that they like to eat small fish and shrimps in the river, and the bait will trouble your fishing team."

Lie patted his chest and said, "No problem, it's all for the tribe."

After the discussion, the fishing team began to catch small fish and shrimps, while the hunting team borrowed fishing nets and laid them by the river, and the two sides cooperated to catch these red ducks.

Chen Bei watched them work the whole time, and was very satisfied with their performance.

Although the hunting team and the fishing team will usually compete to see who brings back more prey, but when it is time to cooperate, they will not have any barriers.

As Lie said, it's all for the tribe.

The nets on the bank of the river were quickly laid, and the nets were covered with aquatic plants by the river as a camouflage, so as not to scare the timid red ducks.

The fishing team also caught a lot of small fish and shrimps, as well as some snails, all of which were thrown under the net, which was very conspicuous.

Afterwards, everyone hid in the water plants by the river.

At first, those red ducks didn't dare to get close, they just watched from a distance, swimming up and down the river.

But ducks are greedy. In the end, they still didn't resist the temptation, and under the leadership of the head duck, they got closer to the river bank little by little.

After swimming several laps and finding no danger, they finally landed on the shore.

But they still didn't lose their vigilance, and walked back and forth on the shore for a long time before slowly approaching the place where the net was set up.

A red duck goes in first, eats a small fish, and looks around, ready to run away.

However, nothing happened.

"Quack quack..."

The red duck squawked happily, and then began to feast on it.

After receiving the signal of safety, the other red ducks all rushed in, scrambling for the fish, shrimp and snails on the ground.

"Go in, everyone goes in, pull the net!"

The hunting team, who waited patiently for a long time, pulled off the wooden sticks supporting the net from two directions, and the big net instantly enveloped the red ducks!

"Quack quack..."

Those red ducks struggled in the net in panic, but it was too late, and it was impossible to escape after being caught in the net.

"Quick, grab 'em, tie them all up, and don't let them get away."

Chen Bei couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, he rushed up, grabbed a red duck near the edge of the net, and tied its two feet with straw ropes.

The rest of the hunting team followed suit and stepped forward one after another to tie up the red ducks without letting any of them escape.

After all the red ducks were tied up, the net was removed, and the red ducks were grabbed by the feet, carried upside down, and kept flapping their wings.

"One, two, three..."

"A total of 52!"

Chen Bei counted it again, with a smile on his face, which is much more than colorful pheasants.

"Well done everyone, the Horde is proud of you!"

Chen Bei gave everyone some chicken blood, and then waved his hand to ask them to take all the red ducks back to the tribe.

Ya also carried two red ducks in his hand, and he followed Chen Bei all the time, his face flushed with excitement, he felt very honored to be able to participate in such a hunt with the leader.

"Quack quack..."

Along the way, the red duck kept calling, which attracted the attention of everyone in the tribe.

Chen Bei led them directly to Lao Lu, the captain of the breeding team.

"These are red ducks. I want you to tame them and make them the fowl of our tribe, like the colorful pheasants."

Then, Chen Bei told Lao Lu about the things that should be paid attention to in raising ducks, such as the living habits of ducks.

"Don't worry, leader, I will take care of them."

The old deer agreed to this matter, because he has the experience of breeding triangular green sheep and colorful pheasants, and now he is full of confidence in domesticating red ducks.

"Old deer, raise them as soon as possible, and then drive them to the vegetable field to remove insects. This is very important and urgent. As long as you can do it well, the tribe will not treat you badly."

"If you have any difficulties or encounter any problems, you can come to me directly, and I will do my best to help you."

Based on the idea of ​​entrusting professional matters to professionals, Chen Bei completely entrusts Lao Lu with the matter of raising red ducks, which is also his trust in him.

"Thank you for the leader's trust, I will never let the leader down!"

The old deer was a little excited. At his age, he was already a burden in the tribe.

But because of Chen Bei, he became the captain of the breeding team, and was able to be entrusted with important tasks by Chen Bei. He found his own value.

Being able to create value for the tribe is an extremely important thing for the elders in the tribe, because this is their hope to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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