The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 29 The Locust and the Duck King

Chapter 29 The Locust and the Duck King

Insect tribe, inside a stone house.

"Hahaha, it worked!"

The centipede laughed wildly. In front of him, a green locust lay quietly on the table, with a strange black light in its eyes.

This is a locust empress, who was found for him by Centipede's grandfather, the leader of the insect tribe.

The totem warriors of the insect tribe, when awakened, a small number of people will have the ability to tame insects as their own battle pets, and centipede is one of these few people.

This locust queen, from today onwards, is the centipede's pet in battle.

Mastering this locust empress is equivalent to owning an army of locusts. When dealing with the enemy, the empress will order thousands of locusts to attack overwhelmingly, which is very terrifying.

"Go out for food, my battle pet!"

The centipede gave the locust mother an order to find food, and saw the green locust flapping its wings and flying, and disappeared outside in a blink of an eye.


The mother locust flew to the sky and made a special sound. Afterwards, thousands of locusts in the nearby forest were summoned and flew to the mother emperor one after another, protecting the mother locust in the middle.

In the stone house, the centipede has a mysterious connection with the Locust Queen. He can even see something through the eyes of the Locust Queen. This feeling is very novel.

"Fly south!"

Under the command of the centipede, the locust queen flew south with thousands of locusts. It was foreseeable that no matter where they landed, the plants in that place would definitely suffer.


In the Mang tribe, the red ducks have been domesticated for seven days. Because they are fed every day, they are no longer so afraid of people.

Chen Bei often goes to see these red ducks and brings them food like small fish.

Among them is a red duck, which is much larger than the other red ducks, and its feathers are also dazzling red.

According to the old deer, this red duck is the head of a group of red ducks, that is, the king of red ducks.

This duck king seemed to be a little smarter than the other red ducks. Every time Chen Bei went to see these red ducks, this duck king would follow behind Chen Bei and ask for food.

"Animals in the forest have the habit of clinging to the strong. Maybe this duck king feels the strength of the leader, so it follows the leader."

For Lao Lu's explanation, Chen Bei still believed it, because there were many strange things in this world, and it was so strange that the duck king would tend to the strong.

The old deer said again: "Boss, this is also an opportunity. These red ducks will obey the command of the duck king. If the boss can tame this duck king, the other ducks will naturally be no problem."

"In that case, I'll try."

Chen Bei put a rope around the neck of the Red Duck King, and then led it outside.

The Red Duck King actually didn't struggle or get angry, and followed him obediently, walking waddlingly.

This makes Chen Bei can't help but wonder, is there a domineering aura hidden in my body?The tiger's body shook, and even the duck had to accept its master obediently?
When Chen Bei thought of this, he couldn't help laughing. He led the duck king for a walk in the tribe.

"Look, look, what is the leader doing?"

"Is that a red duck? The leader said it was called a red duck. It was caught by the hunting team and the fishing team a few days ago."

"Why does the leader lead a red duck for a walk with a rope?"


The tribal people were immediately attracted by Chen Bei's actions, and everyone speculated, but no one dared to ask.

The status of leader still has a certain majesty for ordinary people, and there must be a reason for what the leader does, and few people dare to ask nonsense.

Chen Bei brought the Red Duck King to the stream. The Red Duck King was very excited to see the water, and he kept leaning against the water, wanting to go into the water.

Chen Bei squatted down, looked at the Red Duck King, and said, "Want to go into the water? If you don't run, I'll let you go down to play for a while."

The Red Duck King blinked his eyes a few times, but he didn't know if he understood. There must be a difference between duck language and human language.

The creek is not wide, and within close range, Chen Bei is confident that the Red Duck King will not be able to run away. After all, he is an intermediate totem warrior, and if he explodes with all his strength, his speed is astonishing.

Chen Bei loosened the rope slowly, staring at the red duck king, watching it slowly enter the water.


"Quack quack..."

The red duck king, who hadn't played in the water since he was caught, was so happy that he kept thumping in the water, put his head into the water, and then came out again, flapping his wings and screaming excitedly.

After playing in the water for a while, the Red Duck King began to look for food along the stream, such as snails, small fish, and shrimps, all of which were his food.

Chen Bei has been watching it vigilantly, and once he finds that it is about to escape, he will take it back.

But the facts proved that Chen Bei was overthinking.

After eating and drinking in the creek, the Red Duck King went ashore again, standing beside Chen Bei, combing his feathers with his beak, showing no sign of running away.

"It's really rare to be so obedient."

Chen Bei muttered, then grabbed the rope and continued to wander around the tribe with the red duck king.

He walked all the way to the vegetable field, because he wanted to test whether the red duck king could follow his instructions to eat worms.

One person and one duck walked to the edge of the vegetable field, and Yan from the planting team hurried over.

"Boss, is the red duck tamed?"

During this period of time, the vegetables in the field are still full of insects. If this situation is not resolved, I am afraid that this year's production will be extremely low.

During this period of time, except for sleeping, Yan was almost in the ground, either catching insects, or on the way to catch insects. At night, he dreamed of catching insects.

Therefore, he has great expectations for the red duck deworming that Chen Bei said.

Chen Bei said: "This red duck is more obedient, I'll take it for a try."

Chen Bei squatted down again, easily found a worm on the vegetable leaf, brought it to the Red Duck King's mouth, and said: "Go to the field, eat these worms, don't eat the vegetables!"

The Red Duck King blinked again, and then swallowed the worm in one gulp.

Afterwards, Chen Bei loosened the rope and pointed to the ground.

The Red Duck King seemed to understand his words, or understand his gestures, and really obediently walked into the vegetable field.

"Gollum, Gollum..."

I saw that the Red Duck King accurately found the worms on the vegetable leaves, took one bite, and when he was happy to eat, he would flap his wings and make a few "quack" calls.

The red duck eats a lot and digests quickly. It almost pulls while eating. It walked all the way, and the caterpillars on more than a dozen vegetables were quickly eaten up.

After careful observation of the vegetables in front of the rock, only two or three well-hidden insects were found, and the rest were eaten.

"Boss, it's a success, that's great, the red duck can really eat the worms on the vegetables!"

Yan was so excited that he wanted to yell a few times. He was tortured by these bugs so badly during this time, and now he finally saw hope.

Chen Bei smiled and said, "I'll go back and try to see if the Red Duck King can control the ducks. If so, I'll bring all the ducks to the vegetable field tomorrow to eat bugs."

"Okay, the leader will definitely succeed!"

Yan has absolutely unconditional trust in Chenbei, even blind worship. In fact, many people in the tribe are like him now.

Because Chen Bei has actually created many miracles unknowingly.

The biggest miracle is that in less than a year, he made all the tribal people no longer suffer from hunger, no longer suffer heavy casualties for hunting, and let everyone live more like a person.

(End of this chapter)

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