The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 283 Bamboo Rat Tribe

Chapter 283 Bamboo Rat Tribe
As the Mang tribe became more and more famous in the Southern Wilderness, many small tribes chose to trade what they needed with the Mang tribe.

Such as salt, such as weapons, such as pottery and so on.

Because the things of the Mang tribe are much cheaper than those of the Eagle tribe. The same goods can be exchanged for more things from the Mang tribe. Why do they trade with the Eagle tribe?

Among these tribes, there is a small tribe from the south of the Mang tribe. They are timid, good at digging holes, and like to eat bamboo.

They are the bamboo rat tribe.

There are more than 800 people in the Bamboo Rat Tribe, even in a small tribe, it is still a relatively weak part.

They have lived in the criss-crossed earth caves under the bamboo forest for a long time, similar to the mountain tribes. Every time they encounter an enemy, they will get into the cave at the fastest speed, and it is difficult for the enemy to catch them.

They have nothing to do with the world, and they don't usually like to communicate with other tribes. Except for going out to trade, they almost stay in their own territory.

In the past, they traded with the people of the Diao tribe, but later, because the nearby tribes all traded with the Mang tribe, the people of the Diao tribe stopped going here.

In desperation, the Bamboo Rat Tribe could only make up their minds and went to the Mang Tribe to make a deal.

The leader of the bamboo rat tribe is named Juya, because he has the two largest front teeth in the whole tribe.

In the bamboo rat tribe, the bigger the front teeth, the more attractive they are, and the more they can win the worship of the people in the tribe.

The reason why the giant teeth can become the leader, apart from their own strength, these two front teeth are also very important reasons.

This time, Juya took more than 50 totem warriors and carried a lot of goods to the Mang tribe for trading.

One of the goods is a unique product near the bamboo rat tribe. They regard it as a treasure, but other tribes don't seem to like it very much.

This time, Juya also brought some with the mentality of giving it a try, to see if the Mang Tribe would like this kind of thing.

After packing up their things, they embarked on the journey to the Mang tribe.

Giant Fang led the warriors in the tribe, carefully avoiding possible threats, as long as there was a slight disturbance, they would immediately run away or find a place to drill a hole.

When the weather calmed down, they would come out and continue on their way.

It took them ten days to stop and go all the way, and they finally reached the Mang tribe.

As soon as they arrived near the Mang tribe, they were shocked by the tall city wall!
"This... is this the miracle of the Mang tribe? It's so tall and big!"

A soldier next to the giant tooth said enviously: "It would be great if our bamboo rat tribe had such a miracle, and other tribes would not dare to bully us."

Ju Ya shook his head, and said: "Don't compare with them, you can't compare. I heard that the Mang tribe is about to become a big tribe."

"Big tribe!"

The people of the Bamboo Rat Tribe were envious again. For every member of a small tribe, their dream was to become a member of a big tribe.

Because if you become a member of a big tribe, you won't be bullied by others, and you don't have to suffer from hunger often.

However, such a dream is too difficult to realize.

Small tribes are like the sand of the galaxy on the primitive continent, but there are always only a few big tribes, and it takes many, many years for a new big tribe to be born.

Looking away from the city wall, the people of the Bamboo Rat Tribe looked in the direction of the city gate again.

"There are so many people, chief, shall we go in?"

Because they are timid and afraid of being bullied, the people of the Bamboo Rat Tribe are afraid when they see crowded places.

In fact, Ju Ya was also afraid, but he was the leader, so he had to stand up and show his bravery and fearlessness.

Of course, the most important reason is that the Bamboo Rat tribe is short of salt. If they don't go in and trade, the people in the tribe will gradually lose their strength. This is the most terrible thing.

"What are you afraid of? If everyone dares to go, let's go too, let's go!"

Jufang grabbed the animal skin bag on his back, and walked towards the city wall bravely.

Behind him, the warriors of the Bamboo Rat tribe admired the giant tooth even more, and then followed closely.

They looked around, holding the goods in one hand and stone knives or spears in the other, vigilantly guarding against the surrounding crowd.

When they arrived at the gate of the city, they were stopped by soldiers from the Mang tribe.


Ju Ya was so nervous that he couldn't speak clearly, he was afraid that the people of the Mang tribe would rob them of their things.

But obviously, he thought too much.

The warrior of the Mang tribe picked up a scroll of animal skin and a brush of animal hair, and said, "Is this your first time here? When you enter the Mang tribe to make a deal, you have to show your totem pattern and draw on it. "

Every team that enters the Mang tribe must leave the totem pattern of their own tribe. This is the rule set by Chenbei. The purpose of doing this is to understand the tribe of the Southern Wilderness and who are the people who enter the Mang tribe. .

It is similar to the need to register to enter the door to prevent some people from making trouble.

Simply draw totem patterns, maybe some cunning people will draw other tribal totem patterns and mix them in.

But you have to show the totem pattern to get in, which can prevent this problem very well.

Ju Ya looked around and realized that other people really needed to do the same, so he was relieved.

"We...we are the Bamboo Rat Tribe, we came from the south and came to do business with you."

Ju Ya said while running the power of the totem, and the totem pattern on his face instantly lit up.

Their totem patterns are gray-black as a whole, mixed with some light yellow, which looks like a simplified bamboo mouse head.

The totem warrior at the gate of the city recorded the bamboo rat tribe, and then handed the animal brush to Ju Fang, asking him to paint the totem pattern on the animal skin scroll.

The giant fang clumsily drew on the animal skin scroll. Although he had drawn the totem pattern of his own tribe countless times, it was the first time for others.

Thinking that this might be the first time the Bamboo Rat Tribe left a mark outside, Jufang was very nervous, the more nervous he was, the harder it was for him to draw.

It took a long time, and the people behind were getting impatient, before Juya finally finished drawing the totem pattern, and put down the animal brush with sweat profusely.

"Draw, draw it."

The warriors of the Mang tribe are no strangers to this, and small tribes like this can often meet them.

"I'll give you a wooden plaque from the Mang Tribe, hang it around your waist, all right, let's go in."

The warrior of the Mang tribe handed Juya a wooden sign, about the size of a palm, with the totem pattern of the Mang tribe painted on it, and it was also tied with a rope of animal skin, which could be easily hung on his waist.

Ju Ya hung the wooden plaque on his belt. For some reason, he felt more confident.

"Come on, let's go in."

Led by Juya, the warriors of the Bamboo Rat tribe passed through the tall city gate and entered the Mang tribe.

In the eyes is a neat bluestone road, extending to the trading area.

On the Qingshi Road, many people came and went with their goods on their backs. Some of the transactions were successful, with happy faces, while others seemed to be not going well, with sad faces.

"There are so many people!"

Juya hugged his goods, looked around, and found everything fresh.

The bluestone road under his feet is very neat, but he is not comfortable stepping on it, it feels a little too hard, he still likes to step on the dirt.

(End of this chapter)

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