Chapter 284
The giant tooth brought the warriors of the Bamboo Rat tribe into the trading area of ​​the Mang tribe, everything here is too fresh.

With the passage of time, there are more and more shops in the Mang tribe trading area, and it is no longer the shabby look of the two or three shops at the beginning.

"Where is the salt traded?"

Giant Fang looked around while walking, and finally, his eyes lit up, and he found a place where salt was being traded.

"Over there, go quickly."

Ju Fang walked towards the shop with the goods on his back, and the soldiers behind him quickly followed.

On the counter, Qiao handed a small bag of salt to a member of a small tribe.

After the man took the salt, he opened it and inspected it carefully, for fear that there were stones or other things in it.

But he found nothing, the bag was full of good salt.

He carefully pinched a little and put it in his mouth. After tasting it carefully, he nodded in satisfaction and said, "The salt of the Mang tribe is really good salt."

Qiao said with a smile on his face, "Of course, our Mang tribe never makes fake products to fool people."

"I'm very satisfied with this transaction. Next time I have stored the goods, I will come to you to trade."

"Please go slowly, welcome to come again next time."

Qiao was very polite, which flattered the little tribe who traded salt.

When the Eagle Tribe traded with them, they always looked like they wanted it or not, and the price was often very expensive, how could they be so polite?
"Haha, I will definitely come again next time!"

This small tribe member was very happy, because it was the first time he felt such a respected transaction, and everyone was happy.

In fact, not only Buckwheat is like this, but the service of any store in the trading area is very good.

This kind of service attitude is mandatory by Chenbei. If you can't do it, you can just replace it.

At the beginning, many people didn't quite understand it, even if they did it on the surface, they didn't take it seriously in their hearts.

But later, as more and more customers came into contact with, they gradually understood the meaning of doing so, making money with a smile is always easier than making money with a cold face.

There are many people who come to trade salt, because salt, a necessity, can only be obtained through trading or direct robbery unless it can be produced by itself.

Ju Ya was relatively timid, he didn't dare to push forward, so he could only wait for the people in front of him to finish their deals before it was his turn.


Ju Fang put an animal skin bag on the counter, and said nervously: "I... I have some high-quality stones and animal bones here, and I want to exchange them for a piece of salt."

Although the bamboo rat tribe is relatively weak, but because they are good at digging holes, they can always find some good things underground.

For example, the high-quality stone buried deep in the ground, and if a wounded beast dies in the cave, they can occasionally pick up some cheap ones and get some animal teeth and bones.

Qiao opened the animal skin bag and took out a few high-quality stones. She started with a very heavy hand. She had to deal with many transactions of high-quality stones every day. After a long time, she only needed to touch them with her hands to tell whether the stones were good or bad.

"Yes, it is indeed a high-quality stone."

Qiao took out the animal bone again, it was not rough at all, but a little smooth, like a stone, very heavy.

Qiao said in surprise, "It's actually the bone of a ferocious beast, and it's a good material for making bone tools."

Qiao looked at the man with two front teeth, and she was quite surprised, because most of the small tribes couldn't produce these things.

"This bag of stones and animal bones can be exchanged for five catties of good salt for you."

"Five catties?"

Ju Fang's face suddenly froze, and he opened his mouth wide in surprise. Obviously, this number completely exceeded his expectations.

"What's the matter? Are you not satisfied?" Qiao asked suspiciously.

"No no no... I'm very satisfied!"

Ju Ya hurriedly shook his head, and at the same time felt ecstasy, and said to the soldiers behind him: "Bring your things here, and exchange for some more salt."

"Dong dong dong..."

One by one, the animal skin bags were placed on the counter, filling up the counter, and there were still many people who couldn't put the animal skin bags in their hands.

Qiao hurriedly said: "Don't worry, take your time, I will count the bags."

Juya asked the soldiers behind him to stand by and wait, and he watched Qiaoqing count the goods eagerly.

No wonder Jufang was so excited, the same goods, when trading with the Eagle Tribe, they could only get one-fifth of the salt!

The Eagle Tribe is too dark, I won't do business with them in the future!

Giant Fang swore secretly in his heart.

Qiao's speed is very fast. In the entire trading area, Qiao is the most powerful one, so she is responsible for selling salt here.

The goods were quickly ordered in her hands.

"There are fifty bags in total, but some bags contain more and some contain less. I calculated, and I should give you two hundred catties of salt in the end."

"How much?" Jufang's voice raised unconsciously, attracting the attention of everyone around him.

The giant tooth hurriedly covered his mouth. The principle of the bamboo rat tribe is not to show off. If everyone knows that they have two hundred catties of salt, the way back may not be so safe.

Qiao saw his worries, so he said to him: "If you are worried, we can go to the house to make a deal."

Ju Fang nodded fiercely, he wished he could conduct transactions in the house so that no one would see him.

"Come with me."

Qiao called someone to replace her temporarily, and then entered the shop with Juya and others.

Until the transaction was completed, the members of Jufang and Bamboo Rat Tribe felt as if they were dreaming.

When they came, they carried goods, and when they returned, those animal skin bags were still theirs, but the things they carried inside turned into salt.

After the transaction, Jufang hesitated for a moment, and untied another bag from his body.

This bag is relatively small, it looks like it can only hold more than a dozen catties, and the inside is bulging like a stone.

Ju Ya handed the bag to Qiao, and said, "In this transaction, our Bamboo Rat Tribe got so much salt that we can eat it for a long, long time. This bag contains the treasures of our Bamboo Rat Tribe, and I give it to you."

"what is this?"

Qiao opened the bag and took out a black stone from it. She had never seen this kind of stone before. It was very black, but it was a little reflective.

Ju Ya said: "Our Bamboo Rat Tribe calls this thing charcoal, which means charcoal made of stones. Put it in the fire and light it. A small piece can burn for a long time."

"Coal that can burn fire?"

Qiao looked at it over and over for a while, but couldn't imagine how the stone would look like it was on fire. If it was used for trading, she would definitely let Juya try to light it.

But now that the giant tooth is a gift, it is not easy for others to demonstrate it.

"Okay, our Mang Tribe has accepted your gift, and you are welcome to make a deal next time."

"In addition to salt, there are many good things in the trading area. You can also browse around. If you find something you like, you can use the salt on your body to trade."

After hearing Qiao's words, Ju Ya waved his hands again and again, saying: "Next time, we have so much salt on us, so we should go back quickly before others find out."

"Alright, then see you next time, I wish you a safe return to the tribe."

Ju Ya smiled at Qiao, and hurried back with the warriors of the Bamboo Rat Tribe, without stopping for a moment, and being even more careful on the way, not to contact anyone.

After they left, Qiao put the bag of black stones away and continued to work outside.

It wasn't until it was almost evening and the door of the shop was closed that Qiao finally had a free time.

She stretched herself, remembering the bag of black stones, she decided to take this magical stone to ask the leader for advice.

 Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by the elder of this book "Hunyuan Emperor".

  Thanks to the book friend "Moment of Eternity" for the reward of 200 book coins.

  Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by the book friend "Be kind and benevolent".

(End of this chapter)

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