The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 292 Chaos in Central China, Winter is Coming

Chapter 292 Chaos in Central China, Winter is Coming

The eighth year of the Mang tribe's establishment, the third month of autumn.


Early in the morning, a black crane landed in Chenbei's courtyard. This was the arrival of the intelligence team from the Mang Tribe.


When Chen Bei heard the movement, he turned over and sat up immediately, quickly got dressed, and opened the door.

He knew very well that if there were no particularly important matters, the black crane from the intelligence team would not land directly in his yard.

The person who came was Xi, and he actually came back in person!

"Boss, something big happened in the middle."

Xi hurriedly got off Heihe's body, and then quickly walked in front of Chen Bei.

"What's the matter?" Chen Bei also became a little nervous.

"It's snowing heavily in Beiyuan. It's frozen for three thousand miles, and the white-haired wind blows all day long. There's no way to live there."

"The jackal tribe has been peaceful for more than half a year. Some time ago, when the four major tribes were not paying attention, they suddenly robbed them of a large amount of territory and food. The bee tribe, ant tribe, spider tribe, and fish tribe suffered heavy losses."

"Now the four major tribes have started a full-scale counterattack. The central part is killing people like crazy. They are fighting every day. The cold winter is approaching, so big things will happen!"

"A large number of small tribes in the central region have already begun to migrate, and some medium-sized tribes are also preparing to migrate. The entire central region is in chaos."

"I'm worried that this will affect Nanhuang."

Xi's tone was very urgent, and his face was also very urgent, because the timing of these things happened was too wrong, and now that the fighting was so fierce, these tribes participating in the war would not be able to store enough food for the winter.

Once winter comes, there will definitely be a food crisis. If people are starving to death, they will be able to do anything.

Chen Bei's face also turned serious. The central region was in chaos. Except for a small number of tribes who moved to the eastern part of the mainland, most of them would flow into the Southern Wilderness.

Because the Western Desert is full of deserts, similar to the Northern Plains, except for a very small number of tribes, no one else can survive there.

With so many tribes pouring into the Southern Wilderness, even if the three major tribes were defeated, or the Ice Age was more serious than imagined, they would most likely migrate southward.

In this case, things will be troublesome.

Originally rich in products, few tribes, and warmer weather in the southern wilderness, so many tribes flooded in at once, the pressure of survival doubled, and the Mang tribe would also become the target of public criticism.

Things suddenly became difficult, and there were not many stable days left for the Mang tribe.

Although the Mang tribe built a city wall, if many tribes came to attack, it would be difficult to withstand it.

Chen Bei shouted to the outside: "Pass my order, let Hongtu lead the engineering team, plus the planting team, and all the idle personnel of the tribe, recruit tourists from outside, and dig the moat at all costs. It must be done before winter comes. Bring me the water!"


Outside Chenbei's courtyard, like Wu's, there were two soldiers stationed there for a long time, specially for him to run errands.

One of the soldiers hurried to the direction of the engineering team to convey Chen Bei's order.

Soon, the entire Mang tribe was in motion, and Chen Bei's order was definitely carried out in the tribe at the fastest speed.

In the yard, Xi hesitated for a while, and said to Chen Bei: "Boss, I want to come back to participate in this year's winter sacrifice."

"I... haven't participated in the sacrifice for two years."

The tribal people's desire for winter sacrifices is like looking forward to the New Year when Chen Bei was young in his previous life. Whenever they wander outside at this time, they will miss the tribe very much.

Chen Bei thought for a while, and said: "When winter is approaching, everyone should withdraw to participate in the sacrifice."

"Everyone?" Xi was a little stunned, he didn't expect Chen Bei to say such a thing.

Chen Bei nodded. He patted Xi's shoulder and said, "This time the sacrifice is different from the past. This will be the largest and most solemn sacrifice since the establishment of the Mang Tribe."

"Could it be, Rhino God..." Xi thought of a certain possibility, and became excited, his heart beat faster, and his blood boiled.

Chen Bei nodded with a smile, and said, "That's right, we are about to become a real big tribe, the Mang tribe, and we will really rise up!"


Xi was so excited that he didn't know what to say, his hands were trembling slightly, and his whole body was in a state of extreme excitement.

Chen Bei patted Xi's shoulder again, and said, "Since you've returned to the tribe, you should take a good rest for two days, reunite with your family, and then go to the central region, and bring all those brothers back before the snow falls."

"Be sure to pay attention to safety, let everyone try to ensure their own safety, don't take risks, I don't want any of you to be missing during the high priest."


Xi solemnly agreed, and then returned to his home with an uplifting mood, and reunited with his family for the night.

He didn't listen to Chen Bei's words, and the next day, he rode a black crane back to the central part.

The more critical it is, the more no mistakes can be made. The central part is in a mess, and all kinds of information need to be delivered to Chen Bei in a timely manner so that Chen Bei can make the right decision.


While the Mang tribe was digging the moat with all its strength, the major tribes in the central region fought bloody rivers with the Jackal tribe.

The fighting power of the jackal tribe was beyond the imagination of many people. They were numerous in number, extremely brave in battle, fearless of death, and with the power of one tribe, they forcibly withstood the attacks of the four major tribes.

Not only that, they also looted everywhere, no matter if it was a small tribe, a medium tribe, or a large tribe, there was nothing they dared not do.

They were elusive, and ran away after the robbery, causing great losses to all major tribes.

Of course, there is another very important reason, that is, the four major tribes did not do their best, and they also had conflicts with each other. They were all afraid that after doing their best, other tribes would take advantage of the opportunity.

In the situation of being on guard against each other and fighting on their own, how can they exert their greatest strength?
Central, Fish Tribe.

"Witch, the jackal tribe robbed us of another batch of food, and they killed all the people guarding the food."

The fish tribe warrior knelt in front of Honglin, with an angry and sad expression, as well as deep helplessness.

Honglin closed her eyes in pain, and said, "How many times is this?"

"It's... the eighth time."

"They ran away after grabbing and didn't fight us. Those jackals run very fast. We are not good at fighting on land, so we can't outrun them at all."

Red Scale nodded. Sitting in this position, she was under unprecedented pressure.

I'm afraid the old witch didn't expect that such a big event would happen not long after Honglin took over.

If the old witch could have known in advance, he might have chosen Bibo to be the fish tribe witch instead of Red Scale.

Normally, the stable temperament of the red scales can make the fish tribe develop stably without going astray.

But when encountering such a big crisis, Honglin's ability is obviously not as good as Bibo's. If Bibo is a witch, he will be more decisive than Honglin.

Of course, all this has become a foregone conclusion, Honglin has become a witch, no matter what, she must withstand this pressure.

"Go down and let me be quiet."

Red Scale waved his hand and closed his eyes. Whether it was the arrival of the extremely cold weather or the rampant attack of the Jackal Tribe, none of these things could be easily resolved.

She was thinking about another possibility and making the most difficult decision.

 Thanks to the book hall master "Huang Aide" for the reward of 1500 book coins.

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(End of this chapter)

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