The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 293 Honeycomb and Desert Snow

Chapter 293 Honeycomb and Desert Snow
In the third month of autumn, the Mang Tribe dug the moat crazily. After all, there are so many people and the totem warriors are strong, the progress is very fast, and it is expected to be dug in the middle of the fourth month.

At the same time, a large number of small tribes began to pour into the Southern Wilderness. In order to compete for a better habitat, these tribes often fought wars with the Southern Wilderness residents and among themselves.

The Eagle tribe made a lot of money in these melees, because the Mang tribe was busy digging moats and storing food for the winter, so they didn't have time to go out and trade.

The Eagle tribe sells weapons to those small and medium-sized tribes, making them fight more fiercely, making huge profits from it, and making a lot of war fortune.

Although Chen Bei is also greedy for this profit, he is very clear that now he must do his best to strengthen the defense and manufacture weapons. Only when there is a real chaos in the future can the Mang tribe firmly hold its own territory.

There are many opportunities to make a fortune, don't rush this moment.

Southern Wilderness, Mang Tribe, outside the pottery workshop.

Two large piles of coal, like two hills, were piled in the clearing.

"Sort out the good ones and the ones that have condensed into lumps, and then use them to fire porcelain. The poorer coals are all made into briquettes."

Although it was very busy outside, the various workshops of the Mang tribe still performed their duties.

The task of refining coke and making briquettes is handed over to the pottery workshop.

Wu Teng, the owner of the pottery workshop, asked Chen Bei, "Boss, what is briquette?"

Chen Bei had already prepared. He pointed to a rattan basket at the back, which contained some tools, and said, "This is a coal cutter I asked a carpenter to make. It's a bit crude, so let's make do with it."

"Honeycomb coal is to mix coal and yellow mud together, step on them evenly with your feet, and then use this coal beater to make a round briquette of uniform size with many holes in the middle. Because it looks like a honeycomb, it is called honeycomb coal. "

The manual coal cutter is very simple to make. There is a briquette mold under it, a hollow rod in the middle, connected to a handle, and a movable rod in the middle of the hollow rod, connected to the punching mold at the bottom.

Chenbei used this thing a lot in his previous life when he was young. He went to the coal yard to help the boss pump coal, earning ten or eight yuan a day. It was just hard work without much technical content.

Because there is no iron, these coal hammers are now made of wood, but they are all made of good wood, so they will not fall randomly, and it will be no problem to use them for a period of time.

Chenbei told Wu Teng the method of making briquettes and the usage of the coal briquette bit by bit. It was actually not complicated. Wu Teng basically mastered it after trying it a few times.

"Boss, I understand."

Wu Teng greeted the people in the pottery workshop and said, "Come on, we're all starting to work."

Chen Bei watched as they sifted and sorted two large piles of coal, then crushed the second-best coal, mixed it with the yellow mud, stepped on it evenly with their feet, and then used a coal cutter to make one by one. of briquettes.

After the first briquette was printed, Chen Bei looked at it carefully and said with satisfaction: "It's very round and standard, just do it this way."

He counted again, and there were nine holes in the briquettes, and they were relatively large, looking quite rough.

Even so, he is very satisfied. After adding briquettes and yellow mud, the quantity can be increased by one-third.

Not only the combustion efficiency is higher, but also a lot of coal can be saved.

Later, Chenbei asked the pottery workshop to fire the pottery liner for the coal stove according to the size of the honeycomb coal. At that time, it only needs to use this liner to build a new coal stove.

You can also improve the coal stove and install a chimney, so that it is not only safe, but also there will be no pungent smell in the house.

It took the pottery workshop more than half a month to complete this work.

This year's cold is earlier than in previous years. Everyone knows that winter has come earlier.

Therefore, the fishing and hunting teams of the Mang tribe are busy outside almost every day. A large amount of fish and prey are sent back to the Mang tribe, and then made into dried fish and meat, which greatly supplements the food reserves of the Mang tribe. .

When the tribe was busy digging moats, storing food, making briquettes, etc., Chenbei decided to go to the West Desert Salt Lake and bring back a batch of salt.

The salt in the salt lake is simple and easy to obtain, which is much better than carrying the salt soil from the salt flat, and then laboriously filtering and boiling it.

Moreover, Chen Bei felt that the salt from the salt lake seemed to taste much better than the salt filtered from the salt soil.

"Take the giant eagle and follow me to the salt lake to transport salt."

Chenbei found the captives of the eagle tribe who were digging the moat, because only they could make the two adult giant eagles completely obedient.

"We'll go right away."

The captives of the eagle tribe were overjoyed, and it was much better to transport salt on a giant eagle than to be a coolie here.

God is so pitiful, their dignified eagle tribe warriors, since they were captured to the Mang tribe, they have to do all kinds of dirty work, and they are treated as coolies. They have almost forgotten the feeling of holding weapons.


Soon, under the appeasement of the captives of the Eagle tribe, the two giant eagles took off directly into the air, accompanied by thirty flamingos from the Mang tribe.

The Mang tribe consumes a lot of salt now. Not only do their own people need to eat, but they also have to trade a lot to transport salt. Naturally, the more the better.


Above the sky, Chen Bei and Hong Hua were sitting on the back of the flamingo named Xiao Yu. The wind was very strong and it was very cold, so they got closer.

"Boss, why do you feel the colder the further you fly to the west?"

Chen Bei looked at the sky over the West Desert, the clouds were very thick, and the wind was very strong, a layer of cloud was covering his heart.

Logically speaking, the western desert should be hotter than the southern desert, and unless it is raining, the clouds are usually very thin, or even cloudless, making people dizzy from the sun.

But now, the direction of West Desert is obviously wrong, the clouds are very thick, the wind is also strong, and it is very cold.

"Use the power of the totem to resist it. It may be that winter is coming and the weather is getting colder."

Chen Bei circulated the power of the totem, and the totem pattern appeared on his body. His whole body was like a stove, emitting heat, and the red flower near him felt much warmer.

Honghua moved closer to Chenbei, which was warmer. She didn't turn her head, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Other totem warriors, including the captives of the eagle tribe, also used their totem power to resist the severe cold brought by the cold wind.

After resting a few times on the road, they finally flew to the edge of the West Desert and saw the salt lake.

The wind in the desert is very strong, and the clouds cover the sun, which always gives people a bad feeling.

Chen Bei looked at the sky and said: "The weather is a little bit wrong, everyone hurry up and pack the salt, we will go back immediately after loading."


Everyone took animal skin bags and started to pack salt, very quickly.

Unexpectedly, just after loading the salt and before it was tied to the backs of the giant eagle and the flamingo, snowflakes suddenly fell in the sky.

Not light snow, nor a small area, but a large area of ​​heavy snow.

" it snowing heavily in the desert?"

Chen Bei felt unbelievable, snow was falling everywhere, this kind of situation had never been heard before.

"Tie it up quickly, and then find a place to hide."

The heavy snow was very urgent, and soon, the yellow sand everywhere was covered with a layer of white snow. It was very spectacular, and it was beautiful, but it made people feel very uneasy because it was so abnormal.

Chen Bei and the others found a place to shelter from the wind and temporarily avoid the heavy snow. Who knew that a day passed after hiding.

When the wind and snow stopped, almost half of the western desert was covered with thick snow. This kind of scene was rarely seen in thousands of years.

The giant eagle and the flamingo flew into the sky, and the eyes were covered with snow-white, dazzling white. Chen Bei sat on the flamingo and went away, but the snow-white behind him cast a layer of haze on his heart.

There are various signs that the harsh ice age is about to come.

(End of this chapter)

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