The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 299 The Green Spider's Request

Chapter 299 The Green Spider's Request

On the third day after the moat was opened, the cold wind howled all night, and then the sky began to snow.

At this time, it was still in the middle of the fourth month of autumn. Compared with a few years ago, the snowfall time was half a month earlier.

Moreover, this trend will intensify, and no one knows how long the winter will last.

"All Mang tribesmen, start preparing for the evening sacrifice immediately!"

On the city wall, a loud totem warrior yelled through the large wooden horn, and after that, the whole tribe started to jump up and down.

Those children who just ran out to play in the snow were all caught back and thrown into the water tank. They were rubbed clean from head to toe, even the chickens were not spared.

In Lie's house, Lie personally bathed his son fish. In the past few years, he gave birth to three more children, and those three were still relatively small. They couldn't bear his stormy baptism, so they were baptized by his slightly softer wife. .

"Father, be gentle, the skin will be rubbed off!"

Yu yelled, obviously very dissatisfied with Lie's method, it was too rough.

Yu is already six years old, and the tribe grows faster. He looks like a ten-year-old child. He is mischievous in the tribe on weekdays, which often causes headaches for the tribe.

"It's time to rub it well. Look at you, running around every day, how dirty you are."

Lie stared and scolded, Yu immediately shrank his neck, not daring to speak anymore.

Lie's temper is true to his name, and if he is angered, a violent beating is inevitable. No matter how naughty the fish is, he can only be obedient and obedient in front of Lie, and be a good baby.

In fact, Lie loves his son Yu very much, and usually leaves a copy for him of any good things, but his father's love for this thing has never been very obvious.

After a while, the fish was finally wiped clean. While putting on his clothes, he asked, "Father, will many totem warriors be awakened tonight?"

"That's right, tonight is the high priest, and there will be a lot of awakened totem warriors."

Yu said enviously, "It would be great if I could wake up too."

Lie glanced at the chick and said, "You are still young, wait a few more years, train hard, and you will definitely wake up by then."

"Yeah!" Yu clenched his fists and said, "I will definitely wake up! Become a warrior like Dad, no, like the leader!"

"Okay, then you work hard!"

Lie smiled, and didn't have the heart to fight the fish. Children all aspire to become the strongest warriors, but they don't know how harsh and difficult the conditions are for becoming a demigod warrior.

After helping the children to take a bath, Lie washed himself clean again, put on the best animal fur coat, put on the largest string of fish tooth necklaces, and hung a lot of bone ornaments, and then went out .

As the captain of the fishing team, Lie was busy almost every day, especially for this kind of great priest, he had too many places to stare at.

All the tourists and captives in the tribe started to move. They were responsible for cleaning all places in the tribe, including the breeding area.

Chen Bei has already spoken, today is the great sacrifice of the Mang Tribe every few years, if you perform well, whether you are a tourist or a captive, you will have the opportunity to directly become a member of the Mang Tribe.

Of course, the premise is that there can be no dissent, otherwise tonight will be directly burned to death by the divine fire of the totem god.

Because of Chen Bei's promise, these tourists and captives worked extraordinarily seriously, and everyone worked hard to perform.

During their days in the Mang tribe, they witnessed the development and strength of the Mang tribe with their own eyes, and they have long been deeply impressed.

It is an honor to join such a tribe, and it is also an excellent opportunity to live a good life for yourself!
Mang tribe, in the courtyard of Chenbei.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door outside, Chen Bei had just taken a shower and hadn't even put on his clothes yet.

"Come in!"

Chen Bei thought it was a soldier who came in to inquire about the sacrificial matter, but he didn't care, and casually asked someone to come in while putting on his pants.

However, Chen Bei didn't expect that the green spider walked in just as his trousers were pulled up and the animal belt was unbuckled!
At this time, Chen Bei was still naked from the upper body, with wet hair hanging on his body, water droplets slipped from his well-proportioned muscles, and the green spider secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Chen Bei put on the animal skin coat pretending to be worried, and said, "Green Spider, do you have anything to do with me?"

The green spider reluctantly withdrew its gaze, and then looked at Chen Bei's face, feeling agitated again. It has to be said that Chen Bei is really good-looking, and he is also the leader of the Mang tribe.

Either way, he is an excellent man.

Of course, Green Spider also understood that a man like this would not belong to her.

Thinking of this, Green Spider sobered up a lot, and felt a little lost.

"Boss, I want to join the Mang tribe."

Chen Bei looked at her in surprise, and said, "Have you thought it through? Joining the Mang Tribe is to get rid of the totem power in your body that belongs to the Spider Tribe. Or if you have other thoughts, you will be directly burned to ashes by the flames of the Totem God!"

Green Spider took a deep breath and said, "I've thought it through very clearly. I can do more things in the Mang Tribe than in the Spider Tribe."

In the central part, not only slaves are kept, but the status of women is also very low. Otherwise, Green Spider would not have been married so many times, and every time she was married to someone she didn't like.

Of course, those men were all killed by her.

Even if she has a grandfather who is an elder, her life is only slightly better than other women. In essence, she is still insignificant in the spider tribe.

Unless she can become a witch like Red Scale, no one of those big shots will really take her seriously.

But the Mang tribe is different. In the Mang tribe, almost everyone has the same opportunity. No matter you are a man or a woman, no matter what your status is, as long as you sincerely do things for the Mang tribe, as long as you have talents, you will have the opportunity to display them.

Look at those craftsmen who don't even have the power of a totem but still have a high status in the Mang tribe, look at that disabled and out-of-group bonesmith who is very good at making bone tools.

If they were in other tribes, they would not have the opportunity to display their talents, nor would they have such a status.

Green Spider is not an ordinary woman either. She has her own ambitions just like Bibo, but Bibo is luckier than her. There are two big boats and more than 100 warriors in the Mang tribe.

Bibo can only climb up slowly by himself, and joining the Mang tribe is the first step.

"Really think about it? If you can't bear the pain of being deprived of your totem power, you may die."

The green spider took a deep breath, and then said with firm eyes: "I will definitely be able to bear it!"

Chen Bei nodded and said, "Okay, since you are so confident, I will allow you to participate in the sacrifice at night."

Green Spider received Chen Bei's promise, and she said with a surprised face: "Thank you, leader, thank you, leader!"

Chen Bei smiled and said, "Don't thank me yet, let's wait until you become a real member of the Mang tribe."

"Leader, then I'll go back and prepare for the evening sacrifice."

The green spider is very happy, she will firmly seize this opportunity, the opportunity to change from a captive to a member of the Mang tribe!

Chen Bei looked at the back of the green spider, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. He knew that the green spider was ambitious, but it didn't matter. Chen Bei confirmed that he could control everything. The Mang tribe never refused ambitious people to join.

 Thanks to the book hall master "Huang Aide" for the reward of 1500 book coins.

  Thanks to the book friend "Yunzhong 128" for the reward of 100 book coins.

  Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by the book friend "Be kind and benevolent".

(End of this chapter)

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