The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 300 The Great Sacrifice Begins

Chapter 300 The Great Sacrifice Begins

The day passed with tense preparations, and when night fell, the Mang tribe lit bonfires, pile after pile, illuminating the entire tribe.

Especially on the other side of the altar, the nine big pottery tripods were burning, and the flames were soaring into the sky.

The living sacrifices prepared by the Mang tribe were also brought over one by one, and the first one to bear the brunt was the beast king-level overlord salamander.

"Is this the underground beast king that Chief Chen came back from hunting? It's still alive, just look at the teeth and you'll know how ferocious it is."

The leader of the Xiong tribe who came to watch the ceremony was their leader. On such a big occasion, it would be embarrassing for others to come. As an ally of the Mang tribe, the leader must come here in person to show sincerity.

The leader walked around the Overlord Salamander twice, marveling at this huge creature.

Not far from him, the giant panda was unwilling to get close to the Tyrannosaurus salamander. Although it was fierce, it was not the king of beasts after all, and just getting close would make it very uncomfortable.

Ze, the leader of the Xiang tribe, also sighed: "Chief Chen is so powerful. Most importantly, he is still so young, which is really enviable!"

The people from the tree tribe came from the reborn totem ancient tree. He turned into a tree man and shrunk in size. Although he didn't speak, he felt extremely sighed in his heart.

A few years ago, Chen Bei was only a middle-level totem warrior, and when he first went to the Tree Tribe, he seemed relatively immature.

No one thought that in just a few years, the Mang tribe had grown from a small tribe to the present behemoth.

But the Tree Tribe, which was stronger than the Mang Tribe, has disappeared.

On the other side, the Bone Armor, the leader of the Chuanshan tribe, and the leaders of the Butterfly tribe and the Ape tribe are bragging together.

"When the leader came to our Chuanshan tribe to do business, I knew he was not simple. I even invited him to eat our tribe's delicacy, termite larvae."

"My relationship with Chief Chen is like a brother!"

Next to the bone armor, his younger brother Di Gu nodded fiercely. Obviously, they all regarded this as a very honorable thing.

Especially tonight, the Mang tribe is about to become a big tribe. As a small tribe, the Chuanshan tribe can have such a good friendship with the big tribe. This is something worth bragging about for many years.

Sure enough, after blowing the bone armor, the leaders of the butterfly tribe and the ape tribe paid a lot of attention to this short, thin and weak leader of the Chuanshan tribe.

After all, they are affiliated tribes of the Mang tribe and friends of Chenbei, so naturally they cannot neglect.

"The leader of the Mang tribe and the witch are here."

At this moment, Chenbei and Qingzhu walked over together, and those outsiders who came to watch the ceremony stepped aside one after another, and no one talked nonsense.

Most of the members of the Mang tribe have already arrived, and a small number are still rushing here. The sacrifice is about to begin, and no one dares to neglect.

"Leader, can the sacrifice begin?"

Beside, the soldier in charge of singing asked Chen Bei in a low voice, if the sacrifice was to start, he would start singing.

Chen Bei looked at the sky and said, "Wait a little longer."


The soldiers who sang the ceremony didn't dare to say anything, anyway, everything should be done according to Chen Bei's intention.

Qing Zhu on the side asked Chen Bei: "Boss, it's already dark, everyone is waiting, why don't you start the sacrifice?"

Chen Bei said: "There are still clansmen who haven't come back. I promised them that I would let them come back to participate in the sacrifice. They may be delayed on the way, so let's wait."

"It's… okay."

Qing Zhu was also quite helpless, since some members of the clan did not come back, they must have to wait, after all, members of the tribe would only meet such a great sacrifice several times in their lifetime, and no one wanted to miss it.

After waiting for a while, there was still no movement from the Mang tribe.

Those who came to watch the ceremony began to whisper, no one knew what the Mang tribe was waiting for.

Half an hour later, it was completely dark, but the sacrifice had not yet begun.

Qingzhu's face was already a little anxious, everything was ready, but he didn't start the sacrifice, what if the totem god got angry?
The clansmen of the Mang tribe also looked at each other, but no one dared to talk nonsense, and no one dared to question Chen Bei's decision.

Facing Qingzhu's anxious eyes, Chen Bei said: "Just...wait a little longer, if they don't come back, we will start."

"it is good!"

Although Qingzhu was very anxious, she still agreed to wait a little longer.

After a while, there was still no movement in the sky, and everyone couldn't help discussing in a low voice.

Chen Bei looked at the sky, feeling a little disappointed, and said to the soldiers singing: "Forget it, don't wait, let's start."

The soldier who sang the ceremony breathed a sigh of relief, cleared his throat, walked to the side of the altar, and sang loudly: "The sacrificial ceremony begins now!"

The dark crowd immediately fell silent. Although it took a long time to wait, it was about to start.


At this moment, a loud crane cry pierced the silent night sky.

Chen Bei looked up and saw more than a dozen black cranes, which almost merged with the night, quickly flew into the Mang tribe.

Chen Bei heaved a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, he said, "Fortunately, you didn't miss it."

Everyone looked at the sky, and no one thought that there were still people who hadn't come back.

In other words, it is because their sense of presence in the tribe is too low.

These people are the intelligence team of the Mang tribe, directly led by Chen Bei, without anyone's hands, and not many people in the tribe know about them.

Even their family members thought that they were doing business with the Mang tribe all year round, but they didn't know what they were really doing.

They are the unsung heroes of the Mang tribe, and they have delivered countless valuable information to the Mang tribe. Only by relying on these information can Chen Bei make the right decision at the critical moment and have a deep understanding of other tribes.

The black crane landed, and dozens of members of the intelligence team, who still had snowflakes on their bodies and their hair and eyebrows were frozen, ran towards the altar quickly.

The leader was Xi, the captain of the intelligence team. He ran in front of Chen Bei, choked up with excitement and said, "Leader, we are back to participate in the sacrifice!"

Chen Bei patted the snow on Xi's body, and said with relief: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back, clean up, the sacrifice will begin soon."


It was too late to change their clothes. They patted the snow off their bodies, combed their hair and tidied up their clothes, and looked in the direction of the altar expectantly.

Chen Bei's mood was obviously much better, he walked to the front of the altar, and said to the soldiers singing: "Everyone is here, let's start."

"Oh... yes!" The soldier who sang the ceremony also responded.

"The sacrificial ceremony begins now!"

Qing Zhu looked at Chen Bei, Chen Bei nodded to her, Qing Zhu turned around, and walked towards the altar step by step.

She was only wearing an unprecedented costume today, and she had carefully dressed up. Although there were no exaggerated accessories, she was very imposing.

"Please totem god!" The warrior who sang the ceremony shouted again.

Qingzhu faced the center of the altar, slowly opened his arms, and then began to chant the mantra to invite the gods.

"Hey, I'm going to drink water, I'm going to..."

The ancient and mysterious spell sounded, and the magma suddenly boiled in the altar, and the flames shot up into the sky. The totem god of the Mang tribe rose from the center of the altar, stepped on the sea of ​​flames, and shocked all directions!

(End of this chapter)

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