The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 307 The Cruel Jackal Tribe

Chapter 307 The Cruel Jackal Tribe
The second month of winter, the central part, jackal tribe.

"Hurry up, chop hard!"

It was ice and snow outside, but the slaves of the Jackal tribe still couldn't rest. They had to cut down trees every day in exchange for a little bit of poor food.

Even sometimes, the jackal tribe didn't even want to give them food, but let them eat the corpses of their companions who had frozen to death.

These poor slaves wore very thin clothes, and they didn't have any stone tools at hand. They just picked up some stones with sharp edges, and then chopped them on those big trees with great difficulty.

Among them, most of their tribes have been wiped out, without the power of totems to protect them, they are not strong, and they are not resistant to cold.

In a world of ice and snow, how easy is it to cut down trees with such crude tools?

A slave was hungry and cold, his lips were purple from the cold, his hands and feet were numb from the cold, and he moved very slowly. The Jackal warrior next to him whipped him severely.


"I... I can't move!"

The slave was crying, but he couldn't shed any tears, and he couldn't even feel much pain, which meant that his body had been frozen to death.

"Can't move, can you?"


The jackal tribe warrior whipped him hard on the back again, and didn't stop, beating him continuously.

"I can't move you, I can't move you!"

The slave knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy, but the jackal warrior still didn't stop.

After a while, the slave gradually stopped moving, and he just knelt on the ground like a piece of ice.

"stand up!"

The jackal warrior kicked him and knocked him down, but his body remained in a kneeling position, with his head in his hands, and his eyes had lost their luster.


The jackal warrior frowned slightly, and said dissatisfiedly, "The slaves in the central region are so careless."

The jackal warrior pointed at the two slightly stronger slaves with his whip, and said, "Come here, two of you, and carry him back. This is your dinner today."

There was deep despair in the eyes of the slaves next to them, their stomachs turned and they almost vomited at the thought of eating their own companions.

Except for a very few cannibal tribes, most tribesmen cannot accept eating their companions.

But here, if they don't eat, they will starve to death, they will freeze to death, they will be beaten to death!
These wolves have never regarded slaves as human beings, let alone cherish their lives, anyway, they just have to catch them again after they die.

The population of the central part is much larger than that of the northern plains, so capturing slaves is really a very simple matter.

After the body was carried away, the remaining slaves continued to cut down the tree.

They first cut a gap in the tree with great effort, and after waiting for a while, a lot of resin would flow out of the gap.

If it is a resinous tree such as pine, the entire opening will soon be covered with resin.

Then, they would put some twigs, thatch, etc. over the gap and light it.

The thatch and twigs stained with resin will burn violently, drying up the gaps and igniting them. Then some slaves will take a hollow twig as a blowtorch and blow desperately.

Little by little, they burn through the base of a tree and pull the tree down with canes.

This is a very time-consuming and laborious process, and it is also the fastest method of cutting down trees that ordinary primitive people can think of.

Unless they have the power of totems and tools such as stone axes made of good stone, they can quickly cut down trees.

These trees cut by the slaves will be sent to the clansmen of the jackal tribe to keep them warm through the winter.

And these slaves may not even survive one tenth of them after a winter.

They have to go out to work during the day, wear simple clothes made of weeds, stuffed with some moss inside to keep warm, and live in dirty and smelly caves at night, relying on body heat to keep warm.

The death rate is simply too high.

After finally staying up until night, these slaves returned to the cave. They picked up some dead branches and weeds that the jackal tribe didn't want, and they lit a fire in the cave.

Inside the fire were the corpses of their companions, which was also their dinner today.


Someone who was acquainted with the slave in the fire just took a bite and spit it out immediately. He cried bitterly, and his whole body collapsed immediately.

"If this continues, we will die, and everyone will die!"

The faces of the other slaves were also very ugly, but most of them still held back and didn't spit out, because if they didn't eat, they might not be able to survive tonight.

(It is easy to cause discomfort here, please make up the picture of roasting people to eat by yourself, the author does not describe.)
After eating, the atmosphere fell silent again, bones were burning in the fire, and the atmosphere in the entire cave was extremely suppressed.

After an unknown amount of time, someone whispered, "Let's run."

Another person said pessimistically: "There is so much snow outside, and there are those wolves, how can we run?"

"Besides, even if we run away, where can we go? We have no food and no totem power. Even if we run away, we will still die."

Another person whispered: "I heard that the Mang tribe in the southern wilderness has no slaves. Everyone has the opportunity to awaken the power of the totem. Everyone has a spacious house to live in, clothes to wear, and food to eat."

Someone questioned: "Is it a lie? I have been to the big tribe before, and it was not as good as I imagined."

"It's true. The Mang tribe is the richest tribe in the Southern Wilderness. The three major tribes in the central region, and the Eagle tribe, can't beat them. Everyone knows these things."

"If we can go to the Southern Wilderness, go to the Mang tribe, and become members of the Mang tribe, we won't have to suffer anymore."

The man said with a full face: "We will have a house to live in, beautiful clothes to wear, delicious food to eat, maybe we can find a woman and have ten or eight children."

The others were all moved by his description, but that was all. The Southern Wilderness was too far away from here. Not to mention whether they could escape from the territory of the jackal tribe, even if they could escape, they would not be able to find him. Go to Mang Tribe Road.

It is too difficult for these people without totem power to travel long distances.

After a long time, a relatively thin slave suddenly whispered: "It doesn't matter whether the Mang tribe is really that rich, whether or not I can get to the Mang tribe, anyway, I don't want to stay here anymore."

"You have also seen that they don't treat us as human beings at all. People die every day. Today is someone else, maybe tomorrow it will be our turn."

The man paused, and said: "I don't want to be thrown into the fire and roasted by you after I die."

"We... have to run. One who can run is one. If we stay here, everyone will die!"

Another slave, who was stronger, asked, "Is there any way you can get rid of those jackals?"


The thin slave carefully took out a few oval fruits from his bosom, and said, "I dug this out from the snow, and there is a kind of powder in it, which is highly poisonous!"

"There are only two jackals near us. If we can put this powder into the meat and let those jackals eat them, they will be poisoned to death. The two bastards of the jackal tribe, without the jackals tracking, it is impossible to catch us all .”

"Anyone want to run with me?"

After hearing his words, the slaves in the cave became short of breath, but no one expressed their opinion. They were too impressed by the brutal methods of the jackal warriors, and they dared not resist.

The thinner slave was disappointed. He was carrying those highly poisonous fruits, but he needed everyone's cooperation, otherwise he would never be able to escape by himself.

 Thanks to the book hall master "Huang Aide" for the reward of 1500 book coins.

  Thanks to "book friend 20200127222548900" for the reward of 100 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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