The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 308 Fishing, Hunting and Escape

Chapter 308 Fishing, Hunting and Escape
The central part is in dire straits, but the Mang tribe in the southern wilderness is doing well.

To be precise, they are happy that they can harvest a lot of food in winter.

"Pull the net, pull it quickly!"

In the Lobster River, the fishing team stood on the ice and used a large net that was lowered into the ice cave.

As the big net was pulled up continuously, big fish appeared in the net, alive and kicking.

The children in the tribe gathered around the shore, clapping their hands and laughing loudly: "Oh, there are so many fish!"

These children are not allowed to go into the river, because the children are too skinny, they are very close to the ice hole to see, the ice is so slippery, if not careful, they will definitely fall.

Therefore, for safety reasons, children in all tribes can only watch by the river and are not allowed to approach.

The big net was completely pulled up, and there were at least dozens of fish in it, and they were all very big, each weighing twenty to thirty catties, which can be said to be a good harvest.

Lie sighed, "Why does fishing in winter feel easier than in summer?"

The soldier next to him said, "That's right. In summer, we cast nets and put bait to attract many fish. In winter, we don't need bait. We just need to dig a hole in the ice, and fish will come swimming in a steady stream."

"The leader is so smart, even if we were killed, we would never have imagined that fishing in winter is so good, and he doesn't need to go into the water."

"That's right, the leader is really smart."

Everyone agrees with this sentence very much. In the past, everyone only knew that animals and fish were hidden in winter, but no one thought that fishing and hunting could be done in winter.

All of this is due to Chen Bei. Without Chen Bei, the Mang tribe would not have had so much food.

Lie encouraged him in a timely manner: "Everyone, work harder. The leader said that next year our tribe will have a larger population and will need a lot of food. If we catch more fish, the tribe will be able to store more food, and the tribe will be more prosperous." grow!"

"it is good!"

The enthusiasm of the soldiers of the fishing team was even higher. With enthusiastic smiles on their faces, they cast the net again and again, and then pulled more fish up.

Lie learned a lot from Chen Bei, among which the inspiring one was learned by himself after observing a lot.

Anyone who can occupy an important position in the Mang tribe, apart from being with Chenbei for a long time, must have its specialties, and Lie's specialty is fishing, and he is very good at learning.

Persistence in learning is the basis for a person to make continuous progress, and it is also a quality that Chenbei values ​​very much.

While the fishing team was fishing in the river, the new totem warriors of the Mang tribe were still opening up wasteland. More than 5000 totem warriors had already dug up all the places suitable for opening up wasteland near the Mang tribe in just two months.

During these two months, they learned how to use their totem power to withstand the severe cold and at the same time use the totem power to open up wasteland for a long time.

This kind of tempering is very important to them. In the future, the warriors of the Mang tribe will survive better than the warriors of other tribes in winter.

On the other side, two hunting teams of the Mang tribe are also hunting in winter.

"Have you dug it out?"

Next to a marked tree, a hunting team of warriors quickly dug a hole in the earth.

Yun stood beside them, and did not do anything himself. He was a high-level totem warrior and the captain, and his responsibility was to be on guard against possible dangers, not to do physical work.

"Come on, come on!"

The soldiers of the hunting team usually dig a lot of traps, but now they are not weak in digging holes, and the stone hoes are flying up and down at a very fast speed.

They dug two or three meters into the hole, and a soldier suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "I saw it!"

Yun's spirit was lifted, and he immediately walked over with a spear, saying: "Get out of the way!"

He walked to the front of the earth cave and looked inside, only to see a large python, thicker than a bucket, curled up in a ball inside the earth cave.

Although the snake seldom moves when it is hibernating, there are exceptions to everything. Faced with this kind of big snake, Yun will not let the soldiers bet that it will not move.

Yun personally held the stone hoe, quickly widened the hole in the soil, and then carefully pulled out the huge python weighing hundreds of catties.

The boa constrictor was very stiff, because the weather was so cold, even if it was pulled out, it still didn't move, and it didn't even wake up from hibernation.

"Put it up with a net, and pull it back to the tribe together when the time comes."

This time the snake digging went very smoothly, and Yun was in a happier mood.

The boa constrictor was loaded into a hunting net and then tied to the back of a rhinoceros, which carried it forward.

Yun took out the stone knife, walked to the side of the tree, and then scraped off the marks on the tree with the stone knife.

The sign is a simple snake drawn with a stone knife, indicating that there are snakes here.

In summer, the hunting team found this boa constrictor in this cave, but it is dangerous to catch snakes in summer, so they marked it and waited until winter to dig.

The soil hole was not dug by a snake, but a rodent's lair, and the boa constrictor swallowed the poor rodent and took its lair.

Now the boa constrictor has been captured by the hunting team again, and it will also be eaten by the tribesmen.

The primeval forest is like this, explaining the law of the jungle to the fullest.


Central part, jackal tribe.

Five days have passed, and the cave is still the same as before, except that one-tenth of the people have died.

During the day, these slaves still had to shiver in the cold wind while cutting trees. Every night, there would be a few more corpses, sometimes even a dozen. Those with weaker physiques had already died.

But the thinner slave is still alive. He looks thin, but he was actually a totem warrior in the past. Although he lost his totem power, his physique is still much stronger than that of ordinary people.

He still had those highly poisonous fruits in his arms, but he never had the chance to use them.

His name is Shanluo, and he is a member of a small tribe. After his tribe was attacked by the jackal tribe, he was caught here.

Originally, their tribe had a chance to migrate to the southern wilderness, but because the tribe was relatively weak and afraid of the danger along the way, they hesitated again and again, and finally the jackal tribe appeared and wiped them out.

Before planning to migrate, they also asked many people about the Southern Wilderness, especially the Mang tribe.

Therefore, Shanluo yearns for the Mang tribe very much in his heart. The most uncomfortable thing for him is that the tribe did not migrate to the Southern Wilderness in time, otherwise, there should be a chance to reach the Mang tribe.

Now, it's too late to say anything.

The people in the same tribe also died in sevens and eights. Shan Luo is very lonely and helpless now, but he still has no intention of escaping.

He didn't want to continue to be enslaved by the jackal tribe here. As long as he had the opportunity, he must escape, even if he died, he had to die outside. Don't die here and be eaten by others.

On the sixth day, due to a mistake in cutting down the tree, the big tree fell down and killed two slaves. In addition, three more slaves were killed by hunger and cold.

At night, Shan Luo looked at the few dozen people left in the cave and said, "If this continues, we will all die in a short time."

The others finally panicked completely, and the shadow of death loomed over their heads all the time.

"We must escape, even if we die, we must die on the way to escape!"

This time, no one objected to what the mountain snail said, it was either to flee or die, there was still a chance to escape, if they stayed here, they could only wait to die.

An escape plan was drawn up that night.

 Thanks to the book friend "Water Without Moon and Rain" for rewarding 500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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