The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 313 The Solution to the Frozen Tin Ware

Chapter 313 The Solution to the Frozen Tin Ware

After making the first tinware, Chenbei quickly discovered new problems.

In the low temperature environment, the tinware is like the cabbage leaves being frozen, no longer soft, but starting to become stiff and fragile.

If it is left outside, it will even freeze, expand first, and then explode into a pile of powder.

When the craftsman puts the powder into the furnace to re-calcine, it will melt into normal tin liquid again.

This question was unexpected by Chen Bei, because whether it was in his previous life or now, he has always lived in the warmer south, and he didn't know that tinware would undergo such a change.

For a while, the craftsmen in charge of making tinware didn't know what to do, and they didn't know whether they should continue to make tinware.

The Southern Wilderness is getting colder and colder. If this problem cannot be solved, the tin utensils will be useless. After all, even indoors, it is impossible to keep the temperature always high.

One day when I went hunting, there was no fire in the stove, the room temperature would become extremely low, and the tin utensils in the house would explode.

"It would be great if we could find other metal ores, and smelt tin and other metals into alloys, and this problem would not arise again."

Chen Bei thought hard about the solution, and the first thing he thought of was copper. If he could find copper ore and smelt copper and tin into an alloy, it would be the famous bronze.

The role of bronze ware is much greater than that of tin ware, and it is very stable and will hardly be affected by normal temperature.

Unfortunately, Chenbei did not find copper mines near the tribe, nor gold mines, silver mines, or iron mines, only tin mines.

However, he believes that since coal can be found, tin mines can be found, and other ores can be found in the future, it is nothing more than a matter of time.

I had no conditions before, and I never paid attention to these ores. Even if someone finds them, they will treat them as ordinary stones.

In the future, Chenbei will ask the people in the tribe to pay more attention. When they encounter strange stones, they will bring them back to the tribe to judge their value.

In the fourth month of winter, the weather is extremely cold.

If it weren't for the fur coats, shoes, and hats of the Mang tribe to be warm enough, even the totem warriors would not be willing to stay outside for too long.

However, under such cold conditions, the problem of Mang tribe tinware being frozen into powder was unexpectedly solved.

In a way that Chen Bei didn't expect at all.

"Leader, leader, come and see..."

On this day, Wu Teng sent a tinware to Chenbei's yard under the heavy snow. His face was very excited, obviously he had made a great discovery.


Chen Bei opened the door, and the cold wind came in. Chen Bei shivered. If he didn't use the strength in his body to keep out the cold, he would be as afraid of the cold as ordinary people.

Of course, his physique is much stronger than that of ordinary people. Although he is afraid of the cold, he will not be damaged by the cold.

"come on in!"

Chen Bei let Wu Teng in, and then quickly closed the door.

The cold wind was no longer blowing in, and the coal-burning stove radiated heat, making the room warm again in no time.

Wu Teng rarely came to Chenbei's house, he looked around curiously, and then stared at the burning coal stove for a long time.

There is a chimney above the coal stove, which sucks away the unpleasant smell. It has a little smell. I have to say that with the coal stove and briquettes, cooking and heating are much more convenient.

At least, there is no need to add firewood frequently, and the coal stove can burn for a long time with a few pieces of briquettes by controlling the air inlet.

Wu Teng sighed in his heart, the leader is so powerful, if it wasn't for the leader, the Mang tribe would not be able to burn coal, and they are still cutting down trees everywhere.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

Chen Bei looked at the tin vessel Wu Teng was holding in his hand. It was just an ordinary tin bowl with a simple style, as if there was nothing special about it.

Wu Teng turned his eyes away from the coal stove, thinking of his purpose of coming here, his face became excited again.

"Boss, I found out how to keep the tinware from freezing!"

"Oh? Tell me!"

Chenbei's eyes lit up. If the problem of tinware being damaged by freezing at low temperature can be solved, the Mang tribe will definitely make a lot of money by trading the tinware in the future.

After all, in this era, metalware has not yet appeared, and the price of tinware is completely determined by the Mang tribe.

"Leader, look."

Wu Teng handed the tin bowl to Chen Bei's hand, then looked at Chen Bei with a smile, but didn't say the method immediately.

Chen Bei took this seemingly ordinary tin bowl. He just glanced at it just now, but now he looked carefully, and immediately found something different.

I saw that the surface of this tin bowl was densely covered with totem patterns of the Mang tribe, instead of pottery, only a small area was engraved with totem patterns.

Moreover, Chen Bei keenly noticed that there seemed to be a trace of divine power circulating in the totem pattern in this tin bowl, although it was very small, it did exist.

Chen Bei asked in surprise: "What's going on?"

Wu Teng said proudly: "Boss, we found that if a large number of totem patterns are branded on the tinware, the tinware can be protected by the totem god, even if it is thrown outside in the cold, it will not freeze and shatter."

"At the beginning, some craftsmen found that although a tin vessel was frozen and shattered, the bottom was still intact because the bottom was branded with totem patterns."

"Later, we tried to imprint the totem pattern on the whole tinware. Unexpectedly, the tinware could actually be protected by the totem god and would not be frozen to pieces again."

"Is there such a thing?" Chen Bei felt very strange about it, he felt that it was beyond his comprehension.

In doubt, Chen Bei tried to communicate with the totem god to see if he could get an answer from the totem god.

The sleeping totem god was awakened by Chen Bei, and he was obviously very dissatisfied.

"What's the matter?" The flame rhinoceros in the altar didn't even open its eyes.

Chen Bei told the story of the totem pattern branded on the tinware, and then received a trace of divine protection.

The Flame Rhinoceros said impatiently: "The so-called tinware you call is forged from the fire. After the totem pattern is branded, it will naturally receive a trace of divine protection."

"It's like the power of the totem in your body is also drawn from the totem pattern. Otherwise, why do you think the tribe has to engrave totem patterns everywhere?"

Chen Bei thought about it carefully, and it was really like this. Anything engraved with totem patterns seemed to be extra strong and could last for a longer period of time.

However, because this change is so small, no one notices it on weekdays. They just habitually engrave totem patterns everywhere and regard it as a kind of decoration.

As everyone knows, the earliest act of inscribing totem patterns, apart from worshiping the totem god, the biggest function is to attract divine power.

"Any question?"

"No more." Chen Bei shook his head as expected, because the tone of the Totem God was not very good.

"It's okay, don't disturb my sleep."

The flame rhinoceros yawned in the altar, then fell asleep in the magma again, strands of fire-attributed energy poured into its body continuously, and then transformed into divine power.

Chen Bei said to Wu Teng: "Your discovery this time is very important. In the future, whether it is pottery, tin ware, or other utensils, remember to engrave more totem patterns."


Chenbei rewarded some things and asked Wu Teng to take them back to share with the craftsmen, and then let Wu Teng go back.

No matter what, the problem of the tin bowl was finally solved, Chen Bei was still very happy, at least he didn't have to worry about the tin bowl blowing up anytime soon.

 Thanks to the book hall master "Huang Aide" for the reward of 1500 book coins.

  Thanks to the book friend "Southeast Wind Eighteenth Level" for the reward of 1500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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