Chapter 314 Late Spring

The ninth year of the Mang tribe's establishment, the first month of spring.

Sitting in front of the table, Chen Bei wrote the date on a scroll of animal skin with an animal brush.

Since the Mang tribe was established and operated stably, Chenbei set the first day when the ice and snow melted as the first day of spring, and recorded it every day.

He discovered that this world is also divided into four seasons a year, each season is four months, that is to say, there are actually sixteen months in a year!

After that, he would make a large animal skin roll every year, and every day that passed, he would cross off a day on the animal skin roll.

Whenever something important happens or the weather changes, he will also mark it in small characters on the animal skin scroll.

As of today, he has made six such animal skin rolls.

Others live by feeling and weather. Chen Bei is different. He has his own calendar, which allows him to have a clear concept of time.

Wu can perceive that the winter is getting longer, relying on inheritance and experience.

But Chenbei relied on a simple self-made calendar.

"Another day has passed, and the snow and ice have not melted."

Chen Bei had crossed out the ten days of the first month on the new animal skin roll. If it was in previous years, the ice and snow would have melted by this time.

However, it is still cold and windy outside this year, and it is icy and snowy.

Chen Bei put down the animal brush, looked at the ice and snow outside through the narrow window, and sighed helplessly.

Winter has lasted for more than four months, but there is still no sign of it ending.

Spring is late, and badly late.

The price of being late in spring is that many tribes who were looking forward to the melting of the ice and snow gradually fell into despair. All the food that could be eaten had been eaten up, and the things that could be planed in the snow were almost gone.

If this continues, no one will attack, and the tribe itself will be destroyed by extreme weather.

Those totem gods who naturally liked warmth all suffered from different degrees of mental weakness.

Relatively speaking, the Mang tribe was less affected. They had more food and fuel, and the totem god even soaked himself in magma to continuously draw strength from the ground fire.

The Mang tribe relied on fishing and hunting in winter, and even had a lot of food in reserve. No one in the tribe died of starvation, nor did they freeze to death.

But other tribes are not so lucky, they have come to the edge of the cliff.


Central, Fish Tribe.

Standing in front of Shenhu Lake, Honglin was on the verge of collapse, looking at the thick ice and the clansmen struggling to break through the ice in the distance.

"Why hasn't the ice and snow melted yet, why hasn't spring come yet, why?"

Honglin yelled in her heart suppressedly, but on the surface, she had to pretend to be indifferent.

She is the witch of the fish tribe and the spiritual leader of the tribe. If the tribe sees despair on her face, the whole tribe will fall into panic.

But she really worked hard. Although she tried her best to save money and even gave up many weaker tribesmen, the fish tribe's food was almost exhausted.

The Yu Tribe is not the Mang Tribe. They don't have Chenbei, so they don't know that they can still fish in winter on the frozen river.

Therefore, they can only hold on until the ice and snow melt and the river reopens.

While desperate, Red Scale further strengthened the tribe's determination to migrate as soon as possible.

Because the weather is too cold, the fish tribe is no longer suitable for living in this place, they must go to a warmer place with abundant water resources.


Central part, jackal tribe.

"Wu, the food has already been eaten, and the slaves are almost finished. If the snow does not melt, the trouble will be serious."

The leader of the jackal tribe stood beside Wu, stating this cruel fact.

Although the jackal tribe has seized a lot of territory in the central region, they have established a foothold in the central region for too short a time, and their foundation is very weak.

Moreover, they have a large population, and relying on the food they robbed last year, they simply cannot support so many people in the tribe to survive the winter, let alone such a long winter.

They first ate farmed livestock and some food from hunting and gathering. After eating all of these, they began to eat the grain they had looted, and when the food was exhausted, they began to eat slaves.

Once the slaves are gone too, a man can do anything when he is starving.

The jackal tribe witch was sitting in a yurt made of animal skins, with a burning fire in front of her. The light of the fire reflected on her old face, which was like an old orange peel and covered with totem patterns, making her look quite hideous.

The jackal tribe witch was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Keep the warriors of the tribe."


The leader of the jackal tribe shivered and retreated. His face was very bitter. After all, is it to the point of killing each other?
From this day on, the members of the Jackal tribe became more bloody and brutal. The whole tribe was like a hungry wolf, wanting to bite everything it saw.

Not just fish tribes and jackal tribes.

There are also ant tribes, spider tribes, bee tribes, and even the entire continent. Almost all tribes have been driven crazy by the long winter and the late spring.

In order to survive, they continue to break through the bottom line, eating everything that can eat and keep them alive until they die.


In the middle, in a primeval forest.

In the cave, the flames were blazing, and the mountain snails strung together two big spiders and some unknown bugs with sticks, and then roasted them on the fire.

The mountain snails have been in this cave for more than a month.

After he escaped from the jackal tribe, he first lived in a soil cave for a period of time. With his rich forest survival experience, and there was no one around, he not only had enough food, but also stored some food.

No matter what time it is, even in winter, food can always be found in the forest. The premise is that you must be extremely familiar with the forest and have a certain amount of luck.

The reason why those tribes can't survive is because there are too many people, they eat up all the food nearby, and they can't go to distant places.

But the mountain snail is different. He has only one person, and he has rich experience in living in the forest, and he is very lucky, so he can survive until now in some forests where no one goes.

During the winter months, the mountain snail accumulated a little food based on experience, and then ran south again, avoiding places where there might be people or beasts.

Finally, he found this cave. There were many small animals in the cave, but no large beasts. So he lived in this cave, patiently waiting for the ice and snow to melt.


The spiders and bugs were gradually cooked under the roasting of the fire crow, and their shells burst.

The mountain snail put the bunch of spiders and worms to its mouth, blew on it, and then bit off the stick one by one with its teeth like eating skewers, chewing slowly.

After eating the worms, he took out a handful of pine nuts and stuffed them into his mouth. The pine nuts were found in the tree hole under the tree, and they were the food that the squirrel hid for the winter.

The squirrel had been eaten by the mountain snails, and it didn't taste very good, but it was meat after all, so he ate it up with a frown.

As for the food that the squirrel hid nearby, he basically emptied it.

"We must persist in living, go to the Southern Wilderness, go to the Mang tribe!"

Shan Luo repeated this sentence, which was the belief that supported him to live, and then lay down in the haystack beside the fire, gradually falling asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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