The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 368 Withered saplings and transactions

Chapter 368 Withered saplings and transactions
The ninth year of the Mang tribe's establishment, the fourth month of autumn.

On the second day after successfully making brown sugar, the weather was suddenly cold, frost fell, the ground was white, and large-scale rime appeared in the forest, as if it had snowed heavily.

After snowfall, it is almost impossible to find soul medicine, not only because winter is the dormant period of plants, but also because heavy snow will cover the ground, making it difficult to move.

Therefore, Chenbei must make good use of the days before the snowfall. After much deliberation, he thinks that the fastest place to find soul medicine is the mysterious forest.

The mysterious forest is a concentration of magical plants, even if it is now a blood vine tribe, it is the same.

It's just that, in the past, you only needed to go in to find and pick them, but now you need to take the goods to trade.

There are two kinds of goods that the blood vine tribe likes most, one is the fertilizer made by the Mang tribe, and the other is the warm clothes specially made for tree people and saplings.

Especially after the weather gets colder, the number of warm clothes needed by blood vines increases dramatically.

Although tree people have unique advantages, such as longevity, strength, and size.

But the flaws are also obvious. Before they really grow up, their IQs are not high, and their ability to make tools is also extremely low, let alone make warm clothes.

Because of this, the Bloodvine Tribe needs to constantly trade with the Mang Tribe in exchange for what they need.

This is also a win-win situation. The Treant tribe pays for some renewable and highly medicinal fruits, branches, rhizomes, etc., and the Mang tribe exchanges fertilizers, warm clothes for the trees, etc.

Both parties got what they wanted.

Mang tribe now produces much more things than before. For example, the raw materials for thermal clothing in the past are mainly rabbit skins of gray-haired rabbits and other animal skins.

However, with the rapid increase in the number of colorful pheasants, red ducks, and other domesticated poultry, the raw materials of the Mang tribe are already very rich.

Down is a very good thermal insulation material, stuffed into clothes and quilts, it can't be warmer anymore.

With the continuous improvement of craftsmanship and the weather, the clothes of the Mang tribe are becoming more and more popular in the trade, and the clothing workshops of the Mang tribe are also getting bigger and bigger.

Among them, the inner and outer pockets on the clothes have been unanimously praised by the tribesmen. They even suggested that the Mang tribe make more and bigger pockets on the clothes so that they can hold more things.


That morning, Chenbei asked Green Spider to prepare a large amount of goods for trading in the Bloodvine Tribe.

Because I don't know when it will start to snow, the speed to go to the blood vine tribe is of course the faster the better, so Chenbei didn't choose to walk, but let the flamingo team carry a lot of goods with them.


More than 60 flamingos flew into the sky. Chen Bei sat on his own flamingo, and together with the members of the flamingo team, they quickly flew towards the blood vine tribe in the biting cold wind.

Speechless all the way.

Two hours later, the Mang tribe's flamingo team appeared outside the Bloodvine tribe.


The flamingo landed on the ground, causing many tourists around the blood vine tribe to watch.

Although the totem god of the blood vine tribe seems to guarantee that his tribe is full of treants, at least they must be bugs that are beneficial to the trees.

However, as time went by, whether he was willing to admit it or not, the human race was much more useful than tree people in many cases.

This is why, almost all the tribes on the road have totem gods with all kinds of strange things, but almost all the tribes are human races, and the totem gods' own creatures can only exist as war pets.

Because the tree people are not easy to use, there are more and more tourists outside the blood vine tribe. The blood vine god hated it at the beginning, but he can only accept it slowly later.

Of course, he still insisted on not allowing these tourists to enter the tribe, nor would he recognize their identities, and he just treated these tourists as tool people.

Visitors need to be attached to the blood vine tribe, even if they stay on the periphery, they can get some protection, and the blood vine tribe also needs these tourists to work.

Get what you need.

Every winter, the vine walls around the blood vine tribe will be like a huge cover, covering the sky of the whole tribe, leaving only a small vent to let the light shine in.

If it's sunny, the vines will shrink to let in more sunlight.

If it is a snowy day, these vines will be extended in advance, and the vents will be closed to block the wind and snow as much as possible, and protect the treants and various exotic plants inside.

To be honest, Chen Bei was very envious of such a movable vine wall.

After Chen Bei looked at the vine wall like a cover, under the watchful eyes of the tourists, he walked to the gate of the Blood Vine Tribe, and said, "Chen, the leader of the Mang Tribe, came to the Blood Vine Tribe to make a deal."

Inside the gate made of intertwined vines, two treants slowly came to life, and human-like facial features appeared on the trunk. They looked at Chen Bei and the flamingo behind them, and then ordered to open the gate.

"Welcome... Welcome... Chen... Chief... Leader..."

One of the tree men spoke in an extremely slow tone, which could kill people in a hurry.

Chen Bei is quite used to this. Every time the weather gets colder, the actions and speech speed of these treants will become slower and slower.

If the weather is extremely cold, there are only a handful of treants in the blood vine tribe who can speak freely and act.


The intertwined vines slowly shrink back, because of the frost in the morning, the speed is very slow.

While Chen Bei was waiting, among the tourists outside the Blood Vine Tribe, a middle-aged man who was stronger and obviously of higher status walked towards him.

The middle-aged man first looked fearfully at the mighty warriors of the Mang tribe, as well as the tall and mighty flamingo. His waist was slightly bent, and the expression on his face was full of apprehension and fear.

Afterwards, the middle-aged man walked cautiously in front of Chen Bei, and the soldiers beside Chen Bei stared at him coldly. Although they didn't attack, the strong pressure and threats in their eyes scared him enough.

"No... don't get me wrong, my name is Shi Teng, and I'm... I'm here to make a deal with you."

Shi Teng is the name of this middle-aged man. There happened to be a stone wall in the place where he was born, and there were many vines growing on the stone wall, so he got this name.

"make a deal?"

Chen Bei turned to look at Shi Teng, he didn't mean to look down on these tourists, on the contrary, there were a lot of tourists doing business with the Mang tribe, and the Mang tribe could earn a lot from these people.

"No... that's right."

Even though Chen Bei didn't let out his aura, but his realm was too high, just standing there could bring enormous pressure to people. In front of Chen Bei, Shi Teng couldn't even speak well.

Chen Bei had a lot of dealings with tourists, so he naturally realized the problem, so he restrained his totem power as much as possible, and said in a gentle tone: "Don't be nervous, our Mang tribe welcomes everyone to make deals with us .”

Sure enough, Shi Teng was slightly relieved by Chen Bei's attitude, but he was still cautious, after all, he was the leader of a big tribe in front of him!

It's not easy for him to muster up the courage to stand in front of Chen Bei. If you let him relax, it will be hard for him.

"What do you want to trade with us?" Chen Bei asked.

Shi Teng said: "We have collected a lot of herbs and a lot of animal teeth. I want to exchange some salt and clothes."

Although the Bloodvine tribe did not accept them, these tourists can still get some benefits from living on the periphery of the Bloodvine tribe.

Among them, a large number of herbal medicines with good quality is one of the benefits.

These herbs are relatively low-level, and the blood vine tribe doesn't care, let them pick them.

Over time, these tourists accumulated a large amount of herbs, which they could not use up, and no one came to trade them except the Mang tribe.

That's why Shi Teng had the guts to make a deal with Chen Bei this time.

"Herbs? Red Flower, go and have a look. If it's suitable, then trade with them."


As the leader, Chen Bei couldn't do everything by himself. For things like trading with tourists, handing over to Honghua is a good choice.

"Thank you, Chief Chen."

Shi Teng thanked Chen Bei gratefully. Chen Bei was able to send someone to trade, and the status of the person sent there was not low in the Mang tribe, so he was already very sincere.

Honghua took a few soldiers and some goods, followed Shi Teng to the place where the tourists lived, and traded with them.

After arriving at the place, Honghua checked the medicines. She used to be in charge of collecting medicines in the tree tribe, so she was naturally familiar with the medicines.

Although the tourists' methods of collecting herbs are not very good, but these herbs are really good, so Honghua happily traded with them.

This incident was just a small episode in Chenbei's itinerary, but it was very important to these tourists living on the outskirts of the blood vine tribe, because there were too few channels for them to obtain materials such as salt.

This also paved the way for the Mang tribe to trade more things with them in the future.

After waiting for a while, finally, the gate of the Bloodvine Tribe opened.

It's not easy for those vines to shrink in this kind of weather, and naturally the speed can't be too much.


Two tall gatekeeper tree men stepped aside to invite Chen Bei and the trading team to enter.

Chen Bei brought the Red Crane Team in. As for Hong Hua and others who were going to trade in the tourist residential area, they would also come in after the transaction was completed.

After entering the blood vine tribe, Chenbei found that many treants had entered a dormant state, and all kinds of strange plants had no vitality, and their leaves or flowers were tightly closed.

Chenbei even saw some saplings and strange plants showing signs of withering, he was secretly surprised, this kind of situation had never happened before, not to mention the protection of the vine wall now.

Only a small number of treants that are relatively cold-resistant can still move.

Chen Bei walked all the way to the center of the blood vine tribe. In front of the ancient altar, he saw the totem god of the blood vine tribe and the ancient totem tree emitting green light.

Plants, especially plants that have lived long enough, can always give people a very shocking feeling.

For example, this blood vine has become even bigger after becoming a god. Although it is a rattan plant, its trunk is comparable to a thousand-year-old tree, which is astonishingly huge.

Its vines and roots can even cover the entire mysterious forest.

"Chief Chen, we meet again."

On the trunk of the blood vine, a vicissitudes of human face appeared. Compared with those lower-level treants, the facial features of the blood vine were much clearer, and the speech was smooth and clear.

"I've met the Vine God, thank you Vine God for his help last time, and for sending me the spirit fruit to detoxify."

Chen Bei didn't talk nonsense, and directly stated his purpose.

"God Fuji also knows that the last time I was besieged by the bee tribe, I was poisoned by the queen bee. It was the witches of our tribe who tried their best to save me, but I was also severely injured because of it. Now I need medicine that can strengthen the soul for recuperation."

"This time, I mainly want to trade this drug."

Xue Teng was also surprised that Yu Chenbei was safe and sound. Given the circumstances at that time, Chenbei should surely die. Maybe the flame rhinoceros still has some hidden means.

As for what Chen Bei said that the witch suffered heavy injuries because of saving him, Xue Teng also believed that the poison was not so easy to cure.

However, this does not mean that he is willing to take out the soul medicine.

"The medicines that can strengthen the soul, even in our blood vine tribe, are extremely rare."

"Chief Chen may not know that our blood vine tribe also has a great demand for soul-enhancing medicines. If tree people want to become smart, devouring some soul-enhancing medicines is the fastest way."

The reason why the tree people are not very smart is because the souls born are relatively weak. If the souls can be made stronger, they will naturally become smart.

"So, it's not that I'm stingy, it's that soul medicines are too scarce."

"Boss Chen, why don't we trade some healing medicines, the healing medicines from our Bloodvine Tribe, you should know the effect, although it can't strengthen the soul, it can nourish the body."

After listening to Xueteng's words, Chen Bei's heart sank. He knew that the quantity of soul medicine was scarce, but he didn't expect that the Bloodvine Tribe actually had a demand, and according to Xueteng, the supply was simply in short supply.

I don't have enough for myself, so why would I trade it with Chenbei?
But since Chen Bei is here, he has to bring some soul medicine back more or less, otherwise, he is really worried about whether Qingzhu can survive this winter.

Various thoughts flashed through Chen Bei's mind, even thinking about robbing him by force.

But I can only think about it, in the territory of the blood vine, it is not so difficult to grab something, and if you do something, the two tribes will become enemies in the future.

Chen Bei's mind changed sharply. He had to come up with a deal that Xuevine couldn't refuse, and bring the soul medicine back to the tribe through the deal.

Suddenly, he thought of the withered saplings and strange plants he saw after entering the blood vine tribe, and suddenly had an idea in his heart.

"God Fuji, I see that many plants here seem to have withered, what's going on?"

Hearing Chen Bei's words, the blood vine was also very worried, and said: "Isn't it because the weather has been getting colder and colder these few years, and some plants can't adapt, even if I wrap the whole tribe with a vine wall, the temperature is still too low .”

"Why not make a fire? You only need to light dozens of fires in the open space, and add the vine wall covering, which can make the place much warmer."

The ancient totem tree next to the blood vine couldn't help but said, "Have you ever seen someone who burned his own people to keep warm?"

The blood vine also nodded, obviously agreeing with his statement.

This is a tribe made up of plants. They have a natural fear of fire. In addition, burning the "cadavers" of the same kind to keep warm is really unacceptable to them.

Chen Bei said: "What if the burning is stone?"

"How could the stone be on fire?" Both the blood vine and the ancient totem tree felt that Chen Bei was talking in his sleep.

Chen Bei said firmly: "Our Mang tribe found a kind of stone that can be used for fire. If you trade some stones that can be used for fire, more saplings and plants will be able to survive the winter safely."


The blood vines and ancient totem trees still found it unbelievable, but since many plants and seedlings in the forest were involved in overwintering, they had to hope that Chen Bei's words were true.

The blood vine thought for a while, and said: "If your Mang tribe really has this kind of stone that can be used to burn fire, I am willing to trade part of the soul medicine with you!"

Chen Bei was overjoyed, what he wanted was the words of the blood vine.

"Okay, I'll bring the stone that can burn fire!"

Immediately, Chenbei returned to the Mang Tribe with the flamingo team, dispatched a hundred flamingoes, loaded a large amount of coal, and went to the Bloodvine Tribe again.


Two chapters in one.

It's the end of the month, and there are restrictions and exemptions. For the sake of the author's hard work, it's not too much to vote for the month, right?
 Thanks to the guardian "half step 1075" for the reward of 5000 book coins.

  Thanks to the book friend "Jannard" for the 588 book coins.

  Thanks for the 500 book coins rewarded by the book friend "Sage of Poking Friends".

  Thanks to the book friend "nvlktTAtpq5cb31" for the 500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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