The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 369 Honeycomb and Psychic Vine

Chapter 369 Honeycomb and Psychic Vine

Since the Mang tribe owned a fleet, the efficiency of coal transportation has been greatly improved, and there has even been a surplus.

Sitting on the coal mountain, the Bamboo Rat Tribe responsible for digging coal has also made a lot of money. From a poor and remote small tribe to an upstart, the population has grown rapidly and the quality of life has continued to improve.

Of course, as a large tribe with a trading area, after the Mang tribe transported the coal back to the tribe, the value created by the coal is also amazing. Burning pottery and smelting metals are all inseparable from coal, not to mention daily needs up.

After the surplus of coal appeared, Chenbei was thinking about how to make the coal create greater value.

However, because there are too many major facts that have happened recently, Chen Bei has no time to find a way out.

However, this time when they went to the Blood Vine Tribe, they unexpectedly discovered new business opportunities, which can be regarded as opening up a new deal.


A hundred flamingos from the Mang tribe landed on the ground, with bags of briquettes tied to the noose on their backs, and the bags used were sacks.

With the maturation of hemp thread weaving technology in garment workshops, hemp has become an inseparable part of the life of the Mang tribe.

Sacks woven from twine are popular among Mang tribes because of their durability, high quality and low price. To a certain extent, they have replaced rough bark woven bags and expensive animal skin bags.

The gate of the blood vine tribe was not closed, because the speed of the vines was too slow, and it was very troublesome to close it and open it again.

Chen Bei led the flamingo team into the blood vine tribe, and brought some coal to the ancient altar.

"God Fuji, please look, this is the stone that can burn fire."

Chen Bei picked up a piece of pitch-black briquette, which looked inconspicuous, with eyes all over it, a bit ugly.

The blood vine said suspiciously: "Can it really light a fire?"

"Of course, I'll order a piece for you to see."

Chen Bei circulated the power of the totem, and a cluster of flames suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand. The temperature of this cluster of flames was extremely high, making the blood vines feel threatened.

The leader of the Mang tribe has grown in strength so fast!
The blood vine and the ancient totem tree looked at each other. They were all shocked. It is extremely rare for a human race to become a god. Unexpectedly, after becoming a god, Chen Bei's growth rate was astonishingly fast.

Although shocked, the Blood Vine and the Ancient Totem Tree didn't have much thought. The Blood Vine Tribe and the Mang Tribe were already allies, not enemies. It's not a bad thing for Chen Bei to be stronger.

"Crackling crackling..."

The briquette in Chen Bei's palm was quickly burned red. Afterwards, Chen Bei put the red-hot coal on the ground, and he thoughtfully put a stone under it to avoid burning the roots of the plants.

The briquettes were burning steadily on the stones, with light blue flames constantly beating. Compared with just now, the burning briquettes looked much better.

"God Fuji, please look, this is the briquette made by our Mang tribe. After it is lit, only one piece is needed, and it can burn for a long time, and the more piles, the longer it will burn."

"Moreover, it doesn't have much smoke and won't blacken the nearby plants. It's a really good thing. In our Mang tribe, everyone uses it for heating."

"There are really stones that can burn fire." Both the blood vine and the ancient totem tree looked at this piece of briquette in amazement. They had lived for a very long time, but they had never seen such a thing.

The blood vine waited quietly for a while, the firepower of the briquettes did not weaken at all, and there was no thick smoke coming out, he finally believed Chen Bei's words.

"It's really good stuff!"

The blood vines and ancient totem trees both recognized the briquette. With it, the blood vine tribe should be warmer, allowing those saplings and exotic plants to survive the winter safely without suffering.

Chen Bei's enthusiastic guidance: "When you are burning, you only need to align these holes and stack these briquettes together, and it will burn more vigorously."

"You can also build a simple circular furnace and put these briquettes in it to burn, which can burn longer."

"In addition, the burned briquettes can be smashed and mixed with fertile soil to make the soil looser and less compacted, and plants will naturally grow better."

What Chen Bei said made the blood vine even more excited. What it likes most is things that are beneficial to plants, and the hardened soil is also one of the soils that plants hate the most.

If cinders can really solve this problem, then this briquette is simply a treasure for the Bloodvine Tribe.

"Chief Chen, do you have a lot of honeycombs in your tribe? If it's really useful, I hope that I can trade some with you every winter before the coming of winter."

Chen Bei naturally couldn't wait for it, he smiled and said: "Of course, our Mang tribe's goods have always been sufficient, and the briquette is the same."

"Okay, the blood vine tribe wants all the briquettes you brought this time!"

The blood vine didn't hesitate, he knew what Chen Bei wanted.

The blood vine said to the ancient totem tree: "Go and fetch two psychic vines."

"it is good!"

The ancient totem tree shrunk quickly, turning into a treant who was close to a human shape, and then walked deep into the blood vine tribe, and soon disappeared among the many tall plants.

Not long after, the Treant transformed from the ancient totem tree came back with two magical vines in his hands.

This kind of vine is dark purple as a whole, translucent, like amethyst, very beautiful, and exudes a fragrance that can make people yearn for in the depths of the soul.

There are also several rows of pod-like fruits growing on the vines. The appearance of this kind of fruit is also very magical. On each of them, there is a pair of small membrane-like wings.

The ancient totem tree brought two magical psychic vines in front of Chen Bei, and said: "These two soul medicines, called psychic vines, have fully matured. The fruits, branches, leaves, and vines are all here."

"Among them, the fruit has the strongest medicinal effect, while the branches, leaves and vines are weaker, but they are rare."

"But the roots can't be given to you. With the roots, the psychic vine can grow again. If the roots are pulled out, they will disappear in the future."

After listening to the introduction of the ancient totem tree, Chen Bei has a certain understanding of this magical herb that can strengthen the soul.

The blood vine was on the ancient altar, and said: "These two psychic vines, in exchange for all the briquettes you brought, don't think you are at a disadvantage. The whole blood vine tribe doesn't have much of this thing. If it is another tribe to exchange , I won’t give it no matter how much it costs.”

In fact, even if the Blood Vine tribe only took out a psychic vine in exchange for the briquettes brought by the Mang tribe, Chen Bei would have to change it, because he had no choice.

Now, to get two plants, Chen Bei is quite satisfied.

"I believe in Fuji God, let's deal like this."

"Chief Chen is refreshing!"

In this way, Chenbei got two psychic vines, and the blood vine tribe got tens of thousands of catties of briquettes.

In order to show his sincerity, Chenbei asked the soldiers of the Mang tribe to help the Xueteng tribe quickly build a dozen large stoves with stones, and put briquettes into them.


Soon, in more than a dozen simple stoves, the flames produced by the honeycomb coals burned fiercely.

Because there was a wall of vines to prevent the heat from escaping, soon the temperature of the entire blood vine tribe rose, and those sickly plants also felt the warmth under the light of the fire and regained their vitality.

Chen Bei made an appointment with the Blood Vine Tribe for the next transaction, and then hurried back to the Mang Tribe with the psychic vine.

Although I don't know how much the two psychic vines can restore Qingzhu, it is also good to relieve some pain.

 Thanks to the book friend "HFOX" for the reward of 1500 book coins.

  Thanks to the book friend "Catz" for the 500 book coins.

  Thank you for the 500 book coins rewarded by the book friend "Nian~Good".

(End of this chapter)

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