Chapter 373 Sacrifice
Southern Wilderness, Mang Tribe.


The heavy door of the cell was closed, and the elders of the Spider Tribe, as well as dozens of Spider Tribe fighters, were locked up.

"Green spider, green spider, how can you betray the tribe, how can you cheat your own grandfather with people from other tribes!"

The elder of the Spider Tribe was so angry that his beard turned up. For a young man, he was so angry that his heart ached, his liver ached, and everything ached.

Outside the cell, Green Spider said with a smile: "Grandpa, you are old enough to fight and kill, so don't participate in it in the future. You will stay in the Mang tribe in the future. I will definitely respect you."

"You are betraying the tribe!" The elder yelled as he leaned on the thick pillar of the prison cell.

"Whatever you say, you will understand my good intentions in the future."

"It is impossible for the Spider Tribe to gain a long-term foothold in the Southern Wilderness. Sooner or later, they will be wiped out by the Mang Tribe."

Green Spider is in charge of all kinds of materials in the Mang tribe, and no one knows better than her how powerful the Mang tribe is, and it is still getting stronger.

The strength of a tribe is not only reflected in the totem gods and warriors, but also in its supplies. The more abundant the supplies, the stronger the tribe.

From Green Spider's point of view, even if the resources of the ten spider tribes were added together, they couldn't compare to the Mang tribe.

Not to mention, the Mang tribe now has bronze weapons, what will the Spider tribe use to fight the Mang tribe?

The performance of the green spider is just like what Chen Bei thought at the beginning, she is an ambitious woman, but as long as the Mang tribe is strong enough, she can display her ambition and be loyal to the Mang tribe.

"Grandpa, calm down here first, I will send you food and clothing."

After the green spider finished speaking, she smiled at the elder of the spider tribe, turned around and left.

"Green spider, green spider, come back!"

The elder of the spider tribe slapped the door of the cell angrily, but there was nothing he could do, because the green spider had already left.

The prison cell of the Mang tribe is made of thick stone bricks, with a dome structure, and the gate is cast in bronze. What's more, he is now suppressed by the totem god of the Mang tribe, and there are totem warriors of the Mang tribe guarding him outside. , it is impossible to escape.

"Stop shooting, shoot again, believe it or not, I will beat you up?"

A warrior from the Mang tribe came over, glared fiercely at the elder of the Spider tribe, and drew out a thick bronze knife, threatening him.

The elder of the Spider Tribe was not stupid. Seeing that the green spider had gone far away, in order to avoid being beaten at a young age, he didn't dare to knock on the door anymore, and retreated to the corner of the cell to sulk.

The fighters of the Spider Tribe looked at each other. In fact, they had resentment in their hearts, but because of the intimidation by the elders of the Spider Tribe, no one dared to speak out.

The green spider didn't go back to her residence directly, but walked to the breeding area, because Chenbei was in the breeding area.

In the breeding area of ​​the Mang tribe, dozens of large spiders were tied up and thrown on the open ground, unable to move.

Green Spider walked to Chen Bei's side and said, "Boss, everything is locked up."

Chen Bei nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work. This time you have done a great job. Go back to Qiao and ask her to draw you ten bronze coins as a reward."

Being able to capture dozens of elite fighters from the Spider Tribe at a time, and one of them is an elder, no matter who it is on, it is a great achievement. It is worthwhile to reward ten bronze coins.

"Thank you chief."

Green Spider was very happy. Bronze coins represented wealth in the Mang tribe. She had already accumulated a lot of bronze coins, and with these ten bronze coins, she was like a little rich woman in the Mang tribe.

The captain of the farming team, Lao Lu, kicked one of the big spiders and said, "Boss, what should we do with these big spiders? Are they kept? We have no experience."

The old deer really doesn't want to keep these big spiders, they are fierce, and they don't look like much meat, they are all shells.

Chen Bei said: "You don't need to keep it up all the time, just tie it up like this for two days, and find someone to watch it. It will be sacrificed soon, and then it will be offered as a sacrifice to God Tut."

"That's good."

The old deer immediately asked the soldiers from the two breeding areas to move these big spiders to an empty livestock pen, and tied them like crabs without untying the ropes.

The green spider opened its mouth, but finally shut it up.

In fact, she wanted Chen Bei to keep her grandfather's big spider. That big spider had been with her grandfather for a long time and had a deep relationship. If he knew that the big spider was sacrificed, he would go crazy.

However, she also knew that the totem god of the Mang tribe didn't like spiders, and Chen Bei would not let her stay, so she wisely shut up and didn't bring it up.

Chen Bei glanced at the green spider, Chen Bei saw her performance just now, she is a smart person, Chen Bei likes to deal with smart people, so he can save his worries.

Chen Bei looked at the sky again, and said to the old deer: "The shaman has already calculated that it will snow in two days, which is the day of sacrifice. You should prepare the sacrifice in advance."

The old deer said excitedly: "Don't worry, leader, our breeding team will definitely prepare the best sacrifices!"

Sacrifice is the most important day of the year for the tribe, even more important than celebrating the New Year in Chenbei's previous life.

Because after the sacrifice, the power of the totem god will increase, and then more totem warriors will be awakened in the tribe, and the strength of the tribe will also be stronger.

This is a virtuous circle.

After Chen Bei left the breeding area, he immediately led the hunting team into the mountains to find suitable sacrifices.

Two days later, it really snowed heavily, and the sacrificial ceremony was held as scheduled.

On this day, the whole tribe was decorated with lanterns and festoons, cleaned up, and everyone washed up, put on the best clothes and accessories, and tried their best to look good.

In the evening, Qing Zhu walked out of her yard wearing a thick animal fur coat. She wrapped herself so tightly that even most of her face was covered, only her eyes were exposed.

After eating those two psychic vines, Qingzhu's soul power has increased a lot, and his condition is much better than before, and he can preside over sacrificial ceremonies.

At night, the sacrificial ceremony was held as scheduled.

The green bamboo boarded the altar, chanted the mantra to sacrifice the mantra, the rhinoceros god enjoyed the sacrifice, followed by the awakening ceremony, and finally the holy fire purified the whole tribe.

For this sacrifice, the Mang tribe added [-] totem warriors, and the total number of totem warriors in the tribe reached more than [-].


Southern Wilderness, Ant Tribe.

Huge ant nests are built on the new territory of the ant tribe.

These ant nests are mainly made of mud walls, built on the back of big trees, and the big trees are used as pillars to support the house, which is very distinctive.

Because of the snow, in the ant tribe, except for the totem warrior who was in charge of guarding, everyone else hid in the ant nest, and the outside was empty.

On a mountain opposite to the Ant Tribe, in a relatively hidden cave, intelligence captain Xi led seven or eight members of the intelligence team to warm up by the fire.

What they burn is not dry wood, but charcoal.

Because burning wood will smoke and expose the location, but there is almost no smoke when charcoal is burning.

The intelligence team is the hardest and most dangerous team of the Mang tribe. They are responsible for collecting all kinds of intelligence and running outside all year round. Once their identities are exposed, they will end up dead.

"Has the tribe started offering sacrifices?"

At night, the totem patterns on all the intelligence team members automatically lit up, and they surrounded the charcoal fire, feeling very excited.

"According to the time calculation, the sacrifice has indeed begun." Xi replied affirmatively.

"I really want to go back to participate in the sacrificial ceremony!" One of the members of the intelligence team was a little depressed.

The others were also silent, and they all wanted to go back to participate in the sacrificial ceremony.

Xi took a bite of the roasted animal meat and said, "Cheer up, as long as we collect enough information and get rid of these enemies, we can go back to participate in the sacrificial ceremony every year in the future."

"The captain is right!"

The intelligence team members were all carefully selected, with good psychological qualities, and quickly got rid of the depressed mood, and began to discuss what kind of sacrifice the tribe would offer to the totem god this year, how many people would awaken, and there were also signs on their faces. smile.

After Xixi finished eating the animal meat, he put on the animal skin coat, walked to the entrance of the cave, and looked at the territory of the ant tribe from a distance.

"The ant tribe, the spider tribe, the eagle tribe, or even a powerful jackal tribe, are all enemies."

Xi has long been prepared for a long-term battle, and the intelligence network of the Mang tribe is getting bigger and bigger. He believes that one day, the Mang tribe will wipe out all these enemies one by one!

 Thanks to the elder "Half Step 1075" for the 5000 book coins rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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