The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 374 Species Extinction

Chapter 374 Species Extinction
After the sacrifice, all affairs of the Mang tribe continued as usual.

The new totem warriors continue to contribute to the land reclamation and construction of the tribe, and exercise the use of the power of the totem.

The fishing team is looking forward to the early freezing of the river so that they can carry out winter fishing.

The hunting team started winter hunting as in previous years to add some meat to the tribe's winter.

The ninth year of the Mang tribe's establishment, the second month of winter.

In order to find the soul medicine, Chenbei also joined the winter hunting team, and together with Shanwen's second hunting team, went hunting in the virgin forest in the southwest.

The forest is covered with thick snow, and a lot of snow has accumulated on the branches. If someone passes under the tree and the branches just shake, then the people below will be covered with snow as if they have experienced a blizzard.

In this case, the most fearful thing is that the snow will enter the clothes along the collar. Only those who have experienced it can understand the sourness.

"Leader, come and have a look."

Ahead, Shanwen suddenly shouted.

Chen Bei walked over quickly, and saw dozens of giant horned deer died on the snow in an open space in front of them, one in the east and one in the west, but the distance was not far away.

Chen Bei walked over and squatted in front of a giant horned deer. He first checked the whole body of the giant horned deer, but found no wounds.

Afterwards, he pulled out a bronze knife and injected the power of the totem. The totem patterns on the bronze knife lit up, surrounded by flames, and easily cut open the belly of the giant horned deer.

Chen Bei cut open the giant horned deer's stomach, and there was only a little leaf inside, not even hay.

He cut open the bellies of two other giant horned deer and found the same condition.

Chen Bei stood up and asked the soldiers of the hunting team to collect all the giant horned deer and transport them back to the tribe.

Chen Bei said to Shan Wen: "They all starved to death, the weather is too cold, the grass and leaves in the forest are covered with snow, they can't find food."

Shanwen broke a small branch from the tree. The leaves of this branch are actually not big, but a very thick layer of ice has condensed on the outside, which is many times thicker than the leaves themselves.

Not only the leaves, but also other green plants, and even grass stems the size of toothpicks are condensed with ice the size of carrots.

In this case, those large mammals could not find enough food at all, and the weather was extremely cold, so they could only starve to death and freeze to death.

Shan Wen was not at all excited about picking up dozens of prey in vain, but said worriedly: "If this continues, more animals will starve to death, and it will become difficult for us to hunt in the future."

In the Southern Wilderness forest, there are a lot of wild beasts, and the area is so wide that it is not a problem to support some tribes that live by hunting and gathering.

But now, with the advent of the ice age, large mammals that cannot adapt to the environment may gradually become extinct, and with it, the number of carnivores will also decrease or even become extinct due to insufficient food.

The chain reaction triggered is that the food chain will be broken, and an unknown number of wild animals will be extinct.

With fewer wild beasts, it will be difficult for the tribal people to hunt, and the living environment will be even worse in the future.

Although Shanwen doesn't understand these principles, with his rich hunting experience, it is easy to figure out the connection.

"Don't worry too much." Chen Bei said.

"Our Mang tribe is different from other tribes. Our food source is not just hunting. Our planting, breeding, and fishing can also provide sufficient food.

"Even if all the giant-horned deer in the forest die, the giant-horned deer raised by our Mang tribe are still alive and well."

Chen Bei's words relieved Shanwen's heavy heart a little.

"Go on."

The second hunting team took their prey and continued to move forward.

The snow on the ground is very thick. If you step on it, you will be submerged in the snow below your knees. Trekking on it is not an easy task.

Fortunately, the hunting teams of the Mang tribe are all relatively strong totem warriors, with excellent endurance and snow survivability.

The next day, the hunting team made another discovery.

"Boss, two giant tapirs."

The giant tapir (mò) is a pig-like herbivorous mammal with a short, retractable snout.

Its nose is like a shrunken version of an elephant's nose. It is very short and looks weird overall.

Chen Bei walked over and saw that these two giant tapirs were also frozen to death. The place where they died was by a small lake. wrapped up.

The giant tapir is a good prey, and the hunting team likes it very much, because it is big and looks like a wild boar, but it is not as fierce as a wild boar, and the hunting risk is not high.

However, seeing the frozen giant tapir now, everyone in the hunting team is not happy.

They would rather hunt a live giant tapir hard than see a giant tapir that was frozen to death.

"It seems that the situation is worse than I thought."

Chen Bei dragged the frozen giant tapir to the side, cut open their stomachs, and their stomachs were as empty as the giant horned deer.

"If this continues, giant horned deer, giant tapirs, and other animals that cannot adapt to the snow, I am afraid that all of them will slowly freeze to death and starve to death."

"This is very bad news."

Shanwen said pessimistically: "Boss, will we not be able to find prey at all in winter?"

Chen Bei patted Shan Wen's strong shoulder and said: "No, Shan Wen, no matter how harsh the environment is, as long as the mountains and trees are still there, the animals in the forest will tenaciously survive."

"Only those who cannot adapt will be frozen to death. Those who can adapt to the snow environment will always survive."

Shanwen sighed, and said: "I hope so, if one day there is no more prey in the forest, our hunting team doesn't know what to do."

"Let's stop here for this hunting, we have gone far enough, let's go back with the prey."


The soldiers of the hunting team tied up the two frozen giant tapirs, took all the prey, and walked back under the leadership of Chen Bei.

Although there were a lot of prey harvested this time, no one was happy, and the atmosphere along the way was quite dull.

Chen Bei stepped on the snow, looked at the forest, and thought: The coming of the ice age will definitely be accompanied by the extinction of species, but I didn't expect it to come so soon.

From this point of view, the tribe's preparation is still not enough, and the tribe should domesticate more livestock.

The Mang tribe with giant horns has domesticated a lot, but the Mang tribe has not domesticated the giant tapir yet.

Whether it is to eat more meat in the future, or to continue this species, Chen Bei thinks that some giant tapirs should be caught and domesticated.

Not only giant tapirs, but also other large mammals are the same. There is always no harm in raising more.

But it's winter now, and it's too late to domesticate them. We can only wait for the ice and snow to melt, and after spring comes, we can catch some cubs and go back to domesticate them.

On the way back, the hunting team picked up some frozen prey, including mammals, carnivores, and birds.

It can be predicted that as time goes by, more animals will be frozen to death during the long winter.

Five days later, the hunting team returned to the Mang tribe. The prey they brought back were skinned and boned, and the meat was given to the tribe members for extra meals.

At the same time, the winter fishing of the Mang tribe is also in full swing. This wide lobster river still provides a large amount of fish resources for the Mang tribe every year.

 Thanks for the 500 book coins rewarded by the book friend "My Brother Society".

(End of this chapter)

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