The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 377 Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings

Chapter 377 Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings

At the beginning of the second month of spring, the weather is getting warmer and the hunting is getting fatter. The tribes in the Southern Wilderness can't wait to trade with the Mang tribe.

The trading area became lively again, and a large amount of goods came in and out every day. The Mang tribe could make a lot of money relying on the trading area.


Outside the Mang Tribe, in the Lobster River, a loud sound of conch suddenly came from a distance.

A large ship with the totem flag of the Yu Tribe approached. On the big ship, the fighters of the Yu Tribe looked at the Mang Tribe from a distance. Although it was not the first time they had seen the tall city walls, they were still very shocked.

"If only our tribe had such a tall and strong wall."

"Yeah, it must be safe to live inside the wall."

The fighters of the Fish Tribe discussed in low voices, their eyes full of envy.

The leader of the Yu tribe said: "What's the use of the wall? What we need is a big boat. Don't look at it blindly. They are all looked down upon by the people of the Mang tribe as if they have never seen the world."

The soldiers were reprimanded, and they didn't dare to crane their necks to look at it. They stood obediently on the deck with their weapons in hand.

The leader of the Fish Tribe said to the warrior who was blowing the conch next to him: "Blow it again, tell them that we are here to trade, not sneaking here to attack."


The sound of conch shells sounded again, spreading far, far away.

On the city wall of the Mang Tribe, Hong Ye hurriedly boarded the watchtower, looked at the big boat of the Yu Tribe that was advancing and blowing conch, frowned and said: "What do these people from the Yu Tribe want? Are they demonstrating against us? "

In the Mang tribe, horns like this would not be blown easily. Either the enemy was attacking, or the Mang tribe was about to attack.

The people in the Yu tribe didn't know the habits of the Mang tribe, and they thought it was a good thing to use the sound of conch shells to attract attention, so they got into trouble.

Hongye said to the soldiers next to him: "When did our Mang tribe ever get scared? They blow it, and we blow it too. Blow the horn!"

The soldier picked up a huge horn on the watchtower, puffed up his cheeks, and blew vigorously, blowing out the totem patterns.


The sound of the horn can be heard far and far from high places, and the people of the Fish Tribe can naturally hear it.

On the big boat of the Fish Tribe, the warrior blowing the conch looked at the leader eagerly and asked him what to do?
"This is their response to us, keep blowing!"

The soldier blowing the conch faintly felt that something was wrong, but since the leader gave the order, he could only continue blowing.



The loud sound of conch came, Mang Tribe didn't know what Yu Tribe was going to do, so they followed suit.

It doesn't matter if they brag, the Mang tribe will explode.

"What's the sound, could it be an enemy attack?"

"Hurry up, pick up your weapon and prepare to meet the enemy!"

The warriors of the Mang tribe gathered quickly, and took their weapons, and hurried to the city wall, ready to join the battle.


The gates of the city were also closed, and the outsiders who came to trade were stunned, not knowing what was going on, and when they realized that there might be a war, they ran away with their heads in their hands.

"what happened?"

Chen Bei also came out with a bronze spear, ran to the city wall, and asked Hong Ye.

Hongye pointed to the big boat on the river and said, "Boss, the people from the Fish Tribe are here."

Hongye told the whole story, Chenbei looked at the big boat of the fish tribe, and then at the totem warriors of his own tribe, his face turned dark immediately.

"If they want to attack, will they only come with one ship? If they want to attack, they will start blowing the horn before landing? What's the brain?"

Hong Ye was reprimanded by Chen Bei, and her face was a little uneasy, but seeing the totem warriors of the Mang tribe quickly assembled, she also realized that she seemed to have made a big mistake.

The fighters of the Mang tribe are famously mang. If the fish tribe doesn't want to attack, but the warriors of the Mang tribe start attacking before they reach the shore, the consequences will be serious.

"Then...then they blow the horn, we must not respond, right?"

Hongye lowered her head, and secretly blamed the fish tribe in her heart. You said you would come when you came, why is the horn blowing so loudly?I thought you were going to attack.

"Can't people just say hello? Tell the soldiers to disperse and open the city gate!"

Chen Bei put away the bronze spear and walked down the city wall.

The gate of the city was reopened soon, and Chen Bei comforted those outsiders who were frightened and thought there was going to be a war, and explained to them that it was a misunderstanding.

Afterwards, Chen Bei walked towards the river, because the big boat of Yu Tribe had already docked.

"Hahaha, Chief Chen, we meet again."

The leader of the Yu tribe got off the boat. He didn't know that he was almost attacked by the soldiers of the Mang tribe just now, and he was still proud of the way he greeted himself by blowing the conch.

See how effective it is to blow conch shells, the leaders of the Mang tribe came out to greet them in person.

"Yeah, we met again. Fortunately, I am in the tribe. Otherwise, your ship might not be able to return."

The leader of the Yu tribe asked suspiciously: "We are here for a deal, why can't we go back, don't you Mang tribe welcome us?"

"of course not."

Chen Bei recounted what happened just now.

After hearing this, the leader of the Fish Tribe broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't expect that a small move would almost trigger a big battle.

"This... this... I just want to say hello to your Mang tribe in advance..."

Although it sounds stupid, in fact, tribes have different habits and customs, and because of a small misunderstanding, fights eventually turned into tribal wars, and there are endless incidents.

The leader of the Fish Tribe knew a lot of this kind of thing, but he didn't expect it to happen to him.

Chen Beidao: "Fortunately, there was no conflict. Be careful next time. You are here to make a deal, right?"

The leader of the Fish Tribe nodded hastily, and said, "That's right, we brought a lot of goods from the sea, just for business, not for war."

"Since it is a transaction, welcome, unload the goods, let's go to the transaction area."

"it is good."

The leader of the Yu tribe immediately asked his soldiers to move the goods off the big ship, and moved them in piles to the trading area of ​​the Mang tribe.

These goods are mainly shells, conch, dried salted fish, and some seaside specialties, most of which are not available inland.

What caught Chen Bei's attention the most were a few bags of sea salt.

The grains of these sea salt are relatively coarse, and it looks not as good as the salt from the Mang Tribe Salt Lake, but the taste is also unique.

At the entrance of the trading area, Chen Bei said to the leader of the Yu tribe: "The trading area of ​​our Mang tribe, before entering, you can choose to exchange the goods for bronze coins, so that you don't have to carry the goods around."

Chen Bei handed a bronze coin to the leader of the Yu tribe: "This is a bronze coin with the imprint of our Mang tribe on it. Only the Mang tribe can cast it. Such a bronze coin is worth a catty of salt."

"You can exchange bronze coins for anything of the same value in the trading area of ​​the Mang tribe."

"Bronze coins?"

The leader of the fish tribe took the bronze coin and looked at it over and over again. It was a material he had never seen before. It was very beautiful and very weighty.

"This little thing can really be exchanged for a catty of salt?"

"Of course." Chen Bei said affirmatively: "If you are not at ease, you can change some first and go to the trading area to experience it."

The leader of the fish tribe really couldn't believe that this small bronze coin could be exchanged for a catty of salt, so he planned to try it.

"Then, let's exchange shells for five bronze coins first, and go in and try."

The leader of the fish tribe put a bag of shells in front of Chen Bei. These shells were very beautiful, with nice colors and patterns on them.

"These shells are very useful and can also be used as medicine."

"I also have a scroll of animal skins here, which was written by a witch from our tribe. I promise she will give it to the witch from your Mang tribe."

Chen Bei took the animal skin scroll and looked at it, and said: "Then you wait here for a while, and I will show it to Wu."

"Then trouble Chief Chen."

Chenbei took the animal skin bag to Qingzhu, and after getting a positive answer, he returned to the entrance of the trading area again.

"The animal skin scroll witch has seen it. These shells are indeed useful. If so, let's start trading."

Chen Bei estimated the price of the shells, and then exchanged five bronze coins for a lot of unattractive shells, as well as a few large snails and two salted fish.

Holding the five bronze coins, the leader of the Fish Tribe felt a little uneasy, because they used to barter for things, but now they only exchanged a lot of things for such a small number of bronze coins.

He decided to go to the trading area of ​​the Mang Tribe to experience it, to see if the five bronze coins were really as useful as Chen Bei said, and if they could really be exchanged for other goods.

(End of this chapter)

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