Chapter 378
The Mang tribe trading area has been repaired several times and expanded several times. Because of the city wall, there is no wall outside the trading area.

But there is also an archway with three big characters "trading area" engraved in ancient characters.

Inside the archway is a long street with various shops on both sides of the street, which may develop into two or three streets in the future.

Because there are a lot of pedestrians coming and going, the bluestone slab on the ground has been polished to a smooth surface under the accumulated trampling, showing a dark green color with a white stripe on it, which is very beautiful.

"This is the trading area of ​​the Mang tribe!"

The leader of the Fish Tribe led a few warriors to walk in the bustling trading area. Looking at the dazzling array of goods on both sides and the pedestrians coming and going, it felt as if he had entered another world.

Whether they were in the middle of the country before or moved to the seaside later, they have never seen such a bustling, clean trading area with so many goods and pedestrians.

All of a sudden, the leader of the Yu tribe, who usually claims to be well-informed, also became a little restrained, feeling very uncomfortable here, even a little dazed.

Fortunately, Chenbei came over. The Yutribe is a big tribe. For Chenbei, it is naturally a big customer. For a big customer, he must accompany him for the first time.

"Captain Yu, how about buying a piece of painted pottery? The painted pottery of our Mang tribe is very beautiful."

"Take me to see."

The leader of the fish tribe tried his best to behave calmly, not looking around or asking too many questions.

Soon, they arrived at a shop selling painted pottery and tinware. Seeing that Chen Bei had come in person, the shop assistants naturally knew that this was a big customer, and immediately introduced the products in the shop to the leader of the Yu Tribe graciously.

"You are members of the fish tribe, right? It just so happens that we have a painted pottery with fish patterns here, and I think it is very suitable for you."

The store clerk took down a painted pottery basin from the shelf. On the inner and outer walls of the painted pottery basin, there were several colorful fishes painted on it, which was very beautiful.

During this period, other tribes still had an abstract and exaggerated painting style, but the Mang tribe had a realistic painting style due to the influence of Chenbei, so the fish were painted so lifelike, as if they were swimming in a pottery basin.

When the leaders and warriors of the fish tribe saw this clay pot, their eyes lit up. Their totem god was fish, and their love for fish was far less than that of other tribes.

"How much is it?"

The guy looked at Chen Bei, and saw that Chen Bei had nothing to say, so he decided by himself: "It's not easy to make this exquisite painted pottery, let alone paint fish on it. The price is a little expensive." .”

"However, the Fish Tribe is such a big tribe, I think they wouldn't hesitate to buy a painted pottery basin."

The man stretched out his right hand, spread his fingers apart, and said, "Five bronze coins!"

"What? Five bronze coins?"

The leader of the fish tribe thought that this faience basin might be very expensive, but he didn't expect it to be so expensive. You know, he only has five bronze coins with him now.

Although there are still a lot of goods outside, the leader of the fish tribe still feels distressed.

"That's right, this painted pottery basin is a bit expensive, but it's worth it!"

The clerk took out a dingy clay pot from under the counter, placed it on the table, and said, "Look, this is an ordinary clay pot. If you want it, you can buy one for a bronze coin. How about it?"

Chen Bei looked at this scene with interest. This method of comparison was also taught by Chen Bei.

If a person likes something very much, but the price is relatively expensive, he will be very hesitant.

At this time, the store owner will recommend another cheap and ugly item to you, which is in sharp contrast with the item you like very much.

Under this kind of comparison, you will subconsciously feel that there is a reason for expensive things, and your inner hesitation will be much less, and you will buy it as soon as you grit your teeth.

Today, the shop assistants use this trick to sell goods.

The leader of the fish tribe looked at the ordinary pottery pot with no patterns, and then at the painted pottery pot with many fishes painted on it. After comparing it in his heart, he immediately disliked the ordinary pottery pot.

"I want the pinata."

The leader of the fish tribe gritted his teeth, and handed the five bronze coins in his hand to the shop assistant.

The store clerk was overjoyed, accepted the bronze coins, and then carefully handed the painted pottery basin to the leader of the fish tribe: "Now, this beautiful painted pottery basin is yours."

The leader of the Fish Tribe carefully took over the pottery pot. Although he spent five bronze coins, he was still very happy.

Because bronze coins are exchanged with shells, and the fish tribe lives by the sea, the most indispensable thing is shells.

After coming out of the shop, because the bronze coins were spent, the leader of the fish tribe led a few soldiers, holding painted pottery pots, and walked happily outside the trading area.

"Boss Yu, now you know that the bronze coins are not a lie? As long as you are in the Mang tribe trading area, you can buy all the goods with bronze coins."

The leader of the Yu tribe nodded heavily, approving Chen Bei's words.

"Chief Chen is right, this bronze coin is so useful, I decided to exchange all the goods we brought into bronze coins, and then go shopping."

Outside the trading area, the leader of the fish tribe exchanged all the goods left here, including shells, conch, salted fish, sea salt, fish skin and oil, etc., into bronze coins.

Although, he brought the fighters of the Fish Tribe into the trading area again. The leader of the Fish Tribe, who had become rich and powerful in a short time, bought a lot of things that he thought were valuable to the Fish Tribe in the trading area.

Chen Bei accompanied them all the way, and welcomed them to come to the Mang Tribe next time to do business.

The Yu Tribe got what they wanted, gained knowledge in the trading area of ​​the Mang Tribe, and ate a big meal, and went back with the goods they got from the trade contentedly.

This transaction was obviously a success.


After sending off the Yutribe's boat, Chenbei did not go back, but strolled around the tribe.

"Quack quack..."

A large group of red ducks swim happily in the moat, tens of thousands of them, a large area.

Among them, there was one of the strongest and largest red ducks. After seeing Chen Bei, it flew over the water excitedly.

It is the Duck King. It has awakened the power of the totem. It was not small at first, but now it grows bigger and bigger.

After the Duck King came ashore, he followed Chen Bei step by step, with his head held high, and he walked with a figure of eight, as proud as a goose.

Chen Bei smiled and said, "Where did you learn the bad habit? Are you not tired if you tilt your head so high?"

Duck King turned his head to the side, pretending he didn't hear Chen Bei's words, and continued to follow behind Chen Bei proudly.

Chen Bei didn't care, and walked slowly along the moat.

On both sides of the moat, there are wild willow trees that have already sprouted buds, and it will grow very lush in a short time.

Chen Bei broke off many willow branches, and then inserted them one by one on the fertile soil on the bank of the moat. He hoped that one day two rows of willow trees would grow on both sides of the moat.

That scene must be beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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