The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 379 The Broken Bronze Arrowhead

Chapter 379 The Broken Bronze Arrowhead

Southern Wilderness, Spider Tribe.

"Have you found out? Where is the elder?"

The witch of the Spider Tribe had no expression on his face. He originally wanted to find out the reality of the Mang Tribe, but in the end even the elders didn't come back. This is really a terrible thing.

Although the elder has no real power in the tribe, he has a high prestige. If the elder is captured, if he is alive, he must find a way to rescue him.

The leader of the Spider Tribe shook his head, and said: "If I didn't find it, it must have been captured by the Mang Tribe. As for whether it was killed or locked up, I can't be sure."

The face of the spider tribe witch became gloomy. Now that the spider tribe has just gained a firm foothold in the southern wilderness, people's hearts are still not stable. At this time, the elders are gone, which is a heavy blow to the morale of the tribe's fighters.

Even if he died of old age naturally, it would be much better, but unfortunately he was captured by the Mang tribe.

The witch from the Spider Tribe asked again: "Do you know where the shiny golden weapons from the Mang Tribe come from?"

"Nor...not...they hid it too well." The leader of the spider tribe lowered his head in shame.

The spider tribe witch looked at him. Although he didn't speak, his eyes clearly accused him of being a waste.

"However, at least one thing is confirmed." The leader of the spider tribe hurriedly made amends.

"The leader of the Mang tribe is still alive. The people of our tribe saw him walk out of the tribe and talk to the leader of the Yu tribe. The two parties seemed to have made a deal."

The face of the spider tribe witch became even more gloomy. Neither of these two things is beneficial to the spider tribe. The current situation can be described as terrible.

"Does the Fish Tribe want to form an alliance with the Mang Tribe?" The spider tribe witch thought of this possibility.

"It's not very clear. We don't know where the Yu tribe is. It's even more difficult for us to find out what's going on between them and the Mang tribe."

"However, I do think they are unlikely to form an alliance."

The leader of the spider tribe said: "The fish tribe has always been cautious. When they were in the middle of the country, they didn't get involved in the struggles of other tribes. Now in the southern wilderness, the Mang tribe has many enemies. They should not get involved with the Mang tribe. thing."

"I hope so."

The spider tribe witch waved his hand wearily, and said: "I'm tired, you go back first, and continue to send people to inquire about the news of the Mang tribe."

"Yes, Wu has a good rest."

The leader of the Spider Tribe withdrew, and now he also has a headache and is under a lot of pressure.

In the wooden house, the spider tribe witch looked at the big spider on the roof that was weaving a web, and said: "The Mang tribe, which should have been wiped out hundreds of years ago, has revived? Why can't it disappear completely like other tribes?"

The spider tribe witch was in a very depressed mood. He sat on a wooden stool and thought about how to deal with the Mang tribe.

On the roof, the giant spider continued to weave its web.


Southern Wilderness, Ant Tribe.


A giant eagle screamed sharply in the sky, and then brought dozens of giant eagles, and landed on the open space outside the ant tribe.

The leader of the Eagle Tribe trading team, Hei Yu, a high-level totem warrior, jumped lightly and landed on the ground, looking at the new territory of the Ant Tribe.

"Crack clap..."

In the distance, a group of huge ants were biting the tree. Their fangs were very sharp. After a short time, a big tree was bitten off by them and fell to the ground.

After falling to the ground, these big ants bit the big tree into sections, and then the ant tribe warriors carried them into the tribe. The whole process, whether it was ants or people, was neat and tidy, just like an assembly line.

"As expected of an ant tribe."

Hei Yu lamented the efficiency of the Ant Tribe, and was still a little envious in his heart, but he thought that the strength of the Eagle Tribe was in business, and no matter how good the Ant Tribe worked, wouldn't they be able to make money for themselves?
Thinking of this, Kuroba's mouth showed a confident smile again.

"Unload all the cargo."

Hei Yu directed the soldiers on and off the giant eagle to unload the goods, and then negotiated with the guard soldiers at the gate of the ant tribe, preparing to trade in the ant tribe.

The Eagle Tribe and the Ant Tribe were old acquaintances. After exchanging a few words, the soldiers at the gate of the Ant Tribe let them in.

"Hei Yu, you guys are a bit slow to come this time!"

In the ant tribe, the leader of the ant tribe came out in person, after all, he was doing business on his own territory.

"The leader of the poisonous ants, your ant tribe needs too many things, so give us some time to collect them."

Heiyu and the leader of the Ant Tribe are very familiar, and the two exchanged a few words, and then directly entered the topic.

"Did you get the shiny golden weapon of the Mang tribe?"

The leader of the ant tribe looked at Heiyu eagerly, hoping that he would give an affirmative answer.

"I haven't got the weapon yet. The Mang tribe attaches too much importance to this kind of weapon, and they don't usually take it out at all."

The leader of the ant tribe was a little disappointed. Ever since he knew that the Mang tribe had a new weapon, the ant tribe was scratching their heads and wanted to get a batch.

It's a pity that relying on the Ant Tribe themselves, they can't get it at all. The people of the Mang Tribe are too cautious.

Therefore, they pinned their hopes on the Eagle Tribe. After all, the Eagle Tribe claimed that as long as they could afford the price, they could get anything.

It's a pity that the eagle tribe couldn't get that kind of weapon either.


Heiyu suddenly took out a golden arrow with a broken shaft from the animal skin bag, and he placed the arrow in front of the leader of the ant tribe.

"We took a lot of effort and got an arrowhead. The material of this arrowhead is exactly the same as that of the Mang tribe's weapon."

In fact, this arrow was picked up by a tourist.

The Mang tribe was fighting with the Bee tribe at that time, and this tourist happened to be nearby. After the battle, the people of the Mang tribe recovered most of the bronze feather arrows, but there were so many of them, and the mountains and forests were so dense, it was inevitable that they missed them.

This broken arrow was left in a hidden corner, and happened to be found by that tourist.

The tourist knew it was a good thing, but he didn't dare to trade it casually. He knew that the Diao tribe had an enmity with the Mang tribe, so he found the Diao tribe and wanted to sell them the arrowhead.

The people from the Diao tribe really wanted the arrowhead, but instead of trading it, they grabbed it directly. The tourist who got the arrowhead was killed silently.

Tourists without background are so worthless.

After the arrowhead was brought back, the people of the Eagle Tribe studied it for a long time, but no one knew how the arrowhead was made and what materials were used to make it.

Eventually, they gave up on the research.

Just at this time, the Ant Tribe hoped that they could get the weapons of the Mang Tribe, and was willing to pay a large price.

So, Hei Yu brought the arrow over, intending to sell it to the Ant Tribe at a high price and let them study it.

The people of the Eagle Tribe are like this, they are very good at maximizing the benefits of a piece of goods.

"Is this the Mang tribe's new weapon?"

The leader of the ant tribe took the arrow and watched it carefully, and found that the workmanship was very delicate, and the totem pattern of the Mang tribe was engraved on it, which was very beautiful.

The leader of the ant tribe looked at it for a long time, and he confirmed that he had never seen this kind of material, like stone, but it was not stone, nor was it a bone tool. The more he didn't know where the Mang tribe got it.

"That's right, this is the Mang tribe's new weapon, and we just got it. If you Ant tribe can discover the secret, you can also create the same weapon as the Mang tribe."

Although I know that Hei Yu's words are a little watery, but the weapon made of this new material is really tempting, even if it is an arrow, what if the secret can be discovered?

When faced with a big temptation, many people always take chances, and the leader of the ant tribe is like this.

In the end, the Ant Tribe bought the arrowhead at a high price, and made a big deal with the Diao Tribe, exchanging a large amount of looted materials for necessities such as salt, pottery, and some high-quality stone materials.

(End of this chapter)

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