The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 380 The Unexpected Lotus Root

Chapter 380 The Unexpected Lotus Root

Outside the city walls of the Mang tribe, land reclamation continued.

As the population of the Mang tribe continues to increase, the required territory is also expanding, and the demand for food is also increasing.

Therefore, the Mang tribe can only rely on the city wall and continue to expand outward.

Of course, the important grains must not be grown outside the city walls. What can be grown are ordinary grains and vegetables.

The mountain snail carried the hoe and followed everyone to open up wasteland. He had long been used to such days. His hands had thick calluses from holding the hoe for a long time.

Although they can enter and live inside the city walls, Shanluo is still not a member of the Mang tribe. To become a real member of the Mang tribe, they need to work for another year and perform well.

This is a rather torturous process, but Shanluo is happy with it, because life in the Mang tribe is much better than when he was in the middle of the country.


The mountain snail swung the hoe vigorously, turning over the soil with a lot of grass roots.

A fat worm came out of the soil, and the mountain snail eye quickly grabbed it.

"Another one."

The mountain snail happily used a sharp small stick to pass through the bug's head and string it up.

There were already a dozen of such bugs on that small wooden stick.

When it’s time to eat, the mountain snails will remove the internal organs of these insects, and then roast them on the fire as an extra meal.

In fact, he ate it raw at first, but later Chen Bei saw it and said that eating it raw would make him sick, so he asked him to cook it before eating it.

Later, the mountain snails have been roasting and eating the worms. He found that the roasted worms are much more delicious than the raw ones, so he naturally accepted this way of eating.

The same is true for other tourists. After they dig up bugs, they will choose to eat them.

The tribal people have been short of food and clothing for a long time, and insects are considered relatively good food, and almost no one would dislike them.

The working time always passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was lunch time.

"dinner's ready!"

The people of the Mang tribe set up many large pottery tripods, in which some wild vegetables, some grains, and some small fish and shrimps were stewed.

The most important thing is that there is salt in it, which is the most important thing for working tourists.

As a tourist, it is almost impossible to obtain salt through normal means. Therefore, being able to eat salt in the Mang tribe is also an important condition for attracting tourists.

Shan Luo put away the tools, took the bunch of worms, and walked to the eating place with the others.

He first received his own portion of food, which he put in a bamboo bowl, and then he went to Tao Ding, set up the bunch of worms and started roasting.

"Mountain snail, you're grilling bugs again."

The Mang tribe, who is in charge of cooking, is already familiar with mountain snails, and everyone has a good impression of mountain snails.

This man works hard, and no matter what he is asked to do, he does not complain, but does his best.

The mountain snail smiled and said, "Eat some worms, and you will have more strength to work."

"That's right, there's nothing wrong with bugs."

The mang tribe who was cooking watched the snails roasting the worms with great interest. After the snails were cooked, the snails shared a piece for the cook to taste.

This makes the cooks have a better impression of him. How can a person who works hard, doesn't complain, and is generous be unpopular?

After eating the worms, the mountain snail ate all the food in the bamboo bowl, and then went to the moat to wash the dishes.

Washing the dishes after eating is also a rule set by Chen Bei, even those who have not yet joined the Mang tribe must abide by it.


Shan Luo carefully cleaned the bamboo bowl, and when he was about to turn around and go back, he suddenly saw a root of a plant floating in the moat.

The skin of this kind of rhizome is light yellow in color, relatively thick, and the nodes are connected together.

"What is this? Can it be eaten?"

The first reaction of the mountain snail is whether it can be eaten.

Tribal people have been digging for various foods for a long time, so they naturally know that some plant roots are edible, and mountain snails naturally know it too.

"Fill it up and have a look."

The mountain snail had never seen this kind of plant, but it looked edible, so he decided to pick it up.

The mountain snail found a branch and picked the root of the plant from the moat to the bank.

Once on shore, the plant became more apparent.

It has many slender rhizomes, which are connected to each other. Some of the rhizomes are thicker, which is the part that looks edible.

"What kind of plant is this, I have never seen it before."

The mountain snail wanted to taste it, but finally didn't have the courage.

There are many plants that I have never seen before, some of which are highly poisonous, and if you eat a little, you will die.

Mountain snails don't want to be poisoned.

"I heard that the tribe is looking for all kinds of edible plants, and I don't know if this is it."

Shanluo thought for a while, took this plant, and went to the Mang tribe who was in charge of cooking, and asked him to identify what it was.

The mang tribe who was cooking looked at it several times, shook his head, and said, "I can't recognize it either, I've never seen such a thing before."

"Then...or I can just throw it away."

The mountain snail was a little disappointed. Cooks are the ones who have the most exposure to all kinds of food. Even he has never seen it, so it should not be eaten.

"and many more."

The cook stopped the mountain snail and said: "The leader said that if you encounter a plant you don't know, you can take it back and show it to him. I'll help you show it to the leader."

"it is good."

Shan Luo readily agreed, since he didn't know him anyway.

The cooks put this kind of plant into the original food basket, and didn't pay much attention to it. There are so many plants that have never been seen in the mountains and forests. How many kinds of plants are there that can be eaten?
It wasn't until the tourists had eaten and drank enough, rested for a while, and started working again, that the cooks packed up their things, only to see the mountain snail plant in the rattan basket that was fished up from the moat.

"It was agreed to take it to the leader to have a look, but I almost forgot."

The cook patted his head. If another tourist gave him this plant, he might throw it away.

But the mountain snail is very popular and everyone likes it, so he decided to take it back to find the leader.

The cook packed up his things, and then returned to the city wall with the rattan basket. He took the plant and went to find Chenbei.

"Boss, this plant was fished up from the moat by a tourist. We don't know each other, so I brought it here for you to see."

Chen Bei was busy in the yard, but when he saw this plant, he was immediately attracted to it.

"Could it be...could it be lotus root?"

Chen Bei walked over quickly and took the plant. He found that the plant had sprouted, but because of being washed by the water, the bud had broken off.

He broke off a section of the rhizome at the end and pulled it lightly, and many transparent silk threads were pulled out from it.

"That's right, it's lotus root!"

Chen Bei's face was full of smiles. He had looked for lotus roots before and wanted to plant them in the pond, but he couldn't find them after searching for a long time. Unexpectedly, lotus roots appeared by themselves today!
"Who found this?"

"It's a tourist named Shanluo, who has been in our tribe for half a year."

"Mountain snail, I seem to have heard this name..."

Chen Bei recalled it carefully, and said, "Is that the tourist who came from the middle?"

"Yes, that's him!" The cook gave an affirmative answer.

"It turned out to be him, this person's luck, isn't it too good?"

It is an amazing miracle that the mountain snail can escape from the jackal tribe, survive the winter, and walk all the way to the mang tribe. It requires unfathomable luck.

Unexpectedly, now he actually fished out the lotus root from the moat. Could it be that this person's luck is really so good?

Chen Bei felt a little unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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