The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 39 Setting up a Trap

Chapter 39 Setting up a Trap

After the sacrificial ceremony, the number of totem warriors of the Mang tribe reached 71.

There were originally 130 people in the Mang tribe, plus this year's newborn, there are now a total of [-] people.

Totem warriors accounted for more than half, which is much better than many small tribes.

In Chenbei's room, witches, elders, and various captains gathered here, discussing countermeasures around the table.

Chen Beidao: "Although there are many more totem warriors in our tribe, most of them have no combat experience. If they confront other tribes head-on, they may suffer a big loss. Therefore, everyone has come up with ideas on how to deal with this situation." next crisis."

Qingzhu remained silent, this aspect was not her specialty, the reason why she appeared here was only because of her identity.

After all, the elders lived a long time, saw a lot, and experienced a lot of wars between tribes.He said: "Boss, I think we can set some traps in the eastern mountain forest, so that once someone invades, it will definitely not be so smooth."

Yun also echoed: "I agree with the elder's opinion. Anyway, we don't go hunting in the eastern mountains and forests. We simply cover the entire forest with traps to make it difficult for them to move!"

Others also agreed one after another, thinking that digging traps is a good way.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, let's start immediately and send everyone to set up traps. Be sure to be quick, otherwise others will come over before you finish setting up the traps."

"Yes, chief, let's go back and gather people right away."

Time was running out, and everyone didn't have time to hesitate, so they did what they said. In the entire tribe, all available manpower went into the eastern mountain forest and began to set traps.

Chen Bei had only learned how to lay traps, but was not proficient, so after he took the tools, he followed behind Yun, working and learning at the same time.

Even as the leader, Chen Bei will not lose his face. If he learns a little more, he will have one more skill to save his life. Why do he need so much face?Does it look big?
In the mountain forest, Yun bent a branch into a bow, fixed it to the ground with a rope, and added a simple trigger mechanism.

"Boss, this is called the ground bow. After it is fixed here, as long as someone or a beast accidentally steps on the front rope, the ground bow will immediately shoot out the arrows and severely damage them."

Chen Bei carefully remembered all the steps of laying the ground bow in his heart. This thing is like laying a mine, as long as he steps on the line, it will be triggered immediately. It is a powerful and unpredictable trap.

The only disadvantage is that the ground bow takes a long time to lay. If there is no prey to trigger the rope, it may lose its elasticity by itself, so this thing is time-sensitive.

"Most lassoes can only be used against less intelligent beasts, so if you want to deal with people, you must use a lasso with better concealment, such as this one."

Yun dug a small hole in the ground, then put the noose rope around the hole, and covered the whole noose with leaves and soft weeds.

Once people or beasts pass by here and step on this pit, the lasso will be triggered instantly, quickly binding their feet and hanging them up.

"Another best method is to dig a trap. Although it is more laborious, it is very practical. Even an experienced hunter may fall into a trap that is disguised."

While explaining to Chen Bei, Yun quickly dug the soil with a shovel-like tool, dug a big hole in the forest where it was suitable for walking, and inserted sharpened branches at the bottom.

The top of the pit, covered with twigs and fallen leaves, looks like any other ground, but in fact it hides deadly danger.

The tribal people hunted all the year round, and the accumulation of experience allowed them to research all kinds of traps to deal with those hard-to-catch prey.

This time, because they are dealing with people, the traps are mainly concealed, and the enemy cannot easily find out where the traps are located.

The Mang tribe gathered everyone's strength, and it took three days to turn the eastern mountain forest into a dangerous area full of traps.

The recovery ability of the forest is terrifying. In just a few days, many traces will be faded, and the trap will become more hidden. Even those who participated in making the trap will not dare to enter it easily.

In order to give an early warning when danger comes, Chenbei set up a few temporary sentry posts on the edge of the forest. They are all dug earthen pits covered with vines and branches. situation, report back immediately.

At the same time, the tribe manufactured a large number of weapons such as stone spears, bone spears, bows and arrows, and trained those new totem warriors every day, waiting for the arrival of the war.

In the next few days, the weather became colder and colder. Every morning, the ground would be covered with a layer of hoarfrost like snow. It will snow soon.

The danger predicted by the green bamboo has not yet come. Once it starts to snow, no matter which tribe it is, it is almost impossible to attack other tribes.

Because after it snows, it will be extremely difficult to go out, and it will be even more difficult to obtain food. For the tribal people who are already short of food and clothing, it is too fatal.

Could it be that the witch's prophecy was wrong?
In the tribe, someone began to doubt, because so far, everything seems to be fine, and there are no dangers or accidents.

However, most people still firmly believe that Wu's words are correct, and are still actively preparing to deal with danger.

This is the power of faith.

In their eyes, the witch represents the totem god, and the prophecy of the witch is naturally the instruction of the totem god, and the totem god is absolutely infallible.


The Black Snake tribe, which is dozens of miles away from the Mang tribe, has not enough food this winter, and it is worse than in previous years. This means that many people will starve to death or freeze to death this winter.

In the stone house where the Black Snake Witch lives, Du Fang, the leader of the Black Snake and the captain of the hunting team, is facing a difficult choice.

"Witch, leader, there is still not enough food and animal skins in winter, and it will snow soon. At that time, our hunting team will not be able to go hunting in the mountains. I don't know how many people will starve to death."

The leader of the Black Snake tribe frowned deeply, and said: "In recent years, the prey around the tribe has become less and less, and we have robbed all those small tribes. It is not easy to get a lot of food."

Poison Fang said anxiously: "Then you can't just watch your clansmen starve to death or freeze to death, right?"

The leader of the Black Snake didn't speak anymore. Dead people are common in winter, which is unavoidable for most tribes.

At this moment, the Black Snake Witch suddenly spoke. His voice was old and hoarse: "The Totem God told me that he felt the breath of the Totem God in the western forest, and it is likely to be a small tribe."

The leader's eyes lit up, and he said: "Small tribe, very good, as long as we shoot them down, we will get a lot of food, as well as women and children."

The Black Snake Tribe has done this several times, so that there are no small tribes near the Black Snake Tribe. Now, they finally have another goal.

The Black Snake Witch reminded: "Don't be careless, the Totem God told me that this operation may be dangerous."

The leader waved his hand and said, "Danger is inevitable, but I believe the warriors of our tribe will overcome everything!"

The leader said to Fang Fang: "Take people to the western mountains and forests, find this small tribe, and grab everything from it!"

"Yes, chief!"

Fang Fang left excitedly. He vaguely guessed that the small tribe Wu mentioned was probably the tribe where the little hunting team he met was the last time he was hunting.

In his impression, that hunting team was extremely weak, and their tribe would naturally be weak as well. It would definitely not be difficult to defeat them.

With this in mind, Fang Fang immediately organized a team to go to the western mountains and forests to find the location of the Mang tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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