The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 40 The Enemy Is Coming

Chapter 40 The Enemy Is Coming
The mountains and forests to the east of the Mang tribe.

"Xi, Ya, the leader asked me to bring you a stove and food."

A young totem warrior about thirteen or fourteen years old walked up to the secret sentry with a stove-shaped pottery in a rattan basket, lifted the weeds covering it, and put the rattan basket into the pit.

This young man named Xian is also a newly awakened totem warrior this year. He carries a bow every day and is a very talented archer in the tribe.

Ya and another young man named Xi worked as a secret sentry. Xi was a totem warrior who awakened last year. He was more experienced in the mountains and forests and happened to be leading a new totem warrior.

Although they are already totem warriors, they have been nested in the pit for a long time, unable to move around, and will suffer from the cold, so Chen Bei came up with a way to warm them with a stove.

Xi said sincerely: "Go back for us and thank the leader."

The tooth took over the rattan basket, and inside was a censer-like pottery, inside which was a charcoal fire covered with plant ash. This is a stove made by Chenbei, which can be used for heating. The charcoal fire inside is covered with plant ash and simmers, which can last for half a day. time.

There are also some dried meat in the rattan basket, which can be roasted on the stove to add some heat to people.

Xian covered the weeds again, leaving only a small viewing port, and said, "Uncle Lie and I will replace you tonight,"

Ya put the jerky on the stove to warm it up, took a bite, swallowed it, and said: "The leader is so kind to us, he not only gave us animal skins to keep warm, but also sent us the stove and jerky so that we can eat hot food. "

Xi nodded and said, "Yes, much better than the leaders of our previous tribe."

"What are you talking about him for? I've already forgotten about my former tribe."

Ya's complexion was a little ugly. Obviously, the previous tribe didn't leave him many good memories.

Xi picked up a piece of jerky, took a bite, and said, "Yes, we are members of the Mang tribe now, so we should forget about our former tribe."

Xi continued: "Now we have a good house to live in, meat to eat every day, and the power of the totem has been awakened. We didn't have anything before. When winter comes, we have to suffer from cold and starvation. There is really nothing to miss."

Ya held the bone spear beside him, and said: "So, no matter who wants to take away everything we have now, I will fight them desperately until I die in battle!"

Xi took a deep breath, with fierce eyes, and said, "That's right, we will fight for anyone who wants to take away our things! Anyway, I don't want to go back to my previous life if I'm killed."

The two stopped talking, and chewed the roasted jerky silently. In order to avoid going to the toilet, they drank as little water as possible, so the jerky had to be chewed for a longer time, so that it was not easy to choke.

Time passed slowly, and in the afternoon, the stove was no longer so warm, and there was still no movement in the forest. Xi and Ya were ready to wait for someone to pick them up.

In the evening, Lie took Xian to pick up the post on time. They brought a new stove and dried meat, and they would stay here all night.

"You are finally here."

Xi stretched his waist, brushed away the weeds, and prepared to come out of the pit.

However, at this moment, Lie's ears moved suddenly, pulled the string and quickly got into the pit, and covered the weeds again.

The earth pit is more than enough to accommodate two or three people, but it is more crowded for four people.

Xi said nervously: "Captain, is something wrong?"

Xi is also a member of the fishing team. He has been fishing with Lie since the beginning, so he is considered a veteran.

Lie stretched out his hand to tell Xi not to speak, then lay down on the ground with a solemn face, listened carefully for a while, and said, "Here we come!"

Everyone understood what these two words meant. They each clenched their weapons tightly, and their whole bodies became tense.


Suddenly there was a scream in the forest, it was someone who had stepped into a trap.

Lie grabbed the teeth that wanted to rush out, and said: "We stay here, you and Xi immediately go back to the tribe to report to the leader, Xi, take him away, hurry up!"

Ya really wanted to stay, but Lie didn't allow him to refuse at all, and let Xi drag him away.

Ya could only follow the stream and run quickly into the tribe, so that the tribe's people were ready to meet the enemy.

Lie was still lying in the pit, rearranged the weeds used for camouflage outside, and checked the weapons on his body, while saying to the string next to him: "Are you afraid?"

Xian held a bow in his hand, and he skillfully drew out a feathered arrow and put it on the bowstring, saying, "Don't be afraid!"

Lie patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction, and said: "Very well, you will hide here for a while, shoot them with arrows, and I will go out to attract their attention for you."

Xian nodded. His bow and arrows are indeed more powerful in the dark. If they are easily found by others, they will lose their advantage.

In the mountain forest, the traps were constantly being triggered, and screams were heard from time to time, but Lie and Xian still lay in the pit without moving.

The Mang tribe had laid a large number of traps in advance in the forest. Even if the people of the Black Snake Tribe were careful, they would have to pay a sufficient price if they wanted to break through the forest.

On the other side, Xi ran wildly with his teeth and finally returned to the tribe.

Outside the tribe, Chenbei arranged several teams of totem warriors to take turns patrolling every day. The two of them were spotted by the patrolling warriors as soon as they appeared outside the tribe.

Xi shouted while running: "Hurry up, blow the bone whistle, the enemy is coming!"

Every patrolling warrior has a bone whistle, which can make a sharp whistle. If there is an emergency, the bone whistle can be blown directly, and the whole tribe can hear it.

The situation was urgent, and one of the patrolling soldiers immediately took out his bone whistle and blew it frantically.


The sharp whistle resounded through the entire tribe, and everyone who heard the whistle immediately followed the assigned tasks.

The old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled all gathered next to the altar, which is protected by the totem god and is the safest place for the entire tribe.

The rest, men and women, all took up arms and assembled outside the tribe to prepare for battle.

Chen Bei was having dinner, and when he heard the whistle, he put the bowl away, put on his back the animal skin package he had prepared, picked up a stone spear, and ran outside without even wiping his mouth.

As soon as he ran to the door, he met the elder and Qingzhu who also heard the sound.

"Elder, Wu, you all go to the altar, the old and young in the tribe depend on you."

The elder said: "Don't worry, leader, you can go to fight with peace of mind, and leave the rear to us."

Qing Zhu originally wanted to say something, but when the words reached her lips, there were only two words left: "Be careful."

Chen Bei nodded. The situation was urgent, so he didn't care to say anything more, so he ran away. The warriors in the tribe were waiting for him to command and command.

Outside the tribe, the warriors of the Mang tribe had assembled, and all of them brought their weapons with serious faces.

Chen Bei stood in front of everyone, making the final mobilization.

"Clan people, our enemy is coming!"

"They want to take our food, occupy our houses, kill our families, what should we do?"

Chen Bei's voice became high, and the totem lines on his body were all shouted out, and his aura became extremely powerful.

"Kill them!" Among the soldiers, Yun took the lead and shouted.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

All the soldiers roared in unison, their murderous aura was soaring to the sky, they managed to live a good life for a few days, no matter who wanted to destroy it all, they would fight them desperately without hesitation.

"Okay, let's go!"

Everyone's emotions have been mobilized, Chen Bei didn't say a single unnecessary nonsense, and led the people directly to the east mountain forest.

(End of this chapter)

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