The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 391 Antlion Tribe

Chapter 391 Antlion Tribe
After eating the frog legs, the two enjoyed the desert night contentedly.

The desert during the day and the desert at night are two extremes.

During the day when the sun is on, the desert is very hot, which can be unbearable even before the height of summer, but at night it cools off quickly and even becomes cold.

Day and night temperatures are very high.

Fortunately, with Chen Bei around, Chen Bei, who became a god with the sun's body, is like a walking stove, as long as he wants to, it will continue to emit heat, making those who are close to him very warm and comfortable.

That night, there were occasional wolf howls and unknown beast howls in the distance, but no wild beast dared to approach the cave.

It was as if no beast dared to approach the tribe with the totem god easily, not to mention that Chenbei's strength was not weak even among the totem gods.

The night passed so peacefully.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Bei took the thorn willow and rode a flamingo on the road again.

Traveling in the desert does not often encounter interesting things. Most of the time, you will see the endless sand sea with the scorching sun above your head, which is boring and tormenting.

Fortunately, the flamingos flew very fast. At noon, they successfully found a small oasis. There was a spring in the oasis, and many animals relied on this spring to survive nearby.


When the flamingo landed, there was a lot of movement, many small animals avoided, and a group of camels galloped past, disappearing behind countless sand dunes in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, is that a pigeon?"

Chen Bei asked, pointing to a group of khaki-feathered birds running fast.

"That's a sand chicken. It's only found near the oasis. The sand chicken near our scorpion tribe has long since disappeared. Occasionally, when the leader leads them into the desert, they can be hunted."

Thorny Willow thought for a while, and added: "The sand chicken is delicious, I ate a small piece once."

Chen Bei's eyes lit up, and he said, "You wait."


Chen Bei disappeared in the blink of an eye, his speed was extremely fast, leaving only a series of shadows behind.


After a while, Chenbei came back with three sand chickens and a khaki rabbit. This was an unexpected harvest. Chenbei didn't expect that there were rabbits in this kind of place.

Thorn Willow's eyes are almost starry, Chen Bei is really too powerful.

In the Scorpion Tribe, hunting is a relatively difficult task, often requiring many warriors to travel long distances in the desert to obtain pitifully few prey.

There is no way, there are too few prey in the desert, and because of the harsh environment, the animals in the desert are very clever, and their escape speed is amazing.

However, when people are in the sand, their speed will be greatly affected, and it is difficult to catch up with their prey. They can only rely on setting traps and bows and arrows.

Therefore, seeing Chen Bei hit the prey so easily, Thorn Willow worshiped him very much.

The sand chicken and rabbit were washed and peeled, and then roasted and eaten. The taste was really good, and Chen Bei was very satisfied.

However, after all, Chen Bei didn't come to eat, drink and have fun, he came to find the soul medicine, and now, there was no trace of the soul medicine, so Chen Bei felt a little anxious.

He realized that he couldn't run around like this anymore.

Before entering the desert, he asked the totem god of the Scorpion Tribe if there were any other tribes in the desert, and there were some strange places.

The answer of the totem god of the scorpion tribe is yes.

The adaptability of the human race is indeed very strong. Even in the barren and hot desert, they can live tenaciously.

"After eating the meat, let's go to the antlion tribe."

The ant lion tribe is a strange tribe deep in the western desert. Their totem god is an ant lion who is good at hunting and eating ants.

This is a bit like the Chuanshan tribe.

However, the way pangolins hunt ants is very simple and crude, that is, to dig out ant nests, and then stick their tongues to eat them fiercely.

The ant lion is different. The totem god of the scorpion tribe told Chen Bei that the ant lion will make some special traps, so Chen Bei should be careful.

Chen Bei had never seen or even heard of the species of ant lion. He thought it might be an anteater that looked like a lion.

The totem god of the scorpion tribe only briefly described the appearance of the ant lion. Without a picture, it is difficult for Chenbei to deduce what the ant lion looks like based on the few words.

After eating the barbecue, Chenbei added some water to the water bag, and the flamingo was also full of water, so the two set off again on the flamingo.

"Ant lion tribe, in a valley oasis in a rocky mountain, let's find the rocky mountain first."

Chen Bei let the flamingo fly a little higher, and then observed the ground with his powerful eyesight.

He followed the instructions of the totem god of the scorpion tribe to find the direction in the desert and some reference objects.

After spending half a day, Chenbei finally found a stretch of rocky mountains.

This stone mountain is very tall and can be seen from a long distance. The flamingo flies high. After finding the right direction, it is naturally easy to find the stone mountain.

The flamingo flew between the rocky mountains and found a large, lush valley below.

In this valley, there is a small river flowing, the water emerges from the ground, it should be some kind of underground river.

After flowing out of the valley, the small river gradually disappeared again, because there was sand everywhere, and the water could not gather, unless it was a particularly large river, which would happen to ordinary small rivers.

"There are people below."

Chen Bei's eyesight was very good. When the flamingo flew above the valley, he found that many people in the valley ran out with weapons, staring warily at Chen Bei on the flamingo's back.

"I was introduced by the Totem God of the Scorpion Tribe. I have no malice towards you."

Chen Bei didn't land hastily, he didn't want to create a conflict as soon as he came, so how could he ask about the soul medicine?
"Scorpion Tribe?"

Among the crowd below, one of them, who should be the leader of the tribe, came out with a bone knife. After thinking about it carefully, he finally remembered that there seemed to be such a tribe in Western Desert.

"Why don't you have the totem pattern of the Scorpion Tribe on your body?"

That person was not easy to deceive, he still stared at Chen Bei vigilantly.

Fortunately, Chen Bei restrained his aura, otherwise, he would be even more afraid.

"I'm not from the Scorpion Tribe, I'm from the far south."

"I can testify that I am from the Scorpion Tribe!"

At the critical moment, Thorny Willow stood up, showing her arm with the totem pattern of the Scorpion Tribe on her arm.

Down below, the people in the valley pondered for a moment. This was their own tribe, and there were only two people on the other side. Adding a big red bird was nothing to be afraid of.

So, the tribal leader said: "You guys come down first."

Chen Bei is also a bold person with high skills, without any fear, he let the flamingo land directly.

As soon as they landed, they were immediately surrounded by warriors in the valley, there were more than 200 people.

Chen Bei got off the flamingo, as if he didn't see the weapons in their hands, and asked calmly, "Is this the ant lion tribe?"

"That's right, this is the Antlion Tribe."

The leader-like person gave an affirmative answer.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Chen, the leader of the Nanhuangmang Tribe. I'm here to find something. I don't mean any harm to you."

Chen Bei took out an animal skin bag from the back of the flamingo. Inside the animal skin bag were some bone ornaments and several exquisite pottery bowls.

Chen Bei handed the animal skin bag to the leader-like person, and said, "To show sincerity, these gifts are for you."

The man who looked like a leader opened the animal skin bag, took out the contents and looked at it, and was overwhelmed with surprise. Where can we find so many good things in this desert?
But instead of changing his attitude towards Chen Bei, he had evil thoughts. Since Chen Bei can give away so many good things casually, there must be more good things on the back of that big red bird!
The man who looked like the leader showed a smile, but the smile was a bit sinister, and said: "My name is Gu Li, the leader of the Antlion Tribe, and I declare that your things belong to our Antlion Tribe."

When Chen Bei heard his words, he frowned slightly. He restrained his breath to keep them from being afraid, and gave gifts to get news smoothly. Why did these people push forward?

 Thanks to the head "Half Step 1075" for the reward of 5000 book coins, and congratulations to "Half Step 1075" for becoming the master of this book.

  Thanks to the rudder master "Wen Xi Kouzi" for the reward of 14000 book coins, and congratulations to "Wen Xi Kouzi" for becoming the rudder master of this book.

(End of this chapter)

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