The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 392 Don't pretend, I'll showdown

Chapter 392 Don't pretend, I'll showdown
"At first, I wanted to get along with you as ordinary people and give gifts with good intentions, just to ask a few questions. I didn't expect that what I got in exchange was your malicious snatching."

"Stop pretending, showdown, I am a god!"

Chen Bei's words made the Ant Lion tribe laugh out loud, and even Thorn Willow felt that Chen Bei was a bit exaggerated.

Chen Bei's hunting ability is indeed very strong, but if he is said to be a god, Ciliu also has some doubts, because she has never even heard of anyone being able to become a god.

Gu Li, the leader of the Ant Lion Tribe, laughed and said, "Hahaha, is this kid fooled by us? If you are a god, I will swallow this stone spear!"

After finishing speaking, he waved the stone spear taller than a person a few times, with a very obvious sense of ridicule.

"Laughing? Do you think it's funny?" Chen Bei's face remained indifferent. The bronze war spear was wrapped in a leather sheath. If he didn't take it out, others thought it was a stick.

Gu Li said sarcastically, "If you were outside, you might have a chance to escape with this big red bird. Now that you are in our ant lion tribe, surrounded by us, you still dare to speak wild words. Isn't that funny? ?"

Gu Li's face darkened, and he shouted sharply: "Kill him!"

The warriors of the Ant Lion Tribe came to surround Chenbei with stone knives and spears. Surrounded by so many people, they couldn't believe what tricks this young man from the outer tribe could play.

"Chief Chen, what should we do?"

Thorny Willow panicked, she didn't even have the power of a totem, she was just an ordinary person, she would definitely die in a fight.

Chen Bei slowly pulled out the bronze war spear from the animal leather sheath, and said, "Get on the flamingo's back, and let the flamingo take you to the sky."

" careful!"

Thorny Willow also knew that she couldn't help in this kind of battle, so she quickly climbed onto the back of the flamingo along the noose.


Chen Bei put away the animal hide of the bronze war spear, revealing the dark golden bronze war spear engraved with the totem patterns of the Mang tribe.


The power of the totem in Chenbei's body exploded, and his heart was like a little sun, continuously releasing terrifying energy. The skin of his whole body, starting from his face, was quickly covered with totem patterns.

Behind him, a phantom of a sea of ​​flames emerged, a flaming rhinoceros, and a figure holding a bone, standing in the sea of ​​flames, staring coldly at the people of the antlion tribe.

An extremely powerful breath was released, like a prehistoric beast, which made people palpitate.

"you you you……"

Gu Li couldn't even utter a complete sentence, because he was shocked to find that what Chen Bei said just now was true, but he thought the other party was crazy.

At this moment, he seemed as insignificant as an ant, but the opponent was as tall as a giant, and he could be trampled to death with just one kick.

The warriors of the ant lion tribe also felt trembling all over, thinking that they found that their totem power had been suppressed. They desperately wanted to stab Chen Bei with the stone spear and stone knife, but they couldn't do it at all.

"Wait for me in the sky."

Chen Bei patted the flamingo lightly, and the flamingo let out a sharp call, then kicked his legs, spread its wings and flew up into the sky. The thorny willow lay on the flamingo's back, looking down, its eyes widened.

"Aren't you going to kill me? Don't you want to steal my things? Here I come!"

Chen Bei held the bronze spear upside down, and walked towards them step by step. The soldiers retreated uncontrollably, and some people tripped, fell to the ground, and quickly got up again.

"Come on, this is our tribe, what are you afraid of? God is coming soon, come on!"

Gu Li yelled, and the warriors of the antlion tribe suddenly woke up. This is their tribe, and there is an antlion totem god here. sharp.

Thinking of this, those soldiers turned red-eyed, resisting the pressure and not retreating.

However, after Gu Li finished shouting, he ran away, shouting as he ran, "I'm going to ask God, hold on!"

"Can you run?"

Chen Bei suddenly moved. He rushed into the crowd with a sea of ​​flames, the flaming rhinoceros and that figure. For a moment, he saw blood splattered and stumps flying. I can't stand it.

As soon as Chen Bei rushed over, he swung the bronze spear and killed more than 200 warriors. The strength gap between the two sides was too great. Facing Chen Bei, they had no power to resist.

Gu Li frantically ran into the tribe, he knew that only when the totem of the antlion tribe came, could he survive.

With such a big commotion outside, the Totem God must have woken up and will rush over at the fastest speed. As long as he survives before the Totem God arrives, he should be able to save his life.

"God save me!"

Gu Li shouted loudly while running, and the screams from behind were like a death talisman, scaring him to death.


In the center of the antlion tribe, under an altar in a piece of sand, a totem god really woke up. This is a small god, but it is considered a relatively powerful one among the small gods. It may already be a god.


The totem of the antlion tribe was moved. It didn't show its head, but walked quickly through the sand. From the ground, it could be seen that a part of the sand was raised and stretched forward quickly.

"Who dares to kill members of my tribe?"

The totem god of the antlion tribe made a high-pitched sound underground, like the frantic neighing of some kind of bug.

Gu Li saw with his own eyes the uplifted pile of sand approaching him, his eyes lit up, thinking that he must be saved.

The totem gods have come over, can't they keep him?
He even thought that after the Totem God came over, he would turn around and let the Totem God beat Chen Bei to pieces, and he would torture Chen Bei again.

However, the moment a smile appeared on Gu Li's face, a bronze warrior passed through his back, and pierced from the position of his heart in front.

Gu Li lowered his head in astonishment, looking at the extremely sharp and blood-stained bronze spear, he couldn't believe that he would die.

At this moment, he suddenly regretted it. If he could not be greedy and took Chen Bei's gift and answered Chen Bei's question, those two hundred soldiers would not die, and neither would he himself.

Unfortunately, there are no more ifs.

Gu Li's strength was exhausted bit by bit, the bronze spear was pulled out, and his body fell to the ground with a bang, his eyes gradually lost their brilliance.

Chen Bei withdrew his bronze spear and snorted coldly. With this bone strength, he thought that the warriors of the sacrificial tribe would stop him and call the totem god for help, so he would be able to survive?

The moment he wanted to kill Chen Bei, his fate was already doomed, even the totem god of the ant lion tribe could not save him.


Underground, the totem god of the ant lion tribe was extremely angry. It never thought that Chen Bei would kill Gu Li in front of it. This is a slap in the face with a spear!

The place where Chen Bei was standing sank suddenly and quickly, turning into a funnel-shaped pit. At the same time, a terrifying suction came from the ground, trying to pull Chen Bei into the pit.

"I want to see what the hell you are."

Chen Bei was not afraid at all, his whole body was surrounded by flames, and he flew upside down. The bronze spear burst out with dazzling light, stabbing fiercely at the ground.


The ground seemed to explode, and the sand was flying around, just like the sandstorm that happened before.

The totem god of the antlion tribe underground was also forced out by this spear and exposed to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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