The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 397 Practicing Arrows

Chapter 397 Practicing Arrows
Xian is a very dedicated, serious person who loves bows and arrows and spends all his time on them.

As the first sharpshooter of the tribe, he is already 28 years old, and he also had many admirers during that time, but he ignored them all, or refused them bluntly.

So much so that he is 28, and he has not married yet!
For him, women will only affect his time to practice arrows, and he only has bows and arrows in his heart.

Haitang was the first and only woman whom he was willing to spend a lot of time with.

It's not because of her looks, nor is it because Xian is lonely anymore, it's just because Haitang's archery talent is very high.

What can attract an arrow crazy?woman?no.

Another gifted archery genius!
Haitang is also a very high-spirited person, she doesn't like ordinary fighters at all, and even some male fighters show love to her, but she directly puts them down, making a violent mess.

This person is not only very talented in archery, but also very strong in combat.

At first, Haitang didn't really learn bows and arrows, she was a warrior of the hunting team. It wasn't until Chenbei ordered to select those with archery talents from among the tribal warriors that she was picked out.

After learning archery from Xian, Haitang's archery skills have grown rapidly, and she has a faint tendency to become the second sharpshooter of the Mang tribe.

Outside the Mang tribe, in the woods, Xian is teaching Haitang how to shoot an arrow.

"See that red rattan?" Xian pointed to a finger-thick rattan 50 meters away.

"Shoot it!"


Haitang took a deep breath, took out a feathered arrow with a bronze arrowhead, opened the bow and set the arrow, and completed it in one go.

"call out!"

After finely adjusting the angle of the bow and arrow, she shot it decisively.

The cane was shot, and it was broken through the middle by the sharp bronze arrow. The bronze arrow continued unabated and stuck in a big tree in front of it.


Haitang waved her fist, showing a bright smile on her face.

"Very good, come again."

"See that black bug in the tree ahead? Shoot it."

The bug Xian mentioned was about the size of a thumb, and it was eating leaves on a tree a hundred meters away.

This difficulty is very high. After all, insects are living creatures and can move on trees. Moreover, they are so small, if it weren’t for the totem warrior’s good vision, it would be difficult for ordinary people to see them clearly from a distance of [-] meters. .

"it is good!"

Haitang still took a deep breath, this time, her hand had to be more steady and she could shoot more accurately.

She opened her bow and set her arrow, and then stared at the bug, observing its trajectory. In her eyes, everything around her seemed to disappear, only the bug.

The bug became more and more clear in her eyes, and the patterns on the bug's body were clearly visible.

"call out!"

After observing for a while, Haitang made a decisive move. The bronze arrow spun at high speed and flew towards the bug.

The bug seemed to sense danger and crawled forward quickly.


The bronze arrow hit the worm's tail, and then pierced into the tree trunk.

The worm twisted a few times in panic, broke free from the bronze arrow, fell to the ground, and fled in panic.


Haitang watched the worm fall to the ground, feeling rather depressed. She thought it was sure to hit it just now.

"It wasn't a total failure either."

Xian walked over, pulled out the feather arrow stuck in the tree trunk, held it in front of Haitang, pointed to the worm juice on it, and said, "Did you see it? You shot it, but the position of the shot was too far back, so Didn't nail it."

"If you can be more accurate and shoot it in the middle, it won't be able to escape."

"Don't be dejected, your archery posture needs to be adjusted slightly."

Xian walked behind Haitang and personally helped her adjust her archery posture.

The two were so close that Haitang could even feel Xian's body temperature and an indescribable breath. Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Xian frowned slightly, and said: "Your mood is wrong, focus on it."

"Sorry, I'm just a little nervous."

Haitang took a deep breath and became focused again.

After Xian fine-tuned her archery posture, she designated some very difficult archery targets.

After a lot of practice, the accuracy of Haitang's archery became higher and higher, and the relationship between the two of them also unknowingly drew closer. The always dull string also talked to Haitang a little more.


Time just passed by day by day.

In the middle of the last month of spring, the weather gradually became sultry, but Xian and Haitang still insisted on practicing arrows, but the targets became various prey.

Haitang's reputation in the hunting team became bigger and bigger as she accurately hit the vital points of the prey time after time. Many members of the hunting team regarded her as the second sharpshooter.

One day, at nightfall, Haitang, who had returned from hunting, took a good bath, and then took the best part of the prey to Xian's house to thank him.

Without Xian's careful teaching, her archery would not have grown so fast.

The feelings of the tribal people are very pure. They travel on the verge of life and death every day, and they don't have so much time to cheat. Haitang is really very grateful to Xian for teaching her archery.

And, for the first time in so many years, Haitang's heart fluttered.

It was getting dark, Xian was sitting alone at home, the oil lamp was burning animal fat, illuminating half of the room, as a tribal marksman, he was assigned a lot of prey, and he was single, so he could afford the oil lamp.

Most people in the tribe still keep their stoves lit, and basically go to sleep after dark.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a knock on the wooden door.

"Come in."

The string wiped the bow and arrow without raising his head.

Haitang pushed open the door, walked in from the outside, and put the heart of the prey, the most delicious meat, on the table.

Xian finally raised his head, with a rare smile on his face, and said: "So it's Haitang, sit down."

"Xian, this is the prey I got, thank you for teaching me archery."

Xian originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, Haitang also had good intentions, so she nodded and accepted it.

Haitang looked at Xian's room curiously. There were not many furniture inside, but they were neatly arranged. There were a few animal horn bows hanging on the wall, and a lot of feathered arrows.

Suddenly, she saw a clay pot, which she had seen before, filled with wine.

Seeing her looking at the pot, Xian explained: "It was given to me by the leader. Last time I hunted a prey, it was useful to the leader."

Haitang approached and sniffed, there was a faint smell of wine, her eyes lit up, and said: "Can I have a drink?"

"Okay, I don't usually drink it, it's been there for a long time."

Xian personally opened the seal on the clay pot, and a strong aroma of wine came to his nostrils.

Xian poured Haitang a bowl and said, "Taste it."

Haitang took a sip, and she realized that she actually liked the taste, so she took another big sip.

"I remember the leader said that drinking wine together is the only way to be happy, and you should drink a little too."

Haitang couldn't bear Xian's refusal, and poured him a bowl too.

"Okay, let's have a drink with you."

Xian cut some cooked animal meat, the two drank and ate meat, the atmosphere was very pleasant.

Gradually, the jar of wine bottomed out.

Hai Tang was not drunk, the Totem Warrior's physique was very strong, this alcohol was not enough to get drunk, just slightly tipsy.

She looked at the string, and felt a strange feeling in her heart. She didn't know when it started. She fell in love with the string. At this moment, this feeling came especially violently.

Suddenly, she suddenly said, "Xian, what do you think of me?"

Xian was stunned for a moment, and said, "Very good."

Haitang walked in front of Xian, stared at him with burning eyes, and said: "Then I will live with you."


Xian, who had always been calm, suddenly became flustered, and he didn't know how to answer.

"Don't want to?"

"No, I just didn't think about it..."

"That is willing!"

Haitang suddenly hugged Xian, giving full play to the toughness of tribal women.

"You... what are you doing?" Xian panicked, really panicked.

"Don't move, there's a mosquito here."


"Here's another one."


"Xian, there are a lot of mosquitoes in your house."


At the end of spring, there were a lot of mosquitoes in Nanhuang. This night, Xian's room was filled with the sound of swatting mosquitoes.

 Thanks to Grandmaster "Half Step 1075" for rewarding 3830 book coins.

  Thanks to the book friend "How are you doing with her" for the 500 book coins rewarded.

  Thanks to the book friend "Book Mountain is less stressful and novels are indispensable" for rewarding 500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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