The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 398 Digging a Well

Chapter 398 Digging a Well
The tenth year since the founding of the Mang tribe, the first month of summer.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and people will become irritable in a hot environment.

"Gudong Gudong..."

In the vegetable field, Yan turned on the kettle, filled half of the pot of water in his stomach, looked up at the sun, the dazzling light made him narrow his eyes slightly.

Yan put down the kettle, looked at the vegetables that hadn't grown in the vegetable field, and said sadly, "It's been sunny for ten days, why hasn't it rained yet?"

Some time ago, there was so much rain that it was almost a flood. Fortunately, the Mang tribe's water conservancy was in place, so it didn't cause a lot of damage.

Unexpectedly, after entering summer, the weather became hotter and hotter, but the rain disappeared.

This situation is very bad, because the crops in the field have just grown and are still young. If there is no water, not only will they not grow fast, but they may die.

As a last resort, the people in the planting team can only divert water for irrigation. In some places, the terrain is relatively high, and the vegetables grown can only rely on watering.

Yan picked up a load of wooden buckets, continued to fetch water from the moat, and then watered the vegetable fields.

The same is true for the rest of the planting team. In order to fight against the high temperature and dry weather, they can only continuously divert water for irrigation and carry water for watering.

This is a very tiring job, but if you don't do it, you can't do it. These grains and vegetables are related to everyone's stomach.

After this situation lasted for half a month, the entire tribe gradually became restless.

The weather is too hot, and the water on the ground evaporates very quickly, but it does not rain, and the water cannot be replenished. The crops can only rely on continuous watering to maintain their lives.

In the second month of summer, after the earth has been scorched for a whole month, there is still no rain, and many places are gradually drying up, and even the streams have almost stopped flowing.

The water level of the Lobster River has dropped a lot, causing the water level of the moat to drop sharply.

In Nanhuang, where water resources are abundant, there are springs and streams everywhere, and the Mang tribe lives by the river, so they have never worried about the lack of water.

Not anymore.

Because of the continuous drought, it has become difficult to carry water to irrigate the land, and the water level has dropped, so that the places where water can be diverted for irrigation can no longer be diverted, and it is also necessary to rely on people to carry water for irrigation.

Mang tribe, fishing team.

"Boss, all the fish in the pond have been caught."

Lie's heart is very heavy. Because there is no running water in the pond, the water becomes less and less and more turbid. Most of the fish can't survive, so they can only be picked up to eat or made into dried fish.

"Eat what should be eaten, Lie, don't be so depressed, isn't there still water in our moat, let's put some fish in it."

"we can only do this."

Lie was very helpless, since the establishment of the Mang tribe, there had never been a situation where there were no fish in the pond.

Lie led the soldiers of the fishing team to classify the baskets of fish, put the female fish into the moat, and eat the other fish or salt them and dry them in the sun.

Chen Bei walked to the pond where the lotus root was planted. The water in this pond was almost dry, and there were big cracks at the edge.

The silt in the pond is like this, it is easy to crack when it dries.

Fortunately, the central location, and some water.

A lotus root is growing in the middle of the pond.

It was the lotus root that Shan Luo had picked up. After being planted in the pond, it germinated and grew up smoothly. The lotus leaf had grown to the size of a plate, and there was an unopened lotus in the middle.

However, due to the dry weather, the water in the pond has been heated by the sun, and the lotus leaves are not as firm and soft as usual.

"There was an earthquake in the spring, and now there is a drought. The weather is extremely uncomfortable."

Chen Bei is very helpless, the weather has not been smooth in the past few years, either this disaster or that disaster, and the winter is still horribly long.

Surviving under such conditions will be much more difficult than before, and the struggle between tribes will also be much more intense.

According to the information of the intelligence team, many small tribes in the southern wilderness have already fought for water and food. The position occupied by the big tribes is better, and the situation is slightly better.

However, if this continues, the big tribes will have to fight before.

Chen Bei said to the soldiers who were following him: "Take care of this lotus root, add two loads of water to it every day, the whole tribe only has this one, don't dry it out."


The soldier took this matter down carefully, and he decided to carry at least five loads of water every day, so that the water where the lotus root grows will be slightly deeper.

The soldiers of the Mang tribe will not only complete the tasks assigned by the leader according to the quantity, but even do better.

Chen Bei went to the field, almost all the members of the planting team were carrying water, and all kinds of water storage equipment were used.

However, with such a wide field, it is very difficult to carry water and travel a long distance.

Everyone is sweating profusely, watering and drinking from time to time, fighting against this extreme weather.

"It can't go on like this, the place to carry water is too far away."

Chen Bei frowned and thought for a while, and finally decided to dig a well.

In the past, because of the abundance of water resources, Chen Bei never thought about digging a well. He even made a simple water pipe out of bamboo pipes and connected it from the mountain to his yard.

Later, the water in his yard was filled by other fighters, so he didn't worry about it anymore.

Now, in order to drink water and make irrigation easier, Chen Bei had to have a well dug.

Chen Bei said to the soldiers behind him: "Go and get the Shanluo's exploration team back."


The exploration team, as Chenbei called it, mainly consisted of people from the Chuanshan tribe. There were about 100 people, and they were responsible for searching for various underground resources for the Mang tribe, as well as digging cellars and caves.

Digging holes, they are professionals, as well as digging wells.

Chenbei asked Shan Luo to be in charge, just to take advantage of his good luck and see if he could find more good things for the tribe.

The soldiers of the Mang tribe were very efficient. They rode a flamingo and flew around, found the mountain snail and the others who were digging a hole, and called them back.

Half a day later, the warriors of the Chuanshan tribe returned to the Mang tribe with the big pangolin, and began to dig wells according to Chen Bei's instructions.

"You don't have to dig too wide, but you have to dig deep until the water comes out."

"Don't worry, Chief Chen, the water must be dug out."

Under Chen Bei's instructions, a member of the Chuanshan tribe brought a big pangolin and began to dig a well.


The giant pangolin's claws were very sharp, and it quickly dug a hole. The warriors of the Chuanshan tribe followed behind and were responsible for clearing the soil.

Humans and pangolins cooperated efficiently, and soon a deep hole appeared.

The burrows are not dug straight down, but are dug slightly inclined.

The groundwater resources in Nanhuang are also very rich. Even after a month of drought, after digging down three meters, the ground is still very wet.

The giant pangolin continued to dig into the ground, and after digging another half meter, water began to emerge from the ground.

The water and mud mixed together would stick the pangolin's claws, so it dug a few more claws, the water got bigger and bigger, and it quickly retreated.

"Dug out the water!"

After the soldiers of the Chuanshan Tribe withdrew, they called out to Chen Bei.


The people around cheered. After more than a month of drought, they discovered for the first time that water is so precious.

Chen Bei looked at the bottom of the big pit, and sure enough, water was dug out, and the water was gurgling out.

"Okay, keep digging. After the well is dug, the Mang tribe will not treat you badly."

After the first well was dug out, other places were also dug at the same time. More and more wells were dug out, and the Mang tribe cheered louder, especially the planting team. Go far to fetch water.

(End of this chapter)

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