The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 47 Bloodline Awakening

Chapter 47 Bloodline Awakening

In the Mang tribe, sixteen rhinoceros with thick fur were standing in the open space, attracting crowds to watch.

"The leader is very powerful. He went out and brought back so many rhinos. They are called rhinos, right?"

"That's right, the leader said they were called rhinos and asked us to treat them as partners."

"The horns on their heads are so sharp, they must be powerful."


Everyone was discussing around the rhino group, and those rhinos were not afraid, they looked at the crowd curiously, and the familiarity from the depths of their blood made them feel at ease in the Mang tribe.

Because here, there is the existence of the totem god.

Chenbei is in Qingzhu's house at the moment, telling her about the rhinoceros.

"Wu, how to arrange these rhinos?"

"Take them to the altar, the totem god has given instructions."

"it is good."

Chen Bei found the Rhino King again and asked him to lead the rhino group to follow him to the altar.

The Rhino King followed Chen Bei to the altar. During this process, all the rhinos fell silent, as if they felt the presence of the Totem God.

After coming to the side of the altar, the rhinoceros group felt the call from the depths of their blood, and they roared excitedly to the sky.


In the center of the altar, magma surged, setting off a torrential heat wave, and the snow that fell from the sky melted before it hit the ground.

A huge flaming rhino gradually appeared on the altar. It looked down at the rhinos from a high position, and its eyes gradually softened.

"You guys have suffered..."

The flame rhino looked at these rhinos who had evolved thick fur and two horns in order to survive, and their tone was a little low.

"The tribe has been rebuilt. After returning to the tribe, you don't have to suffer anymore! Now, I will awaken the power of the blood for you!"


The flame rhino raised its head and roared, and opened its mouth to spit out a large flame, covering all the rhinos.

In the flames, the rhinos were not only unharmed, but also felt very comfortable. They roared excitedly.

At the same time, strands of flames merged into their bodies, into their blood vessels.

The power hidden in their blood was gradually awakened.

The biggest change was the rhinoceros king. All the bones in his body crackled and flames danced in his eyes. After the power hidden in his blood was awakened, he became taller and full of terrifying power.

At the same time, the totem mark of the Mang tribe appeared on the forehead of the Rhinoceros King, and it was very conspicuous, surrounded by fire.

The same is true for other rhinos. After awakening the power of blood, they become taller and stronger, and they also have the totem mark of the Mang tribe on their foreheads.

"From now on, this is your home!"

The flames dissipated, the flame rhinoceros gradually disappeared above the altar, and the magma also returned to calm, leaving only a fist-sized animal horn floating in the magma.

After everything was over, Chen Bei called all the important people in the tribe together.

"These rhinos will become part of our tribe in the future. You can choose one each and treat it as your family. It will assist you in hunting or fighting in the future."

Surprised expressions appeared on everyone's faces. In the past, they had always envied that other tribes had battle pets that could assist them in hunting and fighting. They did not expect that the Mang tribe also had them now.

Lao Lu, the captain of the breeding team, said, "Boss, how do we arrange them?"

Chen Beidao: "Temporarily put it in the expanded shed. You bring people to rebuild and reinforce the shed, spread hay inside, and block the air leakage."

"Where's the food?" The old deer asked again.

"Rhinos eat grass, so you can feed them the food you feed Triangle Green sheep, and you can also try feeding them other foods."

"Yes, chief."

After the old deer got the answer, he stopped talking. He is the captain of the breeding team. He is most concerned about how to raise these rhinos. Food and housing are settled, and other things can be explored slowly.

Chen Beidao: "Yun, Lie, and Yan, you immediately take people to help the breeding team renovate the shed. It must be strong and warm, and it must not be perfunctory."

"Yes, sir, we will go right away."

Each captain went to gather his team members one after another, took tools, and went to the tribe's breeding area to renovate the shed.

The farming area of ​​the Mang tribe is close to the vegetable field, separated from the place where people live.

Since Chenbei taught the planting team to use fertilizers, they tried various fertilizers, among which the manure fertilizer from the breeding team worked best.

Therefore, the breeding area is built next to the vegetable field, which is not only convenient for planting, but also convenient for breeding.

Because of the many crops produced in the field, the part that people don't eat can be fed to the farmed animals, and there is no waste at all.

The breeding area and the shed are being remodeled.

"Remove the door and replace it with a bigger one."

Because the shed was intended to be used to raise Triangle Goats, the door was not big enough for rhinos to get in, so it had to be dismantled and reinstalled with a larger one.

Chen Bei not only directs, but also does it himself, working with everyone.

Lie scratched his head and said, "Boss, what about the walls? There are air leaks everywhere."

Because the Triangular Green Goat is not very afraid of the cold, the walls of the shed are all made of wood side by side, with many gaps, and when the wind blows, the wind enters everywhere.

Although these rhinos have grown thick fur, their cold resistance is still not as good as that of the triangular green sheep, so such a wall is obviously not acceptable.

Chen Bei thought for a while, and said: "Just block the gap with snow, pour a little water on it, let the snow freeze, wait until the weather is warmer and the snow melts, then think of other ways."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that."

Lie slapped his head, and immediately according to Chen Bei's intention, he used snow to block the gaps in the wall, and poured water on it to freeze the wall.

After the ice and snow condense, the wind cannot blow into the shed, and the warmth retention of the shed is greatly increased.

When it was almost dark, the spacious shed was finally transformed, and the ground in the shed was still covered with leaves and hay.

The rhinoceros king lived in the shed with the rhinos and became part of the Mang tribe ever since.

In the following time, the members of the Mang tribe took good care of these rhinos. The most powerful group of totem warriors in the tribe each selected a rhinoceros, fed them every day, groomed them, and cultivated their relationship.

In the future, whether they go hunting, fishing, or fighting, the rhino they choose will follow them and become their powerful support.

And the mighty rhinoceros king naturally chose Chenbei.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, winter quietly left, the ice and snow melted, and spring came again.

This is the third year that Chenbei established the tribe.

Three years ago, the Mang tribe started from scratch with nothing, but now, through their hard work, they already have a good life.


By the creek, the Rhino King was walking and grazing, and Chen Bei was lying on his broad back, watching the changes of the white clouds in the sky.


A red duck flew to the top of the rhinoceros king and stood proudly. It was the duck king.

The Rhino King shook his head, but he couldn't shake the Duck King off. In desperation, he had no choice but to continue to eat grass with his head down, pretending that the Duck King didn't exist.

Chen Bei glanced at Duck King helplessly, and said, "Don't bark anymore, and don't shit on other people's heads!"

Duck King was still afraid of Chen Bei, so when he saw Chen Bei open his mouth, he restrained himself a lot and squatted on top of Rhino King's head, his thick fur was regarded as a duck's nest.

Chen Bei shook his head, and continued to lie down and look at the clouds in the sky. This dead duck would bully the honest Rhino King.

(End of this chapter)

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