Chapter 48 Spring
"One grain of millet is planted in spring, and ten thousand grains are harvested in autumn."

Chen Bei rode the Rhino King to the side of the vegetable field. The Mang tribe's spring plowing had already started, and the planting team was busy plowing the land. Anyone in the tribe who was free would come to help.

These fields have been turned over once after the harvest last autumn. After being frozen by heavy snow, the land is very soft and it is not very difficult to turn over.

When it was first opened, the land was khaki. After a year of planting and fertilization, it has begun to turn gray. After planting for a long time, the color will become darker until it becomes completely mature.

Last winter, Yan, the captain of the planting team, and several members of the planting team became totem warriors, but they did not ask to hunt, but continued to farm.

Hunting, fishing, planting and breeding are equally important. They are all ways for the tribe to obtain food. Chenbei has always instilled this concept in them, and everyone believes in the words of the leader.


"Quack quack..."

In the vegetable field, colorful pheasants and red ducks follow behind the planting team. In the newly opened fields, there are often some earthworms and insects, which are their delicacies.

On the grass next to the vegetable field, the triangular green sheep are grazing leisurely. Now the tribe has domesticated more than a dozen of the triangular green sheep. After they are matured, only one or two children need to watch them.

Sitting on the back of the Rhino King, Chen Bei looked at the vibrant tribe and felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. This tribe was created by him.

Chen Bei watched them plowing the land, and murmured: "If there are cattle, the plowing will be much faster. Unfortunately, it is not a matter of one day to domesticate cattle that can plow the land."

Quyuanli, Chenbei saw it a lot when he was a child. Although there are no iron rakes here, the stone ones are not too bad. After all, all the stones in the field can be picked up.

This year, Chenbei plans to let the hunting team catch a few bison and bring them back for domestication. If all goes well, after a few years, the bison will become farming cattle.

As for plowing the land with rhinos, that is almost impossible, rhinos are better at fighting than doing such drudgery, besides, the totem god will definitely have an opinion.

Yan, the leader of the planting team, wiped off his sweat, and when he saw Chen Bei approaching, he immediately thought of some questions.

"Boss, last year the collection team brought back a lot of seeds. This year, I think we should open up more wasteland. I want to ask your opinion."

Chen Bei waved his hand and said: "You are the captain of the planting team, so you don't need to ask me about these things, you can decide for yourself."

"Okay, let's go slowly, leader."

Chen Bei sat on the Rhino King and continued to walk around the tribe, and all the tribesmen along the way greeted him respectfully.

Chen Bei came to the river again, and the fishing team was busy.

"Quick, pull the net and pull the net!"

A large net was extremely heavy, and the fishing team led by Lie was desperately pulling towards the river bank. There were many fish in the net, alive and kicking.


A rhinoceros is also helping to pull the net. It is the mount chosen by Lie. Although it is not as good as the Rhinoceros King, it is also very strong and powerful, and can help a lot.

After the big net was pulled up, Lie asked the members of the fishing team to sort the fish in the net, while he himself walked quickly to Chen Bei.

"Boss, I just caught a lot of fish. I'll pick some of them and send you home."

Chen Bei smiled and said, "Lie, you are looking more and more like a captain now."

Lie said embarrassedly: "Compared with the leader, I am far behind."

"I came here to tell you something, go, go over there and talk."

Chen Bei turned over, walked to a big rock by the river bank and sat down.

Lie hurriedly followed, but instead of sitting down, he stood beside Chen Bei.

After experiencing many things, Chenbei's image in the hearts of the tribal people is getting taller and taller. Although Chenbei is young, no one dares to underestimate him.

Chen Bei patted the stone next to him and said, "Sit down and say, what are you doing standing up? I don't like talking with my head up."


Only then did Lie sit down.

"Your fishing team should know a lot about Lobster River, right?"

"Boss, we already know a lot about the waters near the shore, but we still don't understand the middle of the river, where there are many terrifying water animals and big fish."

Chen Bei nodded and said, "That's right, there are indeed many dangerous things in the river, and that's why I ask you not to enter the water."

Chen Bei said again: "However, now that you are familiar with fishing a lot, it's impossible if you don't go into the water all the time."

"So, I'm going to build some canoes for you to fish in shallow waters."

"Canoe?" Lie was at a loss, he had never heard of this word.

Chen Bei explained: "It is to hollow out a big tree and sharpen both ends, so that it can carry people on the water, and after adding oars, it can take you wherever you want to go."

Lie asked nervously, "Is this canoe easy to handle in the water?"

Chen Beidao: "If you just float on the water, it's very easy. If you want to master it proficiently, you need a lot of training. After exploring the experience, you will naturally master it."

"With canoes, you can cast your nets better and catch more fish."

Lie hurriedly said: "Don't worry, leader, we will definitely work hard to master it."

Chen Bei nodded. In fact, if it weren't for the difficulty of building a boat, he would have wanted to build a boat directly.

Shipbuilding is much more complicated than building a canoe. Chenbei has no experience in shipbuilding, so he can only hope to develop slowly in the future and sum up experience.

"I just want to tell you about this in advance. I'll let the carpenter start making the canoe when I get back. After it's done, you can practice in the pond first. After you learn it, you can go to the river."

Chen Bei got up, patted his buttocks, and said, "Okay, go back to fishing, I won't delay you."

After Chen Bei rode away on the rhinoceros king, Lie said with emotion: "Sure enough, he is worthy of being the leader. He has a smart brain and can always come up with good ideas. Why can't my brain think of these things?"

Lie knocked himself on the head, turned around and went back to fishing.

And Chen Bei returned to the tribe and found the carpenter in the tribe.

The name of the carpenter is "Gen". During the process of building the tribe, Chenbei found out that this man was very talented as a carpenter, so he made him a professional carpenter in the tribe without doing other work.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk..."

Before entering the door, Chen Bei heard the sound of stone axes chopping wood. He walked in and saw that the carpenter was making a table.

In order to make the carpenter work better, Chen Bei told him many carpentry techniques in his previous life.

For example, the simple mortise and tenon structure, such as the appearance of the furniture, the general manufacturing process and so on.

He himself doesn't know much about these things, but the carpenter's talent is very high, and many things can be made after Chen Bei tells him once, and he tries a few times.

The carpenter was very focused on his work. After Chen Bei came in, he didn't look up, so naturally he didn't see Chen Bei.

After a long time, the carpenter noticed that Chen Bei had come in. He hurriedly put down his tools and stood up, greeting him somewhat at a loss.


Chen Bei smiled and said: "It's okay, I just came here, so don't be nervous."

The carpenter breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Boss, do you have any work for me?"

Chen Bei nodded and said, "That's right, the fishing team needs a few canoes, I hope you can make them."

Chen Bei explained the process of making the canoe, and drew the shape of the canoe and the shape of the oars with sticks on the ground.

"Understood, this thing is not difficult to make, it just takes a little longer, I will do it after I finish the job at hand."

Chen Bei said: "Do it slowly, don't worry about this thing. In addition, after the canoe is finished, it should be baked with fire, but not too much, it can prevent cracking and decay. You also need to try it with wood first. .”

The carpenter nodded and said, "No problem, I will remember."

"Okay then, go ahead and I won't bother you."

Chen Bei didn't stay here for too long, and left after finishing talking.

He found that the longer he sat in the position of leader, the more the people in the tribe would respect him, and there was nothing he could do about it.

 thanks for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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