The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 49 Canoeing and Swimming

Chapter 49 Canoeing and Swimming
Ten days later, the first canoe was manufactured, and the surface was burned. Although it looked a little dark, it was stronger and more durable than the unburned canoe.


In the largest and deepest pond of the Mang tribe, the canoe was pushed into the water by Chen Bei, and then he sat on it himself, picked up the oars and rowed the canoe.

Canoes are difficult to master, and Chen Bei tried for a long time before he finally found a little trick to make the canoe move forward and turn smoothly.

"Look, the leader is sitting on a tree and floating in the middle of the pond."

Soon many people surrounded the pond, and Chen Bei's strange behavior attracted crowds of onlookers and discussions.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's called a canoe. I heard from the carpenter that the leader asked him to build it specially, and it can carry people on the water."

"What's the use of this canoe?"

"It is said that it can be used for fishing."

"Look, the fishing team is coming."


Lie brought all the members of the fishing team to the pond. Unlike other people in the tribe, their eyes lit up when they saw Chen Bei paddling in the pond in a canoe.

No one knows better than them what a canoe means to fishing.

In the past, because Chenbei didn't allow them to go into the water, it was a very troublesome thing to cast the net. Standing on the shore, it was difficult to cast the net satisfactorily.

But it’s different with canoes. They can row to designated waters to cast nets, the accuracy will be greatly improved, and the catch will definitely be more.

In the pond, Chen Bei saw the fishing team approaching, so he paddled his canoe to the shore and walked to the shore.

"Have you all seen what I did just now? I ask that everyone in your fishing team master the skills of canoeing proficiently."

Lie said confidently: "Don't worry, leader, we will definitely study hard."

Chen Bei handed the paddles into Lie's hands, and said: "Two people go down each time, each takes a paddle, and paddles one left and one right until they are able to control the canoe proficiently."

"Yes, chief!"

Lie led a team member and jumped onto the canoe first. The two of them shook in the canoe for a while, as if they were about to fall over at any time.

"Squat down, squat down quickly."

Lie was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He suddenly realized that the canoe didn't seem to be that easy to paddle.

After Lie squatted down, the team members behind him also squatted down hurriedly, the center of gravity lowered, and the canoe was indeed much more stable and no longer wobbled.

Lie quietly wiped off his sweat, then held the paddle and began to try to paddle the canoe.

When the two were paddling the canoe, due to lack of coordination, it was very difficult for the canoe to move forward, as if drunk, it turned upside down and even spun.

Standing by the pond, Chen Bei said, "Don't panic, take your time, cooperate a little more, don't plan separately."

Under Chen Bei's guidance, after half an hour, the two people on the canoe slowly found a little feeling, and finally stopped rowing randomly.

After the two went ashore, all members of the fishing team went up to experience it. They often deal with water, and their learning speed is not bad.

Chen Beidao: "From now on, we will practice according to this method. Everyone in the fishing team will go fishing in the morning and practice driving the canoe here in the afternoon until they learn it."

"Go ahead and practice."

Chen Bei left after finishing speaking.

In the middle of the second month of spring, all the arable land of the Mang tribe was turned over, including the newly reclaimed wasteland, a total of more than 100 mu.

Crops such as red cones, yams, sorghum, soybeans, cabbage, and green vegetables were planted in the ground according to the seasons.

Chen Bei also opened up a vegetable field next to the house where he lived, and surrounded it with a fence to prevent it from being damaged.

"Plant peppers in the spring and harvest a bunch of them in the fall."

Chen Bei took a small stone hoe, and carefully picked out all the weeds, stones, and even insects in the field, and then planted the wild pepper seeds that Baicao found last year one by one.

"It would be great if there was a mulch, and the germination rate and survival rate would be higher."

Chen Bei had great expectations for these little chili peppers. Whether he would eat chili peppers in the future would depend on the land.

In addition to peppers, Chenbei also planted some wild ginger and wild onions. He didn't find any garlic yet, but he believed that he would definitely find them in the future.

In addition, there are spices like prickly ash, which he grows in his own vegetable field.

In the third month of spring, Lie found Chenbei excitedly.

"Boss, everyone in our fishing team has learned how to use a canoe."

Chen Bei was combing the rhinoceros king's thick hair, when he heard Lie's words, he turned his head and said, "Take me to have a look."

"it is good."

Lie walked in front, Chen Bei followed behind, and Rhino King followed slowly.

After walking to the pond, there were already five canoes in the pond, all of which were made by carpenters.

Lie took the lead in jumping onto a canoe.

"Xi, come up!"

In the fishing team, a steady young man stepped out and stepped into the canoe. He was a member of Xi, the fishing team, and one of the group of people who first awakened the power of the totem in the Mang tribe.

Lie and Xi took a paddle each, and started paddling quickly.

I saw the canoe accelerating in the pond, as fast as an arrow leaving the string.

Afterwards, they showed skills such as canoe steering and docking, and they were indeed very proficient.

The rest of the fishing team also showed off. Most of them are proficient in manipulating canoes. Only a small number of people may not have high talent for this thing, and it is difficult to control it.

Chen Bei nodded. The fishing team really spent a lot of time and energy practicing how to control the canoe.

"How about it, chief? Shall we move the canoe to the river?"

Lie looked at Chen Bei expectantly, they couldn't wait to use the canoe to go fishing in the river.

However, Chen Bei shook his head and said, "You can't go down the river yet. Controlling the canoe is only one aspect. On the other hand, you still need to learn how to swim."

"Swimming? What's that?"

Since the tribesmen live in the mountains all year round, they generally do not go into the water. Almost no one can swim, and they have never heard of this term.

Although the fishing team comes into contact with water every day, Chenbei doesn't let them go into the river, so no one can swim.

Chen Bei explained: "Just like a fish, it can swim around in the water. Only in this way, when you are driving the canoe, even if the canoe capsizes, you can still have a chance to survive."

The reason why it is said that there is a chance is that the horror in the water is no less than that in the mountains and forests. After falling into the water, even if you can swim, if you are entangled by a water beast, you are likely to die.

"I'll show you a demonstration."

Chen Bei took off the animal skin coat on his upper body, leaving only a pair of animal skin shorts, which he sewed himself out of the softest animal skin.


Chen Bei jumped into the water. After digging the Mang tribe's pond a few times, the water was 1.5 meters deep, and swimming was still possible.

He demonstrated breaststroke, because breaststroke is easier to learn, just swim like a frog.

"Look, the leader can really swim in the water, just like a fish."

"Of course, the leader is omnipotent!"

"I want to be as powerful as the leader in the future!"


The children in the tribe screamed excitedly. They are more capable of accepting new things than adults, and their worship of the strong is stronger and purer.

The members of the fishing team watched Chen Bei swim in the pond, and everyone was shocked. They looked at their hands and feet, and it turned out that people can also swim like fish in the water.

They fish all year round, and no one knows the meaning of swimming better than them. When they fall into the water, it is tantamount to giving themselves an extra life!
Xi excitedly said to Lie: "Captain, we must learn to swim!"

Lie nodded heavily, and said, "That's right, you must learn it!"

After swimming around for a while, Chen Bei landed on the shore, shook off the water on his body, and said to the fishing team while wearing animal skin clothes: "Did you see? This is swimming. I'm not a good swimmer. A really good person , can dive with bare hands to catch fish.”

"There is a tribe of fish outside the mountain. Everyone of them can swim, and everyone is very good at swimming."

Chen Bei's words are somewhat true and some false. There is indeed a fish tribe outside the mountain, which he heard from the people of the eagle tribe, but whether the people of the fish tribe can swim is his wild guess.

"Leader, let's learn!" Lie said firmly.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's take off your clothes."

Chen Bei smiled, and after Lie took off his clothes, he let him jump into the water.

"Hold on to the side of the canoe first, learn to push the water with your feet, and imagine yourself as a frog..."

Chen Bei explained the main points of breaststroke, and asked them to carefully observe how the frogs in the water swim.

For the next period of time, the fishing team learned to swim every afternoon, and the children in the tribe also joined in excitedly. They were most interested in this new thing and learned faster than adults.

 Thanks to book friends "SKF" and book friends "20190223130921615" for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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