The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 52 Preparations Before Trading

Chapter 52 Preparations Before Trading
"When trading with other tribes, it is not enough to have bacon. You should bring something more, such as exquisite pottery."

Chen Bei said to Bai Cao while carving patterns on the pottery clay embryo with a stone carving knife.

The collection team only goes out about once a week now, and most of the time they are looking for new food seeds, as well as various herbs that witches need.

In the rest of the time, Baicao will lead the collection team to help in the tribe, such as making pottery.

For some meticulous work that requires patience, women in the tribe are more suitable than those careless men.

Making pottery is like this, don't rush, be patient.

"The pottery we fired this time is not for our own use, but for trading. Therefore, it must be beautiful, and if people see it, they want to buy it."

"Like this."

Chen Bei lightly scratched a few times on the mud with a carving knife, and the image of a bamboo tree appeared. If you look closely, there is a vigorous feeling.

Chen Bei used to practice carving when he was free. After a long time of practice, he has achieved a little success now.

Bai Cao looked enviously at the mud in Chen Bei's hands, and said, "The leader is really powerful, and the engraving is so beautiful."

Chen Bei smiled and said: "These simple patterns are actually not difficult, you just need to practice a few more times, and you will be able to do the same in the future."

Chen Bei picked up another clay bowl and put some flowers and plants on it.

"Although our pottery firing technology is not as good as that of the carving tribe, our prices are much lower. Small tribes will definitely be more willing to buy our pottery."

Bai Cao said: "Boss, can you bring me along for this transaction? I heard that there are a lot of fruit trees in the Tree Tribe. I want to see them."

Chen Bei didn't expect Bai Cao to make such a request, he thought about it, nodded and agreed, Bai Cao's strength is also good, when going out, in case of accident, he is also a powerful helper.

"Thank you chief."

Baicao was very happy, and even put more effort into making pottery.

Others looked at the white grass enviously. Tribal people rarely travel far, and many people even spend their whole lives around the tribe.

Because there are many unpredictable dangers and risks when traveling far away, they dare not run around unless necessary.

Chen Bei finished carving half of the mud, and left the rest to others for practice. It is impossible for him to spend a lot of time doing these things, so it is very important for others to learn.

"You keep doing it here, I'll go and see elsewhere."

Chen Bei got up, left the small pottery workshop, and walked to another corner of the tribe.

He came to a house, the door was not closed, he went straight in.

In the house, a middle-aged man is holding a fish tooth and piercing it with a tool.

He was wearing an animal skin skirt, covered with white powder, and his hands were also covered with powder, looking dirty.

Next to him was a wooden plate, in which there were already a dozen perforated fish teeth, each as big as an adult's finger, very sharp.

These fish teeth are from carnivorous fish caught in the river. They are huge in size and have large and sharp teeth, making them suitable for jewelry.

Tribal people like to hang some decorations such as animal teeth or horns on their bodies. The more fierce the look, the better.

This middle-aged man was a bone tooler of the Mang tribe who specialized in making bone tools. Just like a stone tool maker specialized in making stone tools, a bone tooler specialized in making bone tools.

For example, various bone tools such as bone knives and bone spears, as well as various ornaments made of animal teeth or horns.

The bonesmith pierced the hole for the last fish tooth, and then strung them with thin animal hides to form a fish tooth necklace.

After finishing, the bone craftsman raised his head, only to realize that Chen Bei had arrived at some time, and was looking at him with a smile.

"Boss...boss, when did you come?" The bonesmith was a little nervous, because he obviously neglected the boss.

Chen Bei smiled and said: "It's not long since I came here, you can continue to work on your work, don't worry about me, I just came to have a look."

The bonesmith picked up a string of fish tooth necklaces and said, "Chief, according to your instructions, I made a lot of bone ornaments, bone needles and other practical things for trading with other tribes."

Chen Bei flipped through it, nodded and said: "Yes, the production is very delicate, so that we can have more trading items, thank you for your hard work."

The bone tooler hurriedly said, "For the sake of the tribe, no hard work."

After reading it, Chen Bei said: "You continue to work on your work, I'll go first, if the transaction goes well this time, I will let you make more bone tools in the future, don't worry, the tribe will not treat you badly, and will give you corresponding remuneration."

The bonesmith said: "Boss, the tribe gave me food, clothes, and a house for me. I am already very satisfied, and I don't need to pay anything."

Chen Bei said: "If you have made a contribution to the tribe, the tribe will reward you. Don't worry, no one dares to make irresponsible remarks about what you obtain with your own ability."

After Chen Bei finished speaking, he left. The bone craftsman stood there for a long time before sitting down with a moved face, and said, "It's really a lucky thing to meet such a leader."

The bonesmith continued to polish the bone ornament, and there was a smile on his face.

Time flies, and at the end of the first month of autumn, the Mang Tribe's trading team heading to the Tree Tribe is finally ready to go!
There are more than 50 people in the trading team, all of whom are totem warriors. Among them, Yun, Baicao and others all set off with the team.

And Lie stayed behind with the rest of the totem warriors in the tribe. Although the tribe was protected by the totem god, it was impossible to rely on the totem god for everything.

The necessary guardian force is still necessary.

In addition to people, Chenbei also took away ten of the strongest rhinos. These rhinos can carry a large amount of goods and move freely in the mountains and forests, and they are an important reliance for the trading team.

Chen Bei checked the goods on the rhino's back, including bacon and smoked fish, baked pottery, various bone ornaments, and some special things from the Mang tribe.

"Check it carefully, have you brought all the things?" Chen Bei asked loudly to the crowd.

"Bring everything!" Everyone replied after checking.

"Okay!" Chen Bei turned his head to look at Qing Zhu in the crowd, and nodded to her.

Qingzhu walked out from the crowd, wherever she went, the crowd immediately separated, and lowered their heads, maintaining a respectful attitude.

Qingzhu walked in front of the trading team and said, "The Totem God will bless you and wish you a triumphant return!"

Chenbei said: "Let's go!"


The rhinoceros king raised his neck and roared, and walked forward first, and the rest of the rhinoceros followed, and the trading team officially set off.

(End of this chapter)

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