The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 53 Totem God Tree

Chapter 53 Totem God Tree
The trading team of the Mang Tribe started from the tribe and headed southeast. After three days of trekking, they finally came to the Tree Tribe.

"Are you sure it's a tree?"

When Chen Bei saw the totem sacred tree of the tree tribe, his mind was shocked.

This ancient tree is really too huge, towering into the sky, with luxuriant branches and leaves, covering a large area of ​​the ground, a tree is a forest.

Chen Bei had never seen such a big tree, and it was hard to imagine that such a big tree was not killed by lightning.

Yun Man said with emotion: "Boss, is this tree big? Everyone will be shocked when they see this tree for the first time. This is the tree god of the tree tribe. It is said that if you climb to the top, you can see far away. a place far away."

"When Lie came here for the first time, he wanted to climb to the top of the tree. Unfortunately, it is the totem god of the tree tribe. They will not allow outsiders to climb, thinking that it is disrespectful to the totem god."

Bai Cao said: "The people of the tree tribe live under this tree god, and they live in a strange place. They live in tree holes instead of building their own houses."

Chen Bei asked suspiciously: "Are there so many tree holes under the big tree?"

Bai Cao smiled and said: "Boss, you will know when you arrive."

The members of the Mang tribe slowly approached the area covered by the big tree. Suddenly, dozens of people emerged from the woods, holding weapons in their hands, staring at Chen Bei and the others vigilantly.

The main reason is that those tall rhinos are too eye-catching and look very threatening.

"Which tribe do you belong to? What are you doing in our tree tribe?"

The tribes living in this mountain forest don't have a good relationship with each other, and wars happen from time to time, so they are more vigilant when encountering people from outside tribes.

Yun walked to the front and said to one of the tree tribesmen, "Hongye, don't you know us? We made a deal before."

The man named Hongye glanced at Yun several times, finally recognized him, and said, "It's you, Yun, are you still alive? I heard that your tribe..."

Yun's face darkened, and he said, "The Turtle Tribe is indeed gone."

"However, we later joined the Mang Tribe, and now we are members of the Mang Tribe. The Black Snake Tribe was also defeated by us, which can be regarded as revenge!"

"The Black Snake Tribe was defeated by you?"

Hongye was a little puzzled, where did this Mang tribe come from? If it has such a strong strength, why has it never been heard of before.

Yun saw his doubts, so he prepared to show his strength.

He directly used the power of the totem, and dark red totem lines appeared on his face, spreading all the way to his neck, almost reaching his chest.

Hongye said in surprise: "You are almost becoming an intermediate totem warrior!"

"of course."

Hongye now believes that the Black Snake tribe was defeated by the Mang tribe. You must know that Yun was a low-level totem warrior before. If he relied on the totem god of the Turtle tribe, it would be very difficult to advance to the middle level, at least ten years or more.

But now, in just two or three years, Yun is about to become an intermediate totem warrior. It can only be said that the totem power bestowed by the totem god of the Mang tribe is very powerful.

Yun continued: "You don't need to be nervous. We came here this time to make a deal with you, and we brought a lot of good things. We are friends, and we will definitely not cheat you like the big tribes."

Hongye looked behind Yun, and saw that there were indeed a lot of goods on the rhinoceros, and she believed it in her heart.

Yun pointed to Chen Bei again and said, "This is our leader, and he also proposed this transaction."

Such a young leader?Looks like a teenager, right?

Hongye looked at Yun with a kind of eyes that are you kidding me.In his heart, the Mang tribe is considered a relatively strong tribe, after all, it can defeat the Black Snake tribe.

A person who can be the leader of the Mang tribe must be at least 40 or [-] years old, right?How could such a brat be the leader.

Chen Bei did not explain, and directly showed his totem pattern.


The dark red totem pattern lit up on Chen Bei's body, his face, neck, chest and abdomen, and even almost extended to his arms. Once the totem pattern spread to his limbs, it meant that he was a high-level totem warrior.

And Chenbei is only one step away from the high-level totem warrior, and it is possible to break through at any time.

At the same time, a scorching breath rushed over, causing Hongye and the others to subconsciously take two steps back.

Chenbei's totem power is obviously more domineering than Yun and others, because his physique is very compatible with the totem power, and with the same totem power, he can exert stronger power.

"So strong!"

Hongye is also a mid-level totem warrior, and he is considered a strong player in the tree tribe, but when facing Chenbei, he still feels great pressure, as if he is facing a beast.

Chen Bei withdrew his totem power, and calmly said to Hong Ye: "Hello, I am the leader of the Mang Tribe, Chen."

"I am...the Red Leaf of the Tree Tribe."

Hongye was shocked a little too much today, and he stuttered when he spoke, but he quickly adjusted himself. Within the scope of his own tribe, he must not lose face.

"Since you are here to trade, please wait here for a while, and I will ask the leader for instructions."

Chen Bei nodded and said, "Okay, but please hurry up. We have to go to other tribes to trade."

Hongye's heart tightened, he finally had a chance to trade, he didn't want to miss it, he quickened his pace and walked towards the tribe.

Chenbei and the others didn't have to wait long, and Hongye came out soon, and she came out with the leader of the tree tribe.

The leader of the tree tribe is a middle-aged man in his 40s. He is tall, strong and strong. He is the only high-level totem warrior in the tree tribe.

"You are the leader of the Mang tribe?"

Like Hongye, the leader of the tree tribe didn't quite believe that Chen Bei would be the leader of a tribe at such a young age.

Chen Bei once again showed his totem pattern, dealing with tribal people, strength is more effective than words.

Sure enough, as soon as the totem pattern came out, the leader of the tree tribe immediately believed it. He even felt a faint threat from Chen Bei.

He had felt this kind of threat from a middle-level totem warrior before. It was a middle-level totem warrior from a big tribe.

Could it be that the Mang tribe is also a big tribe?

The leader of the tree tribe was full of thoughts, but after thinking about it, he had never heard of the name Mang tribe.

"The leader of the tree tribe, Song."

"The leader of the Mang tribe, Chen."

The two tribal leaders introduced themselves to each other, and then made some polite remarks.

"Boss Chen, since you're here for a deal, please invite inside."

Everyone in the Tree Tribe led the way, and the trading team from the Mang Tribe led the rhino into the Tree Tribe.

Walking into the tree tribe, everyone in the Mang tribe felt a sense of oppression from the huge ancient tree, which is the totem god of the tree tribe.

This is also the reason why the Tree Tribe dared to put Chenbei and the others in. If they plotted against the law, the totem god of the Tree Tribe would make them pay a heavy price.

This is the confidence of the tribe with the totem god.

When he walked inside, Chen Bei finally knew where the tree hole where the tree tribe lived came from.

I saw huge tree roots entangled on the ground, and the roots bulged, forming an unknown number of tree holes with the ground. These tree holes were more than ten meters deep and one or two meters shallow. The members of the tree tribe Live in a tree hole.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be really hard to imagine that there would be such a towering ancient tree that could inhabit a whole tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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