The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 553 A Group of Bandits

Chapter 553

After learning that overseas tribes had corn and potatoes, Chen Bei couldn't sit still.

The situation in the overseas mainland is unknown, and there are only five known large tribes, so it is not good to rush there.

But among the half-orcs who have come from the east, there is only one big tribe and one big god, and the others are all medium tribes.

And these half-orcs, coming across the sea, must be well prepared, maybe they will bring some corn and potatoes.

For these corn and potatoes, Chen Bei felt that it was necessary to take people to the east to wipe out those half-orc tribes.

Chen Bei immediately found the flame rhinoceros and told him about the corn and potatoes.

"Is there really such a high yield of grain?"

The Flame Rhinoceros was very surprised. If it was as Chen Bei said, the Mang tribe would no longer be troubled by famine frequently, and could support a larger population and grow stronger.

As a totem god, as the tribe grows stronger, it will harvest more sacrifices and power of faith, and it will become stronger itself.

"Even if it's not that high, it's not much worse."

Chen Bei said affirmatively: "Besides, those half-orc tribes occupied the east and seized the supplies of so many tribes in the east. Those pearl shells alone must have piled up into mountains."

"As long as we snatch the things from the orcs' hands, it's not considered new food, but it's also a big profit!"

The Flame Rhinoceros was a little moved: "It makes sense, and if it goes well, it will almost make a profit without losing money."

"However, we all went to the east, what if something happens to the central and southern wilderness?"

"I've thought of this a long time ago." Chen Bei smiled.

"We can bring all our allies together and go to the central region together, or even go overseas together. There are so many gods, whichever tribe dares to take the opportunity to make trouble, come back and come to the door together and destroy them!"

"Right now, we have wiped out all the hostile tribes in the central region and the southern wilderness. I don't believe that cowardly fish dares to attack us. As for the small tribes, they don't even dare to make trouble."

Chen Bei thought for a while, and then said: "I still have to pull up the big bird from the Bird Tribe and leave it in the middle. I feel uneasy."

The Flaming Rhinoceros said: "What if the big bird is unwilling? After all, it has already fled to the central part."

Chen Bei said calmly: "Our three great gods and the three middle gods come to the door together, I think it will be willing. We are helping the Bird Tribe."

The Flame Rhino said with emotion: "In this case, I also think it will be willing."

So many gods have come to visit, can you not want to?If you dare to refuse, I am afraid that the Bird Tribe will be wiped out on the spot.

"Without further delay, I will immediately contact the totem gods of other tribes."

Chen Bei immediately flew to the Elephant Tribe. When the Elephant God heard that there were so many good things, and that both Chen Bei and the Flame Rhinoceros were going, he agreed without hesitation.

Afterwards, Chenbei flew to Nanhuang again, and directly brought the totem gods of the Chuanshan tribe, the blood vine tribe, and the bear tribe to the central part.

Afterwards, the six Shenmang tribes set off without even taking the totem warriors with them, and flew directly to the place where the Bird tribe was.

Seeing so many gods appearing at the same time, the totem god of the bird tribe almost collapsed in fright. How could he dare to refuse?

Soon, the four great gods and the three middle gods crossed the inner sea and flew east.

The eastern part of the primitive continent.

The dead half-orc was found on the same day. The three half-orc tribes were furious and searched frantically around, but they couldn't find the murderer, so they could only raise their vigilance.

"Don't let me find them, or I'll swallow them whole!"

Among the snake-man tribe, a huge snake swallowed a letter, entrenched next to the fire, with very cold eyes.

Ordinary snakes need to hibernate, but this snake is different. It is a rare mutant snake that does not need to hibernate, and is not afraid of ice and snow.

"It's here."

In the sky, a voice suddenly came from a long distance, but the snake god heard it very clearly.

The snake god raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound, his vertical pupils were full of murderous aura.

However, when it saw the seven gods flying this way, its eyes straightened.

"Take this tribe of orcs."

Chen Bei flew over the snake tribe, holding a golden spear, looking down at the big snake.

The flame rhinoceros and other gods also came, including the bird god who was forced to come.

The big snake couldn't understand what Chen Bei said, but it didn't prevent it from feeling the strength and hostility of the other party.


The snake god swallowed the letter and made a gesture of attacking.

Just as Chen Bei was waiting for it to attack, the snake god suddenly turned around and ran away, so fast that he didn't even care about those snake people.

"Want to run?"


Chen Bei suddenly threw the golden spear in his hand towards the big snake.

The golden spear burst out with terrifying golden light, and its speed was extremely fast, stabbing the tail of the great god and nailing it in place.

"Flame Cage!"

The flaming rhino made a move. It opened its mouth and sprayed out a piece of divine fire, covering the big snake. The big snake opened its mouth and sprayed out a lot of cold air, but it couldn't extinguish the divine fire at all.


The giant snake was burned and rolled around, but its tail was pinned by the golden spear, and it was impossible to break free.

"Damn stinky snake, you have today too!"


Seeing that the big snake had been injured, the bird god remembered the experience of the bird tribe being forced to flee. It flew over angrily, grabbed the snake god with its sharp and huge claws, and ruthlessly pecked at the big snake with its sharp beak. on the head.

The poor snake god was attacked by three great gods one after another, and couldn't bear it at all. After a while, the snake's head was pecked off, and even the soul was trapped in a cage of flames.

"The first prey is not bad, let's divide it."

Chen Bei took back the golden spear, and divided the snake god's body and soul into seven parts, and the seven gods divided each of them, and then devoured them all.

Once the snake god died, those snake warriors were also wiped out, and the various supplies that the snake tribe robbed were naturally cheaper than Chen Bei and the other gods.

Chen Bei flew to the ground and rummaged through the supplies of the snake tribe for a long time, but found no corn, potatoes, or other valuable food and vegetables.

Chen Bei was a little disappointed by this, but there were still a few orc tribes that did not fight, especially the tiger tribe. It was a big tribe with over [-] fighters, so it should carry more supplies.

Chen Bei pointed to the large pile of collected supplies, and said, "Let's keep these things here first, and then send people over to move them after we deal with the other orc tribes."

The Elephant God said to the Bird God: "Our tribe doesn't have flying war pets. Your bird tribe will help us move our things to the central part. Isn't this request too much?"

"We have Bear Tribes too."

"So do our Bloodvine Tribe."

"And we Chuanshan tribe."

Several totem gods spoke one after another, and then stared at the bird god, making it uncomfortable.

"When...of course..."

The bird god actually didn't want to agree, but there were too many gods on the other side, and like a bandit, if it refused, the consequences would be very serious.

(End of this chapter)

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