Chapter 554
There are six half-orc tribes that invaded the east, five of which are medium tribes, and only one large tribe.

Chenbei had been to the east to inquire about the situation before, and he knew where these tribes were located.

Therefore, the seven totem gods started with those middle-level tribes first, and cleaned them up one by one.

The seven totem gods, this is a terrifying force. The four mid-orc tribes, including the snake-man tribe, couldn't bear it at all, and were simply and roughly flattened.

And the totem gods of these orcs were naturally divided and refined by Chen Bei and other gods.

These mid-level tribal totem gods, the divine power and spirit that they worked so hard to cultivate, are all used as wedding dresses, making Chenbei and other gods cheaper.

Xuevine said with emotion: "This method of cultivation is really too fast. Absorbing the soul and divine power of a half-orc totem god is equivalent to hundreds of years of cultivation before."

Man Xiong Shen also nodded and said: "Yes, if such a good thing happened earlier, maybe I have entered the realm of a great god by now."

Even Bird God, who was originally reluctant, became more active and courageous after receiving many benefits.

"There is one last medium tribe, let's go." Bird God was a little excited.

Chen Bei held the golden spear upside down, and said with a smile: "Then continue."

Looting is addictive, because the speed of obtaining supplies is too fast.

The totem god, who was supposed to stay in the tribe with peace of mind and not leave easily, has gradually changed his previous habits under the leadership of Chen Bei.

The last medium tribe is the werewolf tribe. The reason why they were attacked last is that they are relatively close to the big tribe among the half-orcs, the tiger tribe.

The battles of several other middle-level tribes have actually attracted the attention of the totem gods of the werewolf and tiger tribes.

But because the battle ended too quickly, those tribes were wiped out before they could react.

"There is the smell of that bird, did it find a helper from outside?"

The totem god of the werewolf tribe was a giant black wolf. It was squatting on the top of the hill, looking anxiously into the distance.

Just when it was thinking wildly, suddenly, several powerful breaths quickly approached the werewolf tribe, and the pupils of the giant black wolf shrank sharply.



The giant black wolf raised its head to the sky and howled, all the werewolves in the entire werewolf tribe became vigilant.

Not only that, but the tiger tribe, not too far away from the werewolf tribe, also heard the wolf howl.

The totem god of the tiger tribe is a colorful tiger. When it heard the howling of wolves, it immediately drove a gust of wind and rushed towards the werewolf tribe.

Among the werewolf tribe, the giant black wolf was attacked by the flame rhino just after howling.

"Louder than a voice, isn't it?"

"The bull roars!"


Facing the entire werewolf tribe, the Flame Rhino let out a roar that shook the sky.

Wave after wave of terrifying sound waves roared the warriors of the werewolf tribe until their eardrums ruptured, and they rolled on the ground in pain.

And the giant black wolf, which bears the brunt, also uttered a "sob" sound, and shouted in horror: "Great God..."

"What kind of bird language are you talking about? I don't understand. Come here obediently!"


The elephant god's nose quickly extended, and tied it around the waist of the giant black wolf.


The giant black wolf turned around and ran away, turning into a streak of black light at an extremely fast speed.

However, the elephant god's nose was faster, and the giant black wolf hadn't run far when its waist was bound, and it quickly pulled back.

"Tiger God save me!"

The giant black wolf yelled in the language of the overseas tribe. At this time, it was very frightened. It had known that it would encounter so many totem gods attacking together, so it ran away just now.


Just when the giant black wolf was about to be pulled back by the elephant god's nose, a colorful tiger appeared, and its sharp claws suddenly slapped the elephant god's nose.

If this is captured, the elephant god's nose will be injured even if it does not stop.

In desperation, the Elephant God could only throw the giant black wolf towards the Tiger God to retract his nose.

Seeing the giant wolf being thrown over, the colorful tiger could only use its divine power to support the black giant wolf, then stared at Chen Bei and the others coldly, with a look of fear in its eyes.

The wolf god stood next to the tiger god, still in shock. If the tiger god hadn't arrived in time, it might have died by now.

The Flame Rhinoceros said with a relaxed face: "Okay, this tiger came by itself, and it saves us going to look for it later."

The Flame Rhino immediately stood in place to prevent the Tiger God from escaping.

Chen Bei also stood in another position and said, "That's right, since it's here, let's deal with it together."

The other totem gods also looked relaxed. The power on their side was too strong. Even a tiger in the realm of great gods would have to drink hatred in the face of the siege of four great gods and three medium tribal totem gods.


The Bird Tribe was captured by the Tiger Tribe, so the Bird God hated the tiger so much, it flew up first, and grabbed the tiger fiercely with its sharp claws.


Tiger God let out a roar. Although it was huge in size, it was very fast. It jumped directly into the sky, trying to kill Bird God first.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

At this moment, countless blood-colored vines came out from the ground, wrapped around the tiger's feet, and then pulled down suddenly.

Tiger God was only halfway up when he was caught, and he failed to pounce on Bird God, but was left with several wounds on his back by Bird God's claws.


The Tiger God roared angrily, breaking all the blood-colored vines.

"The elephant tramples!"

At this moment, a pair of huge hooves descended from the sky, stomping fiercely on Tiger God's head.

Hu Shen rolled to the side, dodging the blow in embarrassment.

"Savage Clash!"

Before the Tiger God had time to catch his breath, the flame rhinoceros arrived again. With terrifying flames, he lowered his head and slammed into the Tiger God fiercely with the sharp rhino horns.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The underground vines came again, crazily entangled the Tiger God who hadn't had time to stand up, making it impossible for him to avoid the impact of the flame rhinoceros.


Tiger God was knocked into the air, and fell to the ground hard, bleeding from his mouth and nose, and a big wound was made on his body by the horn of the rhinoceros.

On the other side, the giant black wolf wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to escape when the tiger god was being attacked, so it backed away silently.

"Want to run!"

At this moment, a wild bear as large as a hill appeared, and its huge bear paw slammed fiercely at the head of the giant black wolf.


The strength of the giant black wolf was not as strong as that of the barbarian bear. When it was hit by the bear's paw, the whole wolf was sent flying, dizzy and unable to stand up for a long time.


The barbarian bear rushed up again, slapping and biting the giant black wolf, the poor totem god of the werewolf tribe, unexpectedly the barbarian bear was beaten to death abruptly!
On the other side, Tiger God was under siege and was covered in scars. It tried to escape several times but failed.

In the end, Tiger God was also beaten to death, and fell into a pool of blood just like the giant wolf.

Bird God looked at the tiger's body, and said with a complicated expression: "The Bird Tribe can finally return to the east."

Xiangshen reminded from the side: "Don't forget our agreement, those materials, you bird tribe will help us transport them back to the central part."

Bird God nodded, not as resistant as before.

After killing all the warriors of the werewolf tribe and the tiger tribe, Chen Bei frantically searched for them in the settlements of the two tribes.

After a long time, he finally found what he wanted in the tiger tribe.

They were two animal skin bags, one of which contained half a bag of potatoes, only as big as an egg, but they were indeed potatoes.

And the other animal skin bag contained half a bag of corn, which made Chen Bei very happy.

These two things are more important to him than other materials.

(End of this chapter)

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