The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 556 The elder passed away

Chapter 556 The elder passed away

Mang Tribe was founded 20 years ago, and the abnormal climate during the ice age has gradually decreased, and various disasters have also decreased.

Among the Mang tribe, changes continued to take place.

As the number of students at the Mang Tribal College gradually increased, the scale of the college has also expanded repeatedly.

Chenbei officially announced the new rules among the Mang tribe.

The Mang tribe set up a system of literary and martial arts examinations. The examination of literary examinations includes subjects such as shamanism, arithmetic, and drawing. Those who pass the examination can join the management team of the Mang tribe.

The martial arts assessment includes hunting, fighting, traps, bows and arrows and other subjects. Those who pass the assessment can become the Mang tribe's foreign war team.

The promulgation of the Civil and Military Examination System replaced the previous recommendation system, and also provided every member of the Mang tribe with a chance to rise.

For a time, among the Mang tribe, the ethos of advocating culture and martial arts went hand in hand, and the entire Mang tribe showed a thriving atmosphere, and various systems were gradually improved.

Mang Tribe was established No.20, the third month of autumn.

Chen Bei, who was exploring the sea route with the fleet at sea, was urgently called back by Qing Zhu.

Various important figures of the Mang tribe were also called back urgently, and everyone, including the flame rhinoceros, gathered in the Southern Wilderness.

The elder was about to die, and the flame rhinoceros used divine power to renew his life, supporting him until everyone came back.

The elder was lying on the bed. He was over 80 years old, and his strength was not strong. Among the primitive tribes, he was already considered a real longevity.

He was lying on the bed, his body was so emaciated that there was no flesh left, but he was not suffering from any illness, it was just that the time limit had come.

Qingzhu and the others stood in front of the hospital bed, and the flame rhinoceros also shrunk its body, restrained its divine fire, and stood beside it.

The elder's eyes drifted to the door from time to time, his lips trembled slightly, but he was already speechless.

Qingzhu held the elder's skinny hand and said: "The leader will come back soon, the elder doesn't have to worry."

The elder nodded slightly.

In the room, some women covered their mouths and began to cry. They were all members of the Turtle Tribe back then. They followed the elder all the way to the present, and they have a deep affection for the elder.

The flame rhinoceros continued to deliver divine power smoothly, keeping the elder's vital signs.

It is relatively calm, because it has lived for too long, and has seen too many births, old ages, illnesses and deaths, and it has been calm.

What's more, the elder lived to be eight or ninety years old with a mortal body, which is considered a long life.

Yun was the first to come back. He rushed into the room and saw the elder on the bed. He felt his head go "buzz", and he knelt down in front of the bed.


Yun held the elder's hand, and leaned his head against the bedside, tears streaming down his face, and he couldn't stop it.

There was a slight smile on the elder's face, and he held Yun's hand with difficulty, holding it so tightly.

Yun had long regarded the elder as his own grandfather, and suddenly he was about to lose the elder. Xiang Yun, who was calm and breezy, cried bitterly in front of the bed, no longer as calm as before.

The second person who rushed in was Shanmon, and he brought his daughter, a very cute little girl in a fur skirt, and Shanmon's wife, Ziye, followed behind.


Shanwen pulled his daughter and knelt down in front of the bed together. This strong man who was good at fighting and not afraid of death in the battle was crying like a child at this time.

The elder's face softened, and he even wanted to touch Shanwen's daughter, but his hands were not strong enough.

Seeing this, Qingzhu on the side put Shanwen's daughter's little hand in the palm of the elder.

The elder shook Shan Wen's daughter's hand, with a smile in his eyes.

White grass, red flower, old deer and others all came and gathered around the elders one by one. The older ones stood while the younger ones knelt on the ground.

Not long after, a stream of light pierced the sky and landed in the Mang tribe. It was Chen Bei who came back with Lie.

Chen Bei walked to the elder's room in a few steps, and the crowd got out of the way one after another. Chen Bei walked over quickly, his hands trembling slightly.

Lie Ye followed behind Chen Bei, seeing the elder's appearance, this man of true temperament also collapsed, knelt down beside the bed, crying bitterly.

"Elder, I'm back."

Chen Bei walked to the bed and was with Qing Zhu.

There was a look of relief on the elder's face. Everyone had returned. He had waited until this moment when he was dying.

Chen Bei's heart felt unspeakably uncomfortable. When the Mang tribe was established, the elders had been helping him in the tribe. All the way to today, the Mang tribe is almost invincible.

However, time is the most ruthless, and mortals cannot escape birth, old age, sickness and death.

Whether it is an old deer or a dying elder, they will all leave eventually.

The feeling of parting from life and death, even if he is already a master, it is still difficult to accept emotionally.

Chen Bei took the elder's hand from Qing Zhu's, and said to the elder: "Elder, do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"

There was a look of reminiscence in the elder's eyes, and at the same time, his life characteristics suddenly became stronger and stronger.

His heart was beating gradually, and his face was rosy.

The flame rhinoceros sighed slightly, and then withdrew the divine power that kept the elder alive.

Because it knows that the elder has entered the final stage of returning to the light and can no longer sustain it.

After a while, the elder finally said, "I want... I want to take a walk in the tribe again."

Chen Bei also noticed the elder's change, and he knew very well that this was the elder burning his last life.

He slowly helped the elder up from the bed, Yun hurriedly put on the elder's shoes, while Lie and Shanwen separated the crowd.

"Elder, let's take a walk in the tribe with you."

Chen Bei helped the elder, and walked slowly outside the door.

The further he walked, the more ruddy the elder's complexion became, and he was able to walk slowly even without Chen Bei's support.

Everyone wiped away their tears, silently followed the elder, and saw him off for the last time.

The elder walked very slowly, talking to Chen Bei while looking at every plant and tree in the tribe.

"When we first came here, we only had a few wooden houses, which were built from the big trees knocked down by the leader. Now everything has changed. Everyone lives in a good house, okay!"

Chen Bei forced a smile and said: "Yeah, I used to be afraid of water leakage when it rained, but now I'm not afraid."

The elder walked through the field of the Mang tribe, looking at the piles of straw in the field.

"The weather this year is very good, and the tribe has had a bumper harvest, so the tribe doesn't have to worry about going hungry."

"Yes, everyone can have enough to eat now."

The elder walked from one place to another, and every time he went to a place, he looked very seriously and would recall the past.

He walked to Mang Tribal College, the last place where he shined brightly, and saw those children studying in it, with a gratified smile on his face.

"These children will be the pillars of the Mang tribe in the future."

The elder continued walking through the tribe and finally came to the altar.

He stroked the sundial and totem stone pillars beside the altar, then looked at the Mang tribe gathered here, and saw the familiar faces.

The smile on his face became wider and wider, and then he sat next to the totem stone pillar, leaned against the totem stone pillar, and slowly closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep...

Everyone wept and bid farewell to the elder, then held a funeral for the elder, and finally buried him on the hillside to the east of the Mang tribe, together with other deceased Mang tribe members.

(End of this chapter)

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