The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 557 A New Beginning

Chapter 557 A New Beginning

Mang Tribe was established in No. 20, and Qingzhu gave birth to a daughter named Chen Qingwen, who was young and intelligent, with a gentle personality and quick wit.

In the same year, Honghua gave birth to a son named Chenfeng, who was born with supernatural power and extremely talented in martial arts.

As a father for the first time, Chen Bei experienced a different feeling.

Chen Qingwen is very sensible and obedient, at such a young age, he can often express some eye-catching opinions, which is very favored by Chen Bei, and all the members of the tribe also praise Qingwen.

But Chen Feng is different, this child is born with supernatural power and mischievous, since he was one year old, he has caused Chen Bei a lot of headaches.

Chasing chickens and dogs, climbing trees to dig out bird nests, going down rivers to catch fish and shrimp, there is nothing he dare not do.

For this reason, Chen Bei often had a dark face, and beat Chen Feng with a bamboo whip, but unfortunately the effect was not great, the boy was thick-skinned, he howled a few times on the spot after beating, and started to make trouble in a blink of an eye.

Soon, Chen Feng became a distasteful existence in the tribe, and the children in the tribe were almost beaten up by him. He became the king of children at a young age, and children a few years older than him were beaten He was beaten up and cried.

However, Bibo likes him very much. Every time he comes back, he always brings him some new overseas gadgets. This makes Chen Feng have a strong interest in everything outside the world since he was a child, and looks forward to going out to sea with the fleet and seeing the world when he grows up.


Mang Tribe was established No.20 for three years.

The central part is the ancestral land of the Mang tribe.

"Qingwen, take a good look, the Mang characters of the Mang tribe are written in Wu script like this."

Qingzhu put the small animal brush on Chen Qingwen's hand, then grabbed her little hand, and taught her to write stroke by stroke several times.

"do you understand?"


"Okay, then try to write it yourself."

Chen Qingwen sat in front of the table, followed the pen-holding posture that Qingzhu taught her just now, compared the words on it, and wrote down the first complete Wuwen stroke by stroke.

She didn't write very well, her strokes were crooked, but Qingzhu was very happy, with a gentle smile on her face, she rubbed her head.

You know, Chen Qingwen is only three years old!
"Qing Wen's writing is really good, but there are still some places that are not enough, let's continue to practice."

Qingzhu tirelessly taught her daughter how to write Wuwen over and over again, until Qingwen could write decently, then let her put down the animal brush in her hand and go outside to play.

No matter how smart a child is, it is the nature of a child who loves to play.

As soon as she heard that she could go out to play, Chen Qingwen ran away in a hurry. She really liked to go to the yard to play with the flowers and plants, and to watch the bugs and ants.


Southern Wilderness, the city of the Mang Tribe.

"Captain Honghua, it's not good, your son ran into the woods outside the city."

A soldier hurried in, shouting as he ran.

"Where is it? Take me there quickly."

Honghua was anxious and angry, she put down her work and ran over in a hurry.

When she reached the woods outside the city, she found that soldiers from the guards were already watching the "devil king".

The "Devil King of Confusion" was climbing a tree, and the soldiers of the Mang tribe below shouted anxiously under the tree. No one dared to go up, for fear of scaring the child and causing him to fall down.

Seeing this scene, Hong Hua felt her blood pressure soar.

"Chen Feng!"

Honghua gritted her teeth and shouted, her figure flashed, she had already climbed up the tree, and caught Xiao Chenfeng who was on the tree.

"If you don't slap for a day, your skin will itch, right?"

"Mother, mother, don't hit me yet, look."

Chen Feng pointed to a bird's nest on a branch with his little finger.

I saw a nest of fluffy fluffy birds chirping in the nest.

"You came up just to watch the birds?" Honghua asked.

Xiao Chenfeng replied: "No, I saw a little bird fall from the tree, so I sent it home."

Honghua's face softened a little, but she still took her son home, affirming his move to send Xiaoniao home.

Although the tribal people regard hunting as very important, they generally only hunt adult beasts, and cubs and pregnant female beasts are not within the scope of hunting.

They don't understand sustainable development, but their ancestors have done it for generations.

After affirming the act of giving away the baby bird, Honghua beat Chen Feng severely again. This was to punish him for going out of the city to climb trees without authorization. What if he was in danger?
This kid is really worrying.


Rhinoceros Continent.

As the people of the Mang tribe thrived here, not only was the entire Rhinoceros Continent not severely damaged, but because of the tree planting behavior of the Mang tribe, many semi-desert areas were gradually transformed.

The green belt planted by the Mang tribe divides the land of Rhinoceros Continent into grids, which reduces soil erosion and sandstorms every time the wind blows in the dry season.

Under the careful management of the Mang tribe and the planting of excellent food and vegetable varieties, each field has a high output.

The Rhinoceros Continent has truly become the big granary of the Mang tribe, continuously exporting food, various animal meat, animal skins, animal bones and other materials.

Through the fleet of the Mang tribe, it was transported to the central and southern regions, so as to feed more Mang tribesmen and improve the ability to resist disasters.

When a disaster occurs in one place, food and materials can be mobilized from other places, so that the situation of starvation during the famine can be reduced.


Red Earth dug a few times into the ground with a bronze hoe, and dug out a large bunch of potatoes, each of which was the size of a fist, much larger than the original potato seeds.

"One, two, three, four, five, a total of five large potatoes, at least three catties."

Hong Tu grinned: "This year is another bumper harvest!"

Hongtu is no longer young, his temples are graying, and the creases on his face have deepened, but he is in good health, and his work is even faster than that of young people.

This is a person who really loves the land and planting. He is willing to work in the field all his life until the day he can't do it at all.


In the newly built coastal port of the Mang Tribe in the eastern part of the primitive continent, a fleet of hundreds of giant seagoing ships, flying the flag of the Mang Tribe high above, quietly docked on the sea, making the final preparations before the long voyage.

Bibo stood at the bow of the boat, her long green hair fluttering in the wind, and her graceful figure was even more mature.

Bibo is more than 30 years old. He has been wandering on the sea for more than ten years. He personally led the fleet of the Mang tribe. From the beginning of the sea, to the opening of the route, and the transformation of the sea-going ships, until now, the fleet of the Mang tribe has become a seafaring ship. overlord.

Yuya stood by her side, protecting her safety just as he had done for the past ten years.

Bibo flicked her long hair, and said with excitement: "I'm going to overseas mainland soon, it's really exciting to think about it."

"That's right!" Yuya said with emotion: "What we never dared to think about before has come true now. We have the ability to sail to overseas continents."

Bibo remembered a sentence Chen Bei once said, and faced the sea and shouted: "Our goal is the stars and the sea!"


Following Bibo's order, hundreds of giant sea-going ships lifted anchor one after another, the sound of rattling iron chains and the creaking of winches rang together.

"Sail, set sail!"

As the sails were pulled up, the huge Mang Tribe fleet began to sail slowly to the sea to conquer new territories!

The book is over.

(End of this chapter)

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