Chapter 58
To the south of the Mang tribe, a large piece of wasteland was shoveled and then houses were built.

The tourists are working numbly. Although they are building their own residences, they can't see how many people are working hard.

Because they didn't really join the Mang tribe, they didn't know what kind of life was waiting for them in the future.

"dinner's ready!"

With a yell, the eyes of all the tourists lit up. When the future is uncertain, only eating can keep them interested.

Several tourists discussed in a low voice: "What will they let us eat?"

"I don't know. It's probably some leftovers. No tribe has enough food now, so it's good to eat some."

The others nodded one after another. They are not members of the Mang tribe, so why should they be given good food?
They didn't even expect to have a full stomach, as long as they could eat half full, they should thank the Mang tribe for their generosity.

In suspicion, the tourists came to the temporary shed, where several huge stone pots were erected early.

A tourist shrugged his nose and said, "It smells so good."

"It's really fragrant, it looks like meat!"


Hearing this word, the eyes of these tourists turned green. Since they lost their ability to hunt, they seldom eat meat. Most of the time, they can only collect some wild fruits and vegetables or even grass roots in the mountains and forests.


In one of the stone pots, large pieces of fish and dried vegetables were rolling, and the aroma was very strong and tangy.

In the other stone pots, red cones like sweet potatoes, purple yams, and sorghum were mixed in.

"Squeeze what? I've lined up for me, do you still want to eat?"

The planting team was in charge of distributing the meals, and these stout men had a bad temper.

Because they couldn't figure out why these tourists were given such good food.

In the mountains and forests, the lives of tourists are very worthless. From their point of view, as long as they don't starve to death, they will be grateful.

But Chenbei made them eat as much as the people of the Mang tribe. From the perspective of the planting team, this was simply a waste.

Of course, they didn't dare to disobey the leader's order. No one in the entire tribe had the guts to disobey the leader's will, so they could only vent their anger on these tourists.

After a while of pushing and even mild punching and kicking, these tourists finally lined up sparsely, but their necks were stretched out, staring at the food in the stone pot and swallowing.

Yan, the captain of the planting team, after they lined up, picked up a lot of wooden bowls and gave them one and a pair of chopsticks.

The use of chopsticks is unique to the Mang tribe. Because Chenbei likes to use chopsticks to eat, the tribe below can only learn to use chopsticks.

Most of the other tribes still use their hands to grasp, and these tourists are the same. They look at the chopsticks and can't figure out what the two sticks are for.

Yan filled each of them with a large bowl of rice, including a large piece of fish, and red cones and other miscellaneous grains.

Yan also made a bowl himself, picked up the chopsticks, and said, "Look, this is called chopsticks. I don't care how you used to eat. When you come to our Mang tribe, you must learn to eat with chopsticks, otherwise you will have nothing to eat."

Yan used chopsticks to demonstrate several times how to use chopsticks to pick up vegetables and grill rice, and then let these tourists learn.

Tourists have never used chopsticks before, how can they learn it all at once?
When they clumsily use their chopsticks to hold the bowl, they are always unable to hold it stably because of the wrong method, and all kinds of strange postures with chopsticks come out.

It has to be said that the charm of food is endless in front of hungry people. Some smart people quickly learned to use chopsticks to pick up rice, and they can learn to pick up vegetables slowly.

But those who are more stupid can't wait to pour the bowl into their mouths directly, holding chopsticks in both hands, almost crying.

The members of the planting team gathered together, eating and laughing at the tourists.

"Look at that idiot, the chopsticks were almost bitten off by him, hahaha..."

"And that one, actually holding a chopstick in one hand, I laughed to death."


Yan finally came over with a bowl, hearing their discussion, Yan frowned dissatisfied.

"What's so funny, you were just like them back then, and you forgot it so quickly?"

When the team members saw that Yan was angry, they didn't dare to speak immediately, and continued to eat with their heads down.

Yan sat down on a rock next to them and continued: "The leader said that we should treat these tourists well. I hope you don't forget that we used to be tourists too!"

Those team members buried their heads even lower, even if they were a hundred times unconvinced, no one dared to refute Yan's words.

The meal was finally finished. Although the tourists had a hard time eating, they seldom had a full meal, and the meal was so good that they couldn't believe it.

Shi Qiu, that is, the boy from the Lu Tribe, stayed with his companions, rubbed his stomach contentedly, and said, "No matter what you think, I have decided to stay here, and I must become a member of the Mang Tribe in the future. "

"Their food is really delicious."

The few companions nodded one after another. Even when the tribe was not destroyed, it was difficult for them to eat so well and eat so full.

"Look, the young leader is coming."

Some tourists saw Chen Bei coming from a distance, and all the tourists stood up one after another, for fear that Chen Bei would see him sitting and be regarded as a lazy person.

Chen Bei walked over unhurriedly, Duck King raised his head proudly like a goose, and swaggered behind him, but Rhino King did not follow.

"Are you full?"

Chen Bei walked up to the tourists and asked with a smile on his face.

"Eat... full..."

The tourists answered one after another, because after a meal, their impression of Chen Bei was much better, at least they were not so pessimistic.

"If you are full, you will have to work hard in the afternoon. In the morning, you are hungry and have no strength to work. I don't blame you, but if you don't work hard in the afternoon, the portion of dinner will be halved."

Chen Bei knew that the most important thing for these tourists was to eat, so he directly used food to stimulate their enthusiasm.

"We must work hard, and we will definitely not be lazy."

Tourists swear one after another, no one wants their meal to be halved.

"Very well, you need to know that this will be your home from now on. You are not working for the Mang tribe, you are working for yourself."

"If your own home is not built well, when winter comes, you will be the ones who suffer from the cold. At that time, even if you freeze to death, you can't blame others."

When Chen Bei mentioned winter, fear appeared in the eyes of many tourists. Obviously, the severe winter was a nightmare for them.

When Chen Bei said these few words, he directly dispelled the small thoughts of some tourists, no one wanted to be frozen to death in winter.

Afterwards, Chen Bei pointed to the strongest middle-aged man among the tourists, and said, "What's your name?"

"Back... back to the leader, my name is Wu Teng."

Wu Teng, the name is quite interesting.

"Wu Teng, right? From now on, you are the head of all of you here. You are responsible for managing them. In return, I will give you a catty of fish every day. How about it!"

Wu Teng had an ecstatic look on his face. Eating more meat can increase his strength. This is a truth that all tribesmen know. Eating an extra catty of meat every day is very tempting for Wu Teng, who is still a tourist. .

"Don't worry, leader, I will take care of them. If anyone dares to be lazy, I will beat him!"

In the face of interests, Wu Teng decisively chose to side with the Mang tribe.

Chen Bei nodded and said: "Work hard, if you do well, I will consider letting you join the Mang tribe in the future, and even awaken the power of the totem!"

"The power of the totem!"

Wu Teng's breathing became short, the power of the totem was too tempting for him, and the eyes of other tourists also showed desire.

Wu Teng immediately turned around and said to the tourists: "Everyone starts working, if anyone dares to be lazy, don't blame me for being rude."

Some of the tourists were a little angry at Wu Teng's behavior, but their form was stronger than others, and they had no choice but to swallow their anger for the time being.

Seeing that these tourists started to work one after another, Chen Bei took Duck King away with satisfaction. He believed that with Wu Teng's supervision, these tourists would no longer be lazy.

Supervising them with people they are familiar with is many times better than using strangers to supervise them. This is the management experience that Chen Bei has heard from others in his previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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