The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 59 Contradictions

Chapter 59 Contradictions
In the afternoon, under Wu Teng's supervision, the tourists were able to work much more efficiently. The wooden house was built quickly. Although it is simple, it can be accommodated temporarily, and it will be slowly repaired later.

In the evening, a large bonfire was lit outside the wooden house. Qingzhu brought a lot of wound medicine to heal them. These tourists had suffered some injuries in the mountains and forests before, but they had no one to treat them, so they could only bear it. Wait until the wound heals naturally.

How noble the tribe's shaman status is, these tourists are flattered, and dare not look at the green bamboo, but feel warm in their hearts for the first time.

Before, they were like wild dogs, lingering on their last legs, but now, with enough food, a place to live, and someone to heal their wounds, they finally felt a little bit human.

Green bamboos tend to heal their wounds, while telling them about the glorious history of the Mang tribe, their present prosperity, and future development, which makes these tourists yearn for it.

"Don't touch the wound with water. Remember to change the dressing on time. You will recover soon. I will come to see you in two days."

Qingzhu's voice was like a gust of warm wind in the cold winter, until her figure disappeared, many tourists did not recover for a long time.

"Is what she said true?" A tourist woke up from the dream and asked cautiously.

"It should be true, she is a witch, and a witch will not lie."

“Can we live that kind of affluent life too?”



After a short conversation, the tourists fell into silence again, no one spoke, they were still immersed in the dreamland of the powerful tribe described by Qingzhu.

And Qingzhu, after leaving the place where the tourists lived, walked back directly, and after walking not far, she found that Chenbei had been waiting for her here.

Qingzhu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "I was a little nervous just now, for fear of saying the wrong thing."

Chen Bei smiled and said, "You've already done a good job, and you'll become proficient after talking a few more times."

In fact, Chen Bei believes that being able to fool around should be the basic skill of a witch.

Life in ordinary small tribes is very bitter. If the witch doesn't fool around properly, how can the people in the tribe be willing to pay for the tribe, and even sacrifice their lives?
What's more, Chen Bei believes that this is not a fool. He firmly believes that the Mang tribe will definitely develop into a large tribe in the future.

In the next half month, the hunting team brought back two groups of tourists. Like the previous tourists, they first built houses to adapt to the life of the Mang tribe, and then joined the team of digging and reclamation.

The total number of tourists reached 120, almost catching up with the people of the Mang tribe.

Afterwards, Yun found Chen Bei.

"Boss, should we continue to recruit tourists? If there are more, I'm afraid there won't be enough food."

In fact, Chen Bei still wanted to recruit, because there are more people to do more things, but reason told him that enough is enough, if he wants to eat a big fat man in one bite, he may choke himself to death.

Chen Bei said helplessly: "Then don't recruit tourists for the time being, let's talk about the food reserves next year."

Yun breathed a sigh of relief. If the recruitment continues, the number of tourists will be more than the number of tribesmen. Many people in the tribe have already complained about this, but no one dared to mention it to Chen Bei.

Even a captain like Yun feels distressed when he sees the tribe's food being eaten by those tourists every day. The food is hard earned by them, so why give it to these tourists?
Perhaps this kind of thinking is a bit narrow, but it is the true thinking of most people in the tribe.

In the third month of autumn, the weather gradually turned cold, and the Mang tribe stepped up to store grain for the winter.

All kinds of vegetables have been dried into dried vegetables, and root grains such as potatos are also dug up for storage.

There are also a large amount of smoked fish and animal meat, some with salt and some without salt, which are also stored separately.

The vegetation in the mountain forest is gradually withering and yellowing, and the food that can be obtained has naturally decreased a lot.

It was at this time that the contradiction quietly occurred.

This afternoon, Chen Bei was picking small peppers in his small vegetable garden. After a year of planting, he had already obtained a lot of small peppers. If he planted them again next year, he would be able to ensure a sufficient supply.

"Boss, boss, go and have a look, it's time to fight!"

Ya ran over anxiously, shouting as he ran.

Ya is now considered a qualified totem warrior, following the hunting team. Although he is young, he is quite talented in hunting. Even Yun praised him many times.

"Who's fighting?"

Chen Bei put away the basket containing the peppers first, and then asked.

"It was the planting team who fought with the tourists, and later the fishing team and the hunting team joined in, and now it's all a mess."

Chen Bei originally thought it was an ordinary fight in the tribe. This is a common occurrence in the tribe. In the end, whoever has the biggest fist will always be justified.

Unexpectedly, it was actually a fight between the tourists and the members of the Mang tribe, and this matter became serious.

"Come on, take me to see it."

Ya hurriedly led the way, while Chen Bei followed behind with an ugly face, constantly thinking about how to solve this matter.

He had only considered how to grow the tribe quickly, but he did not expect that when the number of tourists was too large, many conflicts would arise between him and the aborigines. terrible thing.

In the vegetable field, a large group of people scuffled together, the scene was very chaotic, even some totem warriors joined in, beating those tourists who did not have the power of totem very badly.

Seeing this scene, Chen Bei was so angry that his lungs would explode.


He yelled at first, but because the scene was too chaotic and full of people's voices, the effect was not particularly good. Only those who were close saw the leader approaching in time, and they all stopped with pale faces.

"I tell you to stop!"

Chen Bei rushed into the crowd, kicking the scuffling people away one by one. Those who had been kicked by him wanted to go crazy, but when they saw that it was the leader, they all dared not speak.

After a while of punching and kicking, the melee crowd finally came to their senses. The tourists gathered to the left, while the people of the Mang tribe gathered to the right.

Standing among them, Chen Bei said with an ugly expression: "Who started first? Stand up!"

Chen Bei's voice was very severe, and the people on both sides shrank their necks and kept quiet.

"What? Don't dare to stand up if you dare to fight?"

Finally, on the side of the tourists, a young man in his 20s limped out. He had a lot of injuries, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

On the side of the Mang tribe, a member of the planting team also stood up, also a young man in his 20s.

Yan gritted his teeth, stood up, and said, "Boss, it's all my fault for not disciplining them well. If you want to punish them, punish me."

Chen Bei said: "One person does things and the other person is responsible. He is not a child, Yan, you don't have to take everything on yourself."

Chen Bei waved Yan to retreat. Although Yan was a little worried, he had to retreat.

"Why did you fight?" Chen Bei faced the two of them, trying to keep his tone calm.

The young tourist said nervously: "Because... because he called us a moth that wastes food."

Chen Bei looked at the members of the planting team and said, "Why are you scolding them?"

The members of the planting team bit the bullet and said: "The food we planted hard, and they didn't contribute, so why give them to eat? What are they not moths?"

Chen Bei clearly felt that many people on the side of the Mang tribe recognized this sentence, otherwise, it would be impossible to join in the melee.

The young tourist retorted: "You are talking nonsense, we also work hard every day, why do you say we are moths? You are obviously bullying us."

Those tourists nodded one after another, they were not lazy.

"Stop arguing!"

Chen Bei stopped them from continuing to quarrel, because they couldn't solve the problem at all.

"I don't care what your reasons are. It's wrong to fight anyway. What do you want to do? Rebellion? If anyone stirs up trouble again in the future, I will show no mercy!"

"Go back."

Chen Bei drove everyone back, because he couldn't think of any good solution for a while, so he could only suppress this matter temporarily.

However, he is very clear that this contradiction must be resolved, as for how to resolve it, he has to think carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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