The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 65 The Tree Tribe's Request

Chapter 65 The Tree Tribe's Request
The huge ancient totem tree, every time I see it, I will be shocked by it.

"Boss, how many years does it take for such a big tree to grow?"

It was the first time for Ya to come to the tree tribe. Like others, he was deeply shocked when he saw the ancient totem tree at first sight.

Sitting on the back of the Rhino King, Chen Bei replied, "At least 1 years."

"1 million years!"

The teeth were dumbstruck, and the others were similar. 1 years was an unimaginably long time.

With this kind of shock, the people of the Mang tribe entered the tree tribe together with the rhinoceros.

Because of the previous transaction, most people in the Tree Tribe knew the iconic rhinoceros of the Mang Tribe and knew that it was a member of the Mang Tribe.

The tree tribe is responsible for guarding the peripheral totem warriors, still led by Hongye.

"Long time no see, Hongye!"

Lie walked to the front, just like Yun, he also came to the tree tribe before, so he knew Hongye.

Hongye is wearing a dress woven with red leaves, which looks a bit like a maple leaf. Layers of leaves make up this dress, which looks unique.

Hong Ye greeted her with a smile on her face, and said, "Lie, my old friend, I haven't seen you for several years."

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and then Hongye led the Mang tribe into the Shu tribe.

The leader of the Tree Tribe got the news a long time ago, and personally brought people out to meet Chen Bei and the others.

"Boss Chen, I'm looking forward to your coming. Since the last transaction, you haven't come again. I thought you wouldn't come this year."

Song, the leader of the tree tribe, has a generous smile on his face, which makes people feel good.

Chen Bei turned over and got off the Rhino King, and said with a smile: "The tribe was too busy a while ago, we need to prepare supplies for the winter, otherwise we would have come here long ago."

The leader of the tree tribe said: "So that's the case, Chief Chen, please come inside."

Chen Bei and the leader of the tree tribe walked forward side by side. The two talked and laughed, looking very harmonious.

Lie and Hongye are bragging shoulder to shoulder, and the totem warriors of the two tribes are also chatting with each other, and the two sides get along fairly well.

This time, the transaction between the two parties was very smooth. After Chenbei negotiated the smoked fish and smoked meat deal with the leader of the tree tribe, he stopped participating in the rest of the transaction and let Lie and the others trade with the tree tribe.

The leader of the tree tribe invited Chen Bei to his home. This is a very wide tree hole, and it is connected to several small tree holes, just like the living room is connected to the room.

Chen Bei carefully looked at everything in the tree hole, and he found that almost everything in the tree tribe was related to trees.

Tables and chairs, pots and pans, and various tools are almost all made of wood.

The leader of the tree tribe took out a lot of dried fruits to entertain Chen Bei, most of which were fruits that Chen Bei had never seen before.

"Chief Chen, try this, we call it meat fruit, it is the staple food of our tribe."

Chen Bei took a fist-sized fruit with brown skin.

He glanced at the leader of the tree tribe, wanting to see how he ate it, whether it was peeled or gnawed.

The leader of the tree tribe is so shrewd, he knew what he meant when he saw Chen Bei, so he calmly picked up a fruit, peeled off the brown skin on the surface, revealing the dark red flesh inside, and took a bite.

Chen Bei followed suit, peeled off the skin, and took a bite.

Afterwards, a surprised expression appeared on Chen Bei's face, and he said, "Why do I feel like I'm eating meat? This fruit actually tastes like meat."

Not only that, the flesh of the fruit actually tastes like animal meat when bitten, it feels like what he is eating is not a fruit, but a piece of boiled meat.

The leader of the tree tribe smiled and said: "That's right, it's called meat fruit because it tastes like meat."

"It not only tastes good, but also makes you hungry after eating it. Because of it, our tree tribe can fill our stomachs."

The leader of the tree tribe said again: "You must have seen that our tree tribe seldom cooks on fire. Even if we cook, we don't cook in the tree house, but cook outside. Because the totem god doesn't like fire. "

Chen Bei nodded. The totem god of the tree tribe is the huge ancient tree above his head. Trees are generally afraid of fire, even if it becomes a totem god, it still doesn't like fire.

"So our usual food is fruit, which can be eaten directly without a fire."

The tree tribe's way of life made Chen Bei feel quite novel. It was the first time he had seen a tribe that mainly ate vegetarian food, and they seldom lit fires.

Of course, seldom eating meat does not mean not eating meat. Vegetarianism is definitely not enough. People in the tree tribe will occasionally eat some meat to supplement the nutrition needed by the body.

The leader of the Tree Tribe hesitated for a moment, and said, "Chief Chen, I won't be fooling around anymore. In fact, I want to buy salt. It's not the kind of smoked fish and smoked meat, but real salt."

"Since you can make smoked fish and smoked meat, there must be real salt. You have also seen the situation of our tribe. We can eat meat, but we must eat salt."

"Don't worry, after we bought the salt, we will definitely keep it a secret and won't let others know."

The leader of the tree tribe looked at Chenbei after he finished speaking, his eyes were very sincere, he had been thinking about this matter since the last transaction, and he had no chance to say it until now.

Chen Bei was silent. It wasn't that he didn't want to sell salt directly, but that he might face a series of troubles after selling salt.

Salt is too scarce and precious. Once people know that the Mang tribe has salt, the consequences will be obvious.

If the Diao tribe knows that the Mang tribe has salt, they may even attack the Mang tribe, because once the Mang tribe also sells salt, their monopoly will be broken, causing them to lose a lot of benefits.

Seeing that Chen Bei was hesitant, the leader of the tree tribe said again: "Chief Chen, as long as you sell smoked fish and smoked meat, then you won't be able to hide the news for long if your tribe has salt. I can guess it, but others can't guess it." not."

"If you sell it to us, our tree tribe will help you keep the secret, so that both of us can benefit."

What the leader of the tree tribe said made Chen Bei finally make up his mind.

The news that the Mang tribe has salt cannot be kept secret forever. Chen Bei is very clear about this. What he needs is that the news leaks later, so that the Mang tribe has time to grow until it can cope with all kinds of storms.

"I can sell you salt."

"However, you must swear to the Totem God to keep this secret."

The tribal people have a fanatical worship of the totem god. After making an oath to the totem god, they will not violate the oath unless it is absolutely necessary.

The leader of the tree tribe did not hesitate, and directly agreed to Chen Bei's request.

"No problem, as long as Chief Chen agrees to sell us salt, we can swear to the Totem God to keep this secret."

Chen Bei nodded and said: "Winter is coming soon, this year is too late, even if you want it, you can only wait until next year when the ice and snow melt."

The leader of the tree tribe said: "It's okay, isn't it just a winter? We can afford to wait, not to mention, there are so many smoked fish and smoked meat to eat."

This matter was settled just like that. Although it was somewhat inconsistent with Chen Bei's original intention, things were always changing, and it was important to adapt to the situation.

The two chatted for a long time, and Chen Bei took the opportunity to ask the leader of the tree tribe for saplings of fleshy fruit.

This kind of fruit is very suitable for food. If it can be grown in the Mang tribe, then the Mang tribe will have another kind of food.

"Now this season is not suitable for planting trees, how about this, when the ice and snow melt in the coming year, when you come to trade, I will dig a few more saplings for you."

"However, you don't know how to plant fruit trees. If the planting doesn't work or the results are few, then don't blame us."

Chen Bei said: "That's natural."

The two finished talking about important matters, so they left the tree hole house and walked together to the place where the two tribes traded, intending to check the status of the transaction.

In the open space of the tree tribe, there was still a lot of voices. People from the two tribes put out their own things and traded directly if they found something suitable.

The rhinoceros king lay quietly with a dozen rhinos, which also attracted many people from the tree tribe to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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