The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 66 Mysterious Forest

Chapter 66 Mysterious Forest
Chenbei suddenly thought of the weird tree he encountered on the way to the tree tribe, so he took out a small tree dug out from the back of the rhinoceros king and asked the leader of the tree tribe.

"A tree that shoots thorns?"

The leader of the tree tribe looked at the small tree carefully, and said: "Although I have never seen this kind of tree, it probably came from a place."


"Our tree tribe calls it the Mystic Forest. There are countless mysterious plants there, all kinds of strange, all kinds of things. This kind of tree that shoots wood thorns can only be considered ordinary there."

"There are places like this, can I go and see?"

Chen Bei was attracted by this "mysterious forest" all of a sudden, he suddenly remembered that there were many strange herbs painted on the green bamboo animal skin scroll, one of which was the giant mouth flower that Chen Bei found by chance.

According to Qingzhu's description, these herbal medicines are very powerful, and the medicinal effect of the giant mouth flower also verified this point.

However, the hunting and gathering teams of the Mang tribe searched for it for two years, but they found nothing.

Maybe, that mysterious forest can find these rare herbs.

"Our tree tribe's hunting team will also go hunting in that mysterious forest in the next two days. If Chief Chen wants to go, he can go together."

The leader of the tree tribe added: "Of course, there is a certain danger in this, and leader Chen must consider it carefully."

Chen Bei thought to himself: Since the hunting teams of the tree tribe can go, even if there is danger, it should be within the controllable range. For those magical herbs, it is worth taking the risk.

Thinking of this, Chen Bei smiled and said, "Thank you for reminding me, I decided to take a look."

"Okay, since that's the case, Chief Chen, get ready and set off with our tribe's hunting team the day after tomorrow."

The leader of the tree tribe was not surprised. Most of the people who knew about such a place wanted to visit it. Not only the tree tribe, but other tribes would also go there. It would be okay to have one more mang tribe.

As for good things being robbed if there are too many people, the leader of the tree tribe is not worried.

You know, their totem is a sacred tree. Almost all of their daily food and use are related to plants. In terms of understanding of plants, who can compare with the tree tribe?
That evening, after the transaction was over, Chen Bei immediately told Lie and the others about it.

Lie frowned slightly, and said, "Boss, is this too risky, after all, we are not familiar with that place at all."

Chen Bei said: "There must be some danger. I know it well. There is no need to discuss whether to go or not. I have made up my mind."

"It's… okay."

Lie originally wanted to persuade him, but since the leader is so determined, he can't say anything more.

"After I leave, you stay in the tree tribe and wait for me to come back. Talk to the people of the tree tribe more. It is best to learn how to plant trees from them. I won't be there for a long time."

Lie said again: "Since the leader must go, let's take a few more clansmen with him, so we can take care of you if you have something to do."

Chen Bei shook his head and said: "There are too many people, but it is troublesome. Just follow Bai Cao."

Lie nodded helplessly, since the leader had already made up his mind, it was useless for others to say anything, he could only hope that they would come back safely.

The tooth standing on the side opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Chenbei is already close to a high-level totem warrior, and Baicao has recently broken through to become an intermediate totem warrior. Ya is young and is still a low-level totem warrior.

Although Ya really wanted to go, he understood that going would only delay him, so he didn't open his mouth in the end.

He secretly vowed in his heart that he must work hard to strengthen his own strength, so that next time he would not have to dare to speak like he is now.

Time flies, two days have passed.

The hunting team of the Tree Tribe has assembled and is about to conduct the last hunt before winter.

Chenbei and Baicao will also follow the tree tribe's hunting team to the mysterious forest.

When Chen Bei saw the hunting team of the tree tribe, he was a little surprised, because their captain was actually a female warrior, and she was quite young, about [-] years old.

"Chief Chen, do I have flowers on my face?"

Hong Hua smiled at Chen Bei and teased her.

Honghua is the hunting leader of the tree tribe, and her elder brother is the captain of the tree tribe's guard team, that is, Hongye.

The strength of these two brothers and sisters are both mid-level totem fighters, and both of them are recognized as strong by the tribe.

Chen Bei said: "No, it's just the first time I've seen such a young hunting leader."

Honghua smiled and said, "Chief Chen is younger than me, and he is already the leader. Why can't I be the hunting captain? Is it because I am a woman?"

Chen Bei said awkwardly: "I didn't mean that..."

Hong Ye, who came to see him off, said with a smile, "My sister is not weak. Even my brother, I dare not say that I can beat her."

Chen Bei nodded. The Tree Tribe is not a weak tribe. How can anyone who can be a hunting captain be a weak one.

Hong Hua said: "Okay, it's time for us to set off."

"Sister, be safe." Hongye waved goodbye to them.

"Got it, brother."

The tree tribe's hunting team consisted of more than 100 people. Led by Honghua, they went to the distant mountains and forests.

Chen Bei and Bai Cao were also in the team, because they were going hunting, so Chen Bei didn't take the Rhino King with him. The Rhino King is too big and will scare the prey away.

A group of people walked towards the forest in the north at a very fast speed.

Along the way, the tree tribe's hunting team didn't stop much except to eat, and they didn't even catch prey along the way, and went straight to the mysterious forest.

They walked from dawn to dusk, and finally arrived at their destination when it was getting dark.

They turned over a mountain, and a vast forest suddenly appeared in front of them. This forest was different from other forests.

In this forest, trees are no longer the protagonists, and all kinds of plants are competing for beauty.

For example, a taro-like plant is actually more than ten meters high, and its leaves are as huge as sails.

Hongye pointed to the front and said, "Here we are, the mysterious forest is in front of us. The mysterious forest at night is safer than during the day. Let's spend the night in it."

A group of people continued to walk forward, and the hunting team of the tree tribe was obviously familiar with this, and even talked and laughed, not afraid at all.

As for Chen Bei and Bai Cao, they saw all kinds of strange plants along the way, and they were shocked the whole way.

For example, a plant with a height of five or six meters, the leaves on it grow like a guillotine, very thick, and the edges are extremely sharp.

According to Honghua, if the plant encounters danger, the upper leaves will fall off automatically, and countless knife-like leaves will be cut off, killing the enemy below.

This plant is called weed grass.

There is also a flower with a very long stem, with a flower at the top and no leaves.

When a prey passes under it, its flower stem will become very soft, like a neck, and it will suddenly attack with the flower, and the flower will instantly bite off the head of the prey, so it is also called head biting flower.

There are also all kinds of strange plants, which grow together in this forest, which are so strange and dizzying.

If you entered the mysterious forest during the day and didn't know about these plants, even a totem warrior would easily die.

At night, most plants will enter a dormant state, which is safer.

Therefore, the hunting team of the tree tribe spends the night in the mysterious forest every time. The seemingly extremely dangerous place just provides them with a safe overnight camp.

The hunting team walked all the way forward. They didn't walk in a straight line, but in a zigzag way, avoiding some ferocious plants.

Eventually, they came to several strange oval plants.

The plants grow a bit like canopies of mushrooms, buckled on the ground, each as big as a house.

Hongye took out a machete and cut one of the oval-shaped plants into a hole that could accommodate one person, but the inside was actually hollow.

Like Hongye, the rest of the hunting team cut a hole in several other oval-shaped plants, and then burrowed in.

Hongye said to Chenbei: "We call this plant a house mushroom. It looks like a house. It is empty inside and can be used for people."

After finishing speaking, Hongye went in first, followed by Chenbei and others.

The rest of the hunting team got into several other house mushrooms and sealed the entrance with huge leaves.

The inside of the house mushroom is not as moist as Chen Bei imagined, but rather dry, the ground is soft, like a sponge when stepped on, and there is a faint fragrance in the air.

Chen Bei sighed from the bottom of his heart: "The world is full of wonders!"

The white grass on the side nodded in agreement, everything here is simply beyond the imagination of normal people.

(End of this chapter)

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