The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 67 Breakfast in the Plant World

Chapter 67 Breakfast in the Plant World

On the first night in the mysterious forest, Chenbei lived very peacefully, living in the house, isolated from the dangers outside, really comfortable.

In the early morning of the next day, Honghua opened the leaves that sealed the entrance of the house mushroom, and a group of people got out of the house mushroom.

At this moment, the sun has just risen, and the warm sunlight has just sprinkled on these mysterious plants.

The plants in this forest gradually woke up after a night's rest.


A huge red flower, the petals are closed at night, at this moment, it blooms against the sun, layers of petals are opened one after another, showing amazing beauty.


A huge bamboo with a height of [-] meters, after bathing in the sun, it gradually straightened its "waist", and the bamboo leaves interlaced with each other, making a "rustling" sound.


A brown conical object, originally standing there was unremarkable.But when the sun shines on it, it suddenly opens its tail like a peacock, and the wide leaves slowly unfold to both sides, completing the gorgeous transformation from the ugly duckling to the white swan.

"Clap clap clap!"

A plant that looks like a willow tree has countless branches hanging down. After soaking in the sun, it actually became excited. These branches danced wildly, whipping in the air like a whip, making a bursting sound.


Chen Bei was stunned to see these strange plants stretching out. This strange forest of plants gave him too much shock.

Chen Bei said: "It would be great if we could all move back to the tribe."

Baicao nodded and said, "That's right, just like this house mushroom, one grows a house, and there is no need to build a house."

Everyone in the tree tribe's hunting team laughed when they heard their conversation.

Honghua smiled and said, "Actually, we also had your thoughts at the beginning, but later found that many plants will slowly wither away from here, and they cannot survive outside."

"A small number of plants can survive after leaving here, but they don't grow that well. That's why these plants grow together in this mysterious forest."

"As for the house mushroom, don't look at how big it is. In fact, each house mushroom can only survive for more than a month. After one month, it will slowly wither and cannot be used as a house for a long time."

So it turned out that Chen Bei and Bai Cao suddenly realized.

No wonder these plants are so powerful, but they don't grow everywhere. It turns out that they can't leave here.

Hong Hua pulled out a stone knife and said, "You will gradually understand these things. You must be hungry after staying in there all night. Now, let's go find something to eat."

"Chief Chen, come with me."

After Honghua finished speaking, she walked forward first, and the others quickly followed.

The ground is very wet and covered with moss, but there are no weeds, because the plants here are too tall to block the sunlight, and weeds cannot grow at all.

There is a fresh breath in the air, and the strong fragrance of flowers can be smelled from time to time.

Honghua circled around in front, bypassing those dangerous plants, Chen Bei followed her closely, and did not run around.

Soon, they came to a plant that looked like a gourd. This plant was tens of meters high, and its trunk was similar in shape to a gourd, with a round belly.

Hong Hua took out two bamboo tubes for storing water, handed one of them to Chen Bei, and said, "Let's drink some water first to quench our thirst."

Chen Bei looked at the bamboo tube, and then looked around. Most red focused his eyes on this thick plant, and said, "Get water from it?"

Hong Hua looked at Chen Bei in surprise, and said: "Boss Chen is really smart, he guessed it right away, that's right, we are getting water from it."

Safflower used a stone knife to dig a hole in the trunk of the plant. Its outer skin was relatively hard, but it was not as hard as the stone knife. Soon, Safflower made a small opening in it, and dug deeper and deeper.

When the digging was almost done, Hong Hua leaned the bamboo tube over and pierced it with a stone knife.


A stream of clear water flowed out along the small hole and into the bamboo tube of the red flower.

While filling the water, the red flower said to Chen Bei: "We call this kind of tree a kettle tree, because it is hollow inside and filled with water. To us, it is like a kettle growing here."

Chen Bei noticed that when the bamboo tube of the safflower was almost full, the water flowing out of the hole in the tree became smaller and smaller.

This made Chen Bei a little puzzled. Such a big tree has such a little water in it?

Red Flower quickly answered his question.

"Chief Chen, put the bamboo tube over here."

When Chen Bei put the bamboo tube over according to his words, Hong Hua poked the small hole in the tree trunk with a stone knife again, and the clear water flowed out again.

Honghua pulled out the stone knife and explained: "This tree has a strong healing ability. If I didn't poke it just now, it will heal inside and no water will flow out."

"It only takes half a day for a wound like this to fully recover, as if it had never been injured."

Chenbei filled a bamboo tube with water, and sure enough, the water flow in that small hole gradually became smaller again, very miraculous.

Others also stepped forward to receive water one after another. After everyone finished receiving water, the wound on the kettle tree healed soon, and no more water flowed out.

"Amazing Kettle Tree."

Chen Bei took a sip of the clear water in the bamboo tube. It tasted very sweet. After drinking it, he felt refreshed.

Chen Bei drank a few big gulps, then closed the lid of the bamboo tube, put it into the animal skin bag, and kept it for the next time.

Hong Hua said: "Everyone has packed water, right? Let's go find something to eat."

After speaking, Honghua walked forward again.

Chen Bei and the others followed immediately.

After walking not far, many black mushrooms suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Be careful, don't go near these mushrooms."

Red Flower's face was very serious, and members of the tree tribe's hunting team were on alert, trying to stay away from these mushrooms.

Chen Bei and Bai Cao also stood with them, anyway, they just do what they do, in a strange place, it's better not to be too evasive.

Chen Bei asked softly, "Are these mushrooms dangerous?"

Honghua nodded solemnly and said, "That's right, they are very dangerous..."

Before the red flower finished speaking, a moth with big wings flew over the black mushroom. It was very big, just like the plants here. Its wings were two or three meters long and colorful.

"Puff puff……"

When the moths flew over the black mushrooms, those black mushrooms suddenly sprayed out a large amount of ink-like black liquid, shooting the moths down like streams of viscous black water.

The moth struggled a few times, but it couldn't break free from the glue-like black water, and the black water was obviously poisonous. It only struggled a few times before it stopped moving. It was obviously poisoned to death.

Hong Hua turned to Chen Bei and said, "How dangerous are these black mushrooms now?"

Chen Bei nodded. He should stay away from this kind of black mushroom in the future. He didn't want to be killed by the black liquid like that moth.

A group of people bypassed the black mushroom and continued to walk forward.

After walking for about ten minutes, Honghua stopped in front of a vine.

This vine-like plant is entwined on a tall tree, and the vine bears many fist-sized fruits.

"This is our breakfast, but be careful, it's not easy to eat it. Chief Chen, why don't we compete to see who picks the most fruit?"

Chen Bei looked at the vine plant and found that it was motionless, and he didn't know what danger it would pose for a while.

However, he believed that since Honghua dared to make such a request, even if it was dangerous, it must be within his ability.

So Chen Bei nodded and said, "Yes."

Hong Hua held the stone knife and said, "Okay, let's start."

After finishing speaking, Honghua rushed out directly, and the totem pattern of the tree tribe appeared on her face instantly, and her speed was greatly improved.


When she approached the vine plant, the tentacles on the vine suddenly whipped towards the red flower.

The red flower nimbly avoided those tentacles, then cut off a fruit on the vine with a stone knife, and put it into the animal skin bag.

Chen Bei observed for a while, and found that this rattan plant had no other means of attack, so he rushed over with his spear.

"Clap clap clap..."

The vine plant got angry, and all its tentacles danced like countless whips, making a "snapping" sound, but they couldn't hit Chenbei and Honghua.

The speed of the two was astonishingly fast. They collected all the fruits that could be collected, and then retreated one after another.

"One, two, three, four... 62 pieces." Hong Hua counted the fruits she picked, and then looked provocatively at Chen Bei's animal skin bag.

Chen Bei also poured out the fruit from the animal skin bag.

"One, two, three, four... 63."

Chen Bei said: "Fortunately, I have one more than you."

Hong Hua was not angry either, she smiled boldly and said, "As expected of the leader of the Mang Tribe, the strength is indeed strong, I lost."

Chen Bei said: "It's just a fluke, everyone come and eat."

Everyone gathered around and shared the fruits to eat. The members of the tree tribe's hunting team all looked at Chen Bei with respect.

This is the case among tribes, the strong are kings, and only those with strong strength can be respected by others.

 Thanks to the book friend "Alma Down to Earth" for his strong support of 2000 red envelopes, more than 1000 recommendation votes, very happy, thank you.


(End of this chapter)

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