The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 70 Fighting with Bugs

Chapter 70 Fighting with Bugs
In the woods, the hunting team dug up all the bugs they could find and ate them, and everyone had a full meal.

Chen Bei also ate a few of them. He gritted his teeth and swallowed them at the beginning, but later felt that this kind of insects really had a meaty smell and tasted pretty good.

Honghua ate the last worm, and said to everyone: "Everyone, take a good rest after eating, and you have to work later."

The trees in this forest are not aggressive, and it is relatively safe to rest here.

However, they didn't rest for a long time, Chen Bei stood up suddenly, listened for a while, frowned and said: "What's the sound? It doesn't seem right!"

Bai Cao also heard it, she stood beside Chen Bei nervously, and said: "It seems to be..."


Honghua clenched the stone knife tightly, and while staring at the sky above the forest, she shouted loudly: "Everyone be on alert!"

The tree tribe has dealt with bugs countless times, and they are very sensitive to the sound of the vibration of bug wings. This time, the number seems to be particularly large.

Everyone in the hunting team picked up their weapons and looked in the direction of the sound.


Above the woods, the beetle moth made a sound like sawing wood, which was a signal for its attack.

In an instant, tens of thousands of longhorned beetles swooped down into the woods, opening and closing their terrible teeth, as if they wanted to choose someone to devour.

Because there are too many beetles these days, they cannot all fly down from the open space. Many beetles hit the leaves and smashed the leaves.

Below, Chen Bei saw the beetles flying down overwhelmingly, and they reached the top of everyone's heads in the blink of an eye.

"Clap clap clap..."

Chen Bei swung the stone spear like a stick, and shot out all the beetles that rushed towards him. Their hard shells were smashed, and none of them survived.

At the beginning, Baicao was chopped with a bone knife, but the bone knife was too short to deal with the large number of beetles.

Chen Bei helped her block the attacking beetle in time, and shouted to her: "Use a branch!"

"it is good!"

There are all trees in the vicinity, and the white grass uses the power of the totem. She didn't choose to cut the branches, because she thought it was too slow, so she directly pulled up a small tree vigorously.


The white grass waved the small tree, and it swept a large area, and the effect was very significant.

The hunting team of the tree tribe is more experienced in dealing with insects. They all use stone spears or bone spears, which can be swept away, and those longhorn beetles can't get close for a while.

However, there are too many longhorns, and people will always be tired.

"Ah! My face!"

Not long after, a weak member of the hunting team was accidentally approached by a few beetles, who bit him hard on the face a few times, leaving bloodstains on his face with their sharp claws.

The people on the side rushed to help him resist and let him crush the beetles on his face to death.

"Damn bugs!"

Honghua frantically slapped the longhorn with a spear. Seeing that someone in the hunting team was injured, she was very anxious.

Chen Bei approached Honghua while beating, and after approaching, he shouted to her: "These bugs are really too many, we can't keep beating like this."

"Then what do you say?"

"You are familiar with this place, is there any place that bugs dare not approach?"


"Okay, then retreat over there!"

Honghua immediately shouted to the hunting team and others: "Everyone follow me!"

The people of the hunting team gathered together one after another, while resisting the overwhelming beetles, they ran with the red flowers.

Chen Bei asked Bai Cao to run in front, and he himself stayed at the back, because he was the strongest and needed to be cut off, otherwise everyone would not be able to run fast.

They ran out of the woods all the way, and under the leadership of the red flowers, they ran fast through various plants.

But those longhorn beetles were not so lucky.

You know, the plants here are not the big trees that were helpless just now. With so many beetles flying by, it is impossible for them to remain indifferent.


A huge flower suddenly closed, enveloping dozens of beetles that flew over it. They didn't even have a chance to escape, and were soon engulfed in the fluid secreted by the flower, slowly drowning.


A vine danced with its whip-like whiskers, and pulled hundreds of longhorns to the ground, some of them were exploded directly, and some fell to the ground, only their feet were still moving.

Outside the mysterious forest, Black Tooth saw all this through the eyes of the beetle mother. While he was glad that he did not go in, he also felt distressed for the death of these beetles.

"Damn plants!"

He gave the beetle mother an order to fly higher and try to avoid these plants.

In the mysterious forest, the Queen of Beetles once again made a sound like sawing wood, and those beetles who were chasing Chen Bei and others flew into the sky one after another.

Suddenly there was no crazy beetle behind him, and everyone in the hunting team breathed a sigh of relief. Someone asked, "Did they stop chasing?"

While running, Red Flower said, "No, they just flew higher."

The others glanced at the sky, and sure enough, those beetles were still closely following them, but they didn't fall down.

Chen Bei, who has been fighting these beetles, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although these beetles are still chasing them, they don't have to keep fighting.

In addition, he also discovered the existence of long beetle female worms, and when those long beetles were flying up, he clearly saw the female long beetles that were much larger in size than other long beetles.

Moreover, after those beetles flew up, they all surrounded the mother worm, which made him more sure of his judgment.

Chen Bei accelerated past the people in front, ran to Hong Hua's side, and said, "These bugs didn't fly over by themselves, but were controlled by others."

Honghua said: "I already guessed, if it wasn't controlled by someone, these bugs wouldn't chase so far."

"Insect tribe?" Chen Bei expressed his thoughts.

Hong Hua nodded and said, "That's right, it must be them, only they can control these disgusting bugs."

After confirming the thoughts in his heart, Chen Bei's eyes showed hostility, and he said coldly: "The Zong tribe really lingers!"

When I was in the Mang Tribe, the locusts of the Zerg Tribe ravaged the vegetable fields. I didn't expect to come to the mysterious forest, and the people of the Zerg Tribe manipulated the swarms to hunt down and kill them.

The hatred for the Zong tribe in Chen Bei's heart grew a little bit more.

"Is there a way to kill the mother worm? If the mother worm is lost, the person who manipulated the worm secretly will also be severely injured, and these worm swarms will not chase us anymore."

Hong Hua said: "Maybe there is a way ahead."

A group of people continued to run forward, but Tianniu was still chasing after him.

Five or six minutes later, a strange plant forest suddenly appeared in front of her. Honghua's eyes lit up, and she led people directly into it.

Those beetles also followed. They don't have much wisdom and only listen to the mother's orders.

After running deep into the plant forest, Honghua finally stopped, and the others followed suit, panting heavily.

The white grass on the side asked: "Why didn't you run away?"

Hong Hua said: "Don't run away, the end of these damn bugs will come here."

As soon as the red flower finished speaking, a blue plant suddenly sprayed a large amount of water, which was so high that it sprayed down one-third of the beetles.

The beetles that had been flooded by water fell into a dizzy state, unable to fly at all, and were swallowed by those blue plants.

On the other side, a few plants that looked like iron clips opened the clips, releasing a tempting fragrance, attracting many beetles, and then closing the clips abruptly, killing these beetles, and slowly using them as fertilizer Digest slowly.

There are also several plants that are not much different from Nepenthes, and each leaf grows a cage with a cover.

These cages are filled with water, but the water is like nectar, which is very attractive to the insects.

Beetles are no exception.

But when many beetles flew into the huge "cage", the lid of the "cage" was suddenly closed, trapping the beetles to death inside.

Hong Hua said to Chen Bei: "I'm right, right? The plants in this area are experts at dealing with bugs. With them around, we don't have to run."

Chen Bei said: "The female insect flies so high and won't come down, how to deal with it?"

Safflower pointed to a cylindrical plant not far away, and said, "Rely on them, water arrow grass."

Chen Bei looked at the cylindrical plants, and saw that they were originally tall, but now they were like springs, slowly becoming shorter, as if they were constantly being compressed.

When they were compressed to the extreme, they were suddenly released!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

A series of water arrows made of water shot towards the sky at an astonishingly fast speed and very high.

In the sky, the beetle mother insect was covered by water arrows, and had nowhere to run, so it was shot down directly.

"Finally hit the ground!"

Chen Bei rushed over with the stone spear in hand, he didn't want to let the female worm go.

"go to hell!"

After Chen Bei ran over, he fiercely stabbed the female beetle worm with a stone spear.

"No no no..."

Outside the mysterious forest, Black Tooth saw a stone spear getting closer and closer to him, and he knew that this was what the beetle mother saw.


Chenbei's stone spear pierced through the hard shell of the longhorn worm, and spun it vigorously a few times, the longhorn female worm was pierced to death, and it finally bounced its legs, and the black light in its eyes gradually disappeared.


Outside the mysterious forest, Black Tooth spat out a mouthful of blood, and his breath became weak. He never thought that the beetle mother worm he had cultivated so hard would die like this.

"Damn it, who is he? He dared to kill my mother worm!"

Black Tooth was mad with hatred, not only the larvae he cultivated were eaten, but now even the female worms were killed.

Although he saw Chen Bei's appearance through the eyes of the beetle mother insect, but Chen Bei's face was covered with totem patterns. This kind of totem pattern was completely different from the totem pattern of the tree tribe. He had never seen it before, and naturally it was impossible. Recognize Chen Bei.

"Tree Tribe, and this damn kid, I will definitely take revenge!"

Although Black Tooth was very angry, he did not lose his mind. He was injured and lost his mother worm, so he had to go back to recuperate first.

Black Tooth stood up with difficulty, then left here and returned to the Worm Tribe.

In the mysterious forest, with the death of the mother beetle, the remaining beetles lost control all of a sudden, some were eaten by plants, and some escaped.

Everyone was relieved that they finally didn't have to run for their lives anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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