Chapter 71 Wolf Tribe

"Captain, we have 26 people injured, three of whom are seriously injured."

The members of the hunting team reported to Honghua the number of people injured this time.

Honghua's face was a bit ugly. Under the attack of those overwhelming beetles, it is impossible that no one was injured. Three people were seriously injured and no one died. It is already luck.

However, so many people were injured, which meant that they had to return to the tribe in advance, especially those who were seriously injured, they had to be brought back to the tribe to be healed by the witch, otherwise they might lose their lives.

Hong Hua said to Chen Bei in a low voice: "Boss Chen, we have to go back early, but don't worry, after the ice and snow melt next year, I will definitely come with you again to get some viable seedlings."

Chen Bei said: "We have gained a lot this time, and it is important to treat the wounded."

Honghua nodded, first applied the wounded with the herbs she carried with her, and then made a few simple shelves to carry the seriously injured back.

When they returned, because they were rushing with all their strength and stopped collecting, the speed was much faster, and they quickly walked out of the mysterious forest.

The Hui tribe needs a daytime, and it is already afternoon at this time, and they must stay in the mountains for another night.

That night, Honghua, who was familiar with the route, found a cave, and everyone spent the night in the cave.

The next day, everyone continued on their way, and after half a day, they finally returned to the tree tribe.

The three seriously injured were immediately sent to the witches of the Tree Tribe for treatment, while the slightly injured were treated by themselves.

Because of the power of the totem, the tribal people have a strong physique, and they can heal quickly without going to the witch for treatment of minor injuries.

As for the trading team of the Mang tribe, everyone was relieved to see that the leader and Baicao had returned safely.

In a wide tree hole, everyone from the Mang tribe gathered together.

This tree hole is specially used by the tree tribe to entertain guests. The trading team of the Mang tribe has been living here these days.

"Did anything happen here while I was away?"

Chen Bei asked while eating jerky meat.

Because fires are not allowed in the tree holes of the tree tribe, and they think it is too troublesome to light a fire outside, so in the tree tribe, the trading team mainly eats dried meat and fruits provided by the tree tribe.

Lie said: "Leader, something really happened."

"what's up?"

"Today, we met the trading team from the wolf tribe. They brought a lot of animal skins to trade with the tree tribe."

"Wolf tribe?" Chen Bei put down the jerky. He vaguely remembered it, as if he had heard the name of this tribe before, but he didn't care about it at the time, so he didn't remember clearly.

"Yes, this tribe has a bad reputation. It likes to plunder some weaker tribes. Their totem warriors are very cruel. Few tribes are willing to deal with them."

Chen Bei said: "How many people are there in their tribe?"

Lie said: "I asked Hongye from the tree tribe that there should be four to five hundred people in the wolf tribe, which is more than the tree tribe."

The tree tribe has about 300 people, which is more than the Mang tribe. The Mang tribe currently only has more than 200 people, and there are still a small number of tourists who have not yet joined the tribe.

With so many wolf tribes, it was no wonder they were able to plunder those small tribes.

Chen Bei said: "No matter how fierce they are, as long as they don't come to provoke us."

Lie said with a bitter face: "This is the trouble. When we traded with the tree tribe, the wolf tribe's trading team also came. They took a fancy to the pottery and tools we brought and wanted us to go to the wolf tribe to deal with them." They trade."

"Then did you agree?"

"No, I told them, it's going to snow, and we don't have time to go to the wolf tribe to make deals."

Chen Bei nodded. Lie was quite smart. If a tribe with a bad reputation like the wolf tribe went to their territory, it would be difficult to guarantee that they would not have other thoughts.

They were finishing talking, when suddenly, the rhinoceros king's low roar came from outside the tree hole.

The totem warrior guarding outside ran in and said, "Boss, the people from the wolf tribe are here."

"Then go out and have a look." Chen Bei said.

The totem warriors of the Mang Tribe followed Chen Bei and walked out of the tree hole. At this moment, everyone was a little nervous because they didn't know what the Wolf Tribe wanted to do.

After Chen Bei walked out of the tree hole, he immediately saw the rhino king leading the rhino group confronting more than 30 gray wolves that were half a person tall.

These gray wolves are very tall, strong, and extremely fierce. With their sharp fangs exposed, they are not afraid of the huge rhino.

And next to these gray wolves, each stood a totem warrior from the wolf tribe. Their faces were relaxed, and there was no tension at all.

There was a man in the middle, leading a black wolf, much taller than the other gray wolves, like a calf, and it was he who confronted the rhinoceros king.

This man was very tall, wearing a black animal fur coat, with a ring of huge animal teeth hanging around his neck, a bone knife hanging around his waist, and two scars on his face, he looked very fierce.

This person's name is Wolf's Claw, and he is the little leader of the wolf tribe. Above him, there is the big leader, who is equivalent to the leaders of other tribes.

Chen Bei walked to the front and said, "Wolf tribe, what do you mean?"

"My name is Wolf Claw. I heard that your leader is back. I came here specially to meet and discuss the transaction."

Wolf Claw's tone was very cold, and his eyes looked at everyone as if he was looking at prey, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Chen Bei is not afraid at all, because he has enough confidence in his own strength.

He said calmly, "I am the leader of the Mang tribe."

"You? A child can also be the leader?"

The disdain in Wolf's Claw's eyes was undisguised.

Chen Bei didn't speak, but directly activated the power of the totem, and the totem pattern on his body quickly emerged. At the same time, the phantom of a flaming rhino condensed on his head, and the rhinos around him roared, very excited.

A powerful aura radiated from Chen Bei's body, especially the phantom of the flaming rhinoceros above his head, which made Wolf Claw's whole body tense up, and he was no longer as calm as before.

Not to mention the totem warriors of the other wolf tribes, even those wolves took a step back one after another, with a look of fear in their eyes.

Chen Bei said: "Now, can we talk?"

Wolf Claw nodded solemnly, put away the contempt in his heart, because he felt a strong threat from Chen Bei.

Wolf Claw said: "Chief Chen, we like Mang Tribe's goods very much, and would like to invite you to our Wolf Tribe to do business. I believe that our Wolf Tribe's goods will also satisfy you."

Chen Bei shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, we have been out for too long this time. Before the snow falls, we have to rush back to participate in the tribal sacrifice."

"If the wolf tribe wants to trade with us, after the ice and snow melt next year, we will bring the goods to the tree tribe again. At that time, the wolf tribe can also bring their own goods to trade."

Wolf Claw's face became a little ugly, but Chen Bei's reasons were too sufficient, tribal sacrifices, this is a tribe's top priority, no one dares to delay.

Wolf Claw's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Not long after, he suddenly smiled, but because of the two terrifying scars on his face, even if he was smiling, it made people feel creepy.

"Since the Mang tribe is rushing back to participate in the tribal sacrifice, then we can only trade next year, Chief Chen, I hope you will bring enough goods by then, and we will see you next year."

"let's go!"

Wolf Claw left with the people of the Wolf Tribe and those wolves. On the side of the Mang Tribe, Lie breathed a sigh of relief and finally left.

As soon as the wolf tribe left, Honghua rushed over with many totem warriors from the tree tribe.

"Chief Chen, where are the people from the Wolf Tribe? I heard that they came to trouble you, so they rushed over immediately."

Chen Bei said: "It's okay, they left."

Honghua breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "In our tribe, there are tree gods. They don't dare to be too presumptuous. If you encounter them in the future, you must be careful."

"Thank you for the reminder, we will pay attention to it." Chen Bei had a good impression of Hong Hua, she was a warm-hearted girl.

"Then let's go first." Hong Hua led the people away again.

Chen Bei appeased the rhino group, and then returned to the tree hole with everyone.

Baicao approached Chenbei and whispered: "Boss, Honghua seems to be interested in you. I heard that she has high eyesight and looks down on ordinary totem warriors. She hasn't married yet..."

Chen Bei said: "Don't talk nonsense, I have only been with her for two days, it is absolutely impossible."

Seeing that Chen Bei denied it, Bai Cao shut up, but she still insisted on her opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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