Chapter 86 Buckwheat
After the sacrifice was completed, Chen Bei finally breathed a sigh of relief, and went back to his room to cook the meat.

These days, he hasn't rested for a moment, and he is so busy every day that his feet don't touch the ground. Now he can finally take a rest.


In the stone pot, the broth was tumbling, and Chen Bei threw a handful of dried vegetables, two slices of wild ginger, a few wild peppers, a little peppercorns, and finally salt.

Soon, the strong aroma of meat permeated the air, whetting one's appetite.

While waiting for the broth to be cooked, he was idle and bored, and began to pack things in his house.

There is a stone lamp on the table, which was polished by a stone tool master by Chen Bei.

The lamps are filled with fish oil and have wicks made from rushes that grow by the river.

Fish oil, with the improvement of the tribe's fishing ability, is no longer a rare item, but it is quite extravagant to use fish oil to light lamps. Only Chenbei and Qingzhu in the tribe have this qualification.

Chen Bei lit two wicks, and the room gradually lit up.

Since he came back, except for some rare herbs collected in the plant forest and given to Qingzhu in time, he hasn't sorted out anything else.


Chen Bei dumped everything in the big animal skin bag on the table.

Inside were some dried meat, a bamboo tube filled with water, several bone and stone spearheads, and the flesh of two tree tribes, a few gemstones given to him by the leader of the Chuanshan tribe...and, a small beast leather bag.

Chen Bei packed up other things in different categories and placed them on the rough shelf made by the carpenter, and finally set his sights on those small animal skin bags.

The small animal skin bag was given to him by the red flower of the tree tribe, and it contained seeds.

But Chen Bei never opened it to look, and he didn't know what kind of seeds were inside.

Chen Bei picked up the small animal skin bag, it was soft to the touch and well sewn, much better than the animal skin bag Chen Bei himself used.

He untied the leather rope that bound the animal skin bag, and gently poured out the seeds inside.

There are no less than ten kinds of seeds, large and small, some are black, some are brown, dark red, and even have green seeds.

If he saw the plants directly, Chen Bei might still recognize them, but if they were all seeds, he would be blinded, and he didn't know what kind of plant seeds these were.

"Plant them all in the yard next year, and wait until they grow to see what kind of plants they are."

Chen Bei wanted to put the seeds back into the bag again.

But when he was halfway through, he was suddenly attracted by some small seeds.

Those are some dark brown seeds, egg-shaped, like a relatively round triangular pyramid, inconspicuous under the dim light.

However, Chen Bei picked up a seed, and after carefully looking at it under the light, he became excited all of a sudden!

"Is this buckwheat?"

Chen Bei carefully separated the seeds on the table and picked out all these small seeds, there were probably dozens of them.

Since the quantity was relatively small, Chen Bei gritted his teeth and decided to peel one to see if it was buckwheat.

He picked up a seed, peeled off the hard outer shell with distress, and then broke off the inner pulp, which turned out to be starchy.

He put this bit of pulp into his mouth, bit it, the taste was a bit bland, but Chen Bei has already determined that this thing is buckwheat!
"That's right, that's what it tastes like!"

Chen Bei rubbed his hands excitedly, ran to the shelf and took a clay pot with a lid, put the buckwheat in it, and put it away carefully.

Chen Bei grew up in the countryside in his previous life. Buckwheat is called Huamai in their place. He will never admit that he has eaten something since he was a child.

Although this thing tastes rough, it can be used as a staple food!
If it is cooked with other grains and cooked into porridge, it can fill people's stomachs.

The most important thing is that its growth cycle is relatively short, it only takes two and a half months from planting to harvesting, that is to say, two or even three seasons can be planted a year.

If it can be planted on a large scale, plus the red cones, yams, soybeans, and sorghum already in the tribe, as long as the harvest is not too bad, then the food for the Mang tribe will be very sufficient in the future.

Even if you no longer hunt, you can feed the entire tribe by only relying on planting, breeding and fishing.

After the food is sufficient, the population of the tribe is bound to grow faster, driving the tribe to become stronger. This is a virtuous circle.

"There are a little less seeds. When I go to the tree tribe next year, ask where the red leaves come from. If I can collect a little more, then large-scale planting is just around the corner."

Chen Bei was excited for a while, then put away all his things, and then extinguished the fish oil lamp.

Although he is the leader, he can't waste things. When he can not light the lamp, Chen Bei tries not to light the lamp, and the fire in the stove is enough.


The meat in the stone pot was almost stewed. Chen Bei took a large earthenware bowl and a thick spoon, put the meat and soup into the bowl, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Because of his good mood, his appetite also improved, and all the meat and vegetables in a pot went into his stomach.

Then, he ate another fruit before stopping.

Flesh fruit is the staple food of tree tribes, and it tastes like meat, which is very good.

He put the fruit cores away and planned to plant some fleshy fruit trees next year. If they can be successfully planted, the food of the Mang tribe will be much richer.

"There is also a fleshy fruit, send it to Qing Zhu to taste, she hasn't eaten this thing yet."

Chen Bei left as soon as he said he would, and went straight out to Qingzhu's courtyard.

It was still cold outside, and the snow had stopped long ago. There was a little moonlight tonight, and the ice and snow on the ground reflected the moonlight, so we could see the road clearly.

There is a small house outside the green bamboo courtyard wall, in which there are two totem warriors warming up the fire, these are the totem warriors of the tribe who are specially responsible for protecting the witches.

As long as someone is approaching, they can detect and respond immediately.

"Good leader."

Seeing Chen Bei walking towards here, the two hurried out to say hello to Chen Bei.

"It's such a cold day, thank you for your hard work."

"No hard work, no hard work..."

The two felt flattered and waved their hands again and again.

"I have something to do with Wu, you guys go back and enjoy the fire."

"Leader, please."

The courtyard door opened, and Chen Bei stepped inside.

The yard was also covered with a thick layer of snow, all the things planted by the green bamboo were covered by snow, even the usually fierce giant mouth flower tightly closed its petals, waiting for the arrival of spring.

"Dong dong dong..." Chen Bei knocked on the door.

"Come in." Qingzhu's voice came from inside.


Chen Bei pushed open the thick wooden door, and saw that Qingzhu was lighting a fish oil lamp, lying on the table and seriously copying the animal skin scroll.

Because the weather was very cold, she sat by the warm stove, stretched her hand over to bake it from time to time, and then continued to write.

"Boss, what can I do for you?"

Qingzhu finished writing the last point, then put down the animal brush, stood up and stretched, and looked at Chenbei with a smile on his face.

Chen Bei took out the fleshy fruit, put it on the table, and said: "This is a fruit from the tree tribe. It is called fleshy fruit. It tastes very good. I think you must have never eaten it, so I brought one here for you to taste."

"Thank you chief."

Qing Zhu was not too polite, picked up the taupe fruit and wiped it, and wanted to eat it directly.

"Hey, wait a minute, don't bite."

Qing Zhu stopped biting, and looked at Chen Bei suspiciously.

Chen Bei said dumbfoundedly: "It needs to be peeled, the skin is not tasty."


Qingzhu peeled off the skin of the fleshy fruit, revealing the red flesh inside, and it seemed that she really had a lot of appetite.

Qingzhu took a bite, chewed it, and said: "It looks like eating meat."

Chen Bei said with a smile: "Why don't you call it meat fruit? People in the tree tribe eat it as food."

Qingzhu nodded and said, "Can our tribe grow some? It would be great if everyone could eat it."

Chen Bei said: "I think so too..."

The two chatted for a long time, most of which were about the future of the tribe. It was not until late at night that Chen Bei went back to his house to sleep.

That night, he slept exceptionally well.


(Add more updates for the book's first guardian "food giant panda"!)

 Thank you for the 30500 book coin reward from the "Food Giant Panda", the protector of this book.

  Thank you for the reward of 5000 book coins from the master of this book, "Hunyuan Emperor".

  Thanks to the book friend "Dugu Zhenjun" for the reward of 1000 book coins.

  Thank you for the 500 book coins reward from the book friend "Be kind and benevolent".

  Thanks to the book friend "Finchlin" for the reward of 300 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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