Chapter 87

Early the next morning, Chenbei asked Yun to gather all the newly awakened totem warriors.

"What is the leader looking for us for?"

"I don't know, it should be training. I heard that all newly awakened totem warriors must train."

"Stop talking, the leader is here."

Chen Bei came from a distance, and the newly awakened more than 90 totem warriors immediately shut up, stopped discussing, and stood up straight involuntarily.

Chen Bei went all the way to these totem warriors, and behind him were more than a dozen members of the planting team, each dragging a basket of farm tools in rattan baskets, some of which were made of bone and some of which were made of stone, which was very heavy.

Facing those totem warriors, Chen Bei said, "Do you know why I asked you to come here?"

Everyone shook their heads, and someone seemed to have guessed something, but they didn't dare to say anything.

Chen Bei pointed at those agricultural tools and said, "I only want you to come here for one thing, and that is to open up wasteland!"

"What? Land reclamation? Leader, haven't we become totem warriors? Shouldn't we be training how to hunt? Why do we still have to land reclamation?"

A totem warrior couldn't help shouting, he used to be a tourist, after he came to the Mang tribe, he kept opening up wasteland, until the tribe married a tourist, he successfully joined the Mang tribe.

Others also complained quite a bit, and the crowd gradually became agitated.

Standing beside Chen Bei, Yan's face immediately darkened, and he scolded angrily: "Shut up! Do whatever the leader says, why are you talking so much?"

Yan is the captain of the planting team, and now he is also a totem warrior. He has been leading the tourists to open up wasteland before, and his words are still very deterrent.

These new totem warriors lowered their heads one after another, not daring to speak.

Chen Bei patted Yan on the shoulder, and Yan took two steps back.

"I know, you all want to go hunting, and you don't want to be boring to open up wasteland."

"But let me tell you, in our Mang tribe, all totem warriors, including myself, have opened up wasteland, and no one is an exception!"

Chen Bei's tone gradually became severe. At this time, he had to show the majesty of a leader, otherwise these complacent people who had just obtained the power of the totem would not listen to him seriously.

"Opening up wasteland can grow food, and food can feed everyone. If hunting alone, do you know how many people in the tribe will starve to death in winter?"

These totem warriors almost buried their heads in their chests, and they were so trained by Chen Bei that they didn't dare to breathe.Among them, many people thought of the horrible winter they had experienced before, and many people would starve to death and freeze to death in winter.

In the Mang tribe, no one has ever heard of people starving to death or freezing to death, so that they gradually faded their past memories.

It wasn't until Chen Bei mentioned it that they suddenly remembered those days when it was so cold and hungry.

Seeing that they lowered their heads and said nothing, Chen Bei's expression softened a little.

"You want to practice hunting. I understand that most totem warriors in the tribe like hunting and fishing."

"It's just that you have just awakened the power of the totem, and you are still unable to master this power proficiently. Opening up wasteland will allow you to gradually adapt to the power of the totem in your body."

"Opening wasteland can also train your ability to dig traps. Whether you are going to a hunting team or a fishing team, digging is an ability that must be mastered."

"Now, everyone take a farm tool and follow me to open up wasteland!"

After Chen Bei finished speaking, he took the lead in picking up a shovel-shaped skeleton and strode towards the wasteland.

Yan glanced at those new totem warriors, he carried his stone pick and followed behind Chen Bei.

Those new totem warriors peeked at each other, seeing Chen Bei going further and further away, someone hurriedly grabbed a handful of farm tools and hurriedly followed.

If someone starts, someone will follow.

Soon, all the new totem warriors took their farm tools and hurriedly followed, for fear of leaving a bad impression on the leader if they were late.

Not long after, Chen Bei brought them to the wasteland.

This piece of wasteland is located in the south of the tribe, and the wooden houses where the tourists live are here. This vast wasteland has been reclaimed over 200 mu, and it is still expanding.

At this time, the wasteland has been covered with a thick layer of snow, and a layer of ice has formed under the snow, and the real land is under the ice.

Many people think that the soil under the ice will be frozen hard, but this is not the case.

Where there is snow and ice, the soil underneath will be moist and soft, and where there is no snow and ice, the soil will be frozen hard.

"Use your totem power to plan away the snow first, then cut through the ice, and finally turn over the soil underneath."

Chen Bei started to work while talking, he was already very proficient in doing this, his movements hardly stopped, like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Those new totem fighters were far behind. They were not very familiar with the power of the totem. Sometimes the force was too strong, and sometimes it was too weak. It was clear that it was a world of ice and snow, but some of them broke out in a sweat.

Yan led the totem warriors of the planting team to teach these newcomers. Some of them used too much force and broke the farm tools. Yan was so distressed that he wanted to kick him to death.

This side was working in full swing, and in the wooden house over there, the tourists stretched their necks to watch.

"Am I not mistaken? These should be totem warriors who just awakened last night. They are actually digging in such a cold day?"

"What do they want to do?"

"I don't know, maybe they're looking for something in the dirt."

"This tribe is really strange."


Most of the tourists who followed Shan Wen didn't know about planting, and naturally they couldn't understand what the people of the Mang tribe were doing.

Some people even speculated that the Mang tribe did not have enough food, so they dug the hibernating snakes, insects, rats and ants in the soil to eat.

Shan Wen also saw this scene, which was different from other tourists watching the excitement.

Shan Wen felt that since he stayed in the Mang tribe, no matter what those people were doing, he should go to help them.

So, Shanwen put on his old animal skin coat, took a stone axe, opened the door and went out.

"You stay here, I will help them with work."

Shan Wen only left such a sentence, and then strode away, regardless of what these tourists think or think.

These tourists looked at Shanwen's back and peeked at each other. They didn't discuss in a low voice until Shanwen went away.

"Why does the leader help them? We already work every day, and we're not here to eat and drink for free, so why should we help?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's such a cold day, and you're not a totem warrior, so going out is just looking for sin."

Since it was winter, the tasks assigned by Chenbei to these tourists were relatively easy, such as grinding rough stone tools, grinding rough bone tools, and so on.

They only need to grind according to the requirements of the Mang tribe, and then they can exchange for food. The more they grind, the more food they get.

As for Shanwen, he is strong and works hard, and he always gets the most food every time, and he even distributes some to weaker tourists.

And Lie in the other wooden house, looking at the back of the mountain pattern going away, said with a smile: "This guy still has the same personality, it hasn't changed at all."


On the wasteland, Shan Wen strode to Chen Bei's side and said, "Boss, what are you doing? I'm here to help."

Chen Bei straightened his waist, looked at Shan Wen in surprise, and said, "You came here by yourself?"

"Yes, is there anything I can do to help? I have enough food today and I have enough energy."

Yamamon waved his fists, showing his strength.

Chen Bei looked at his shabby animal skin coat and bare feet, and fell silent.

He thought to himself: This person is not bad, and I will definitely ask Yun to give him two sets of animal skin clothes and shoes later.

"We are opening up wasteland. If you want to help, please help me break ice. This job requires strength."

At this moment, Chen Bei's favor towards Shan Wen suddenly rose a lot.

"Okay, boss, leave it to me."

Shan Wen didn't need other farm tools, he carried his own stone axe, and smashed the ice with one blow, which was more efficient than those new totem warriors.

The land reclamation in winter is going on like a raging fire.

 Thanks to the book friend "Bai Di, Bing Shi" for the reward of 1000 book coins.

  Thanks to the book friend "Waste Huzi" for the reward of 100 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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