Chapter 96
After negotiating the salt deal, the atmosphere was obviously much happier. Chen Bei and Song exchanged some experience in managing the tribe, and they got along well.

"Boss Song, besides the salt, I brought a lot of good things this time, I believe you will like it."

"Oh? Really? Then I have to take a good look."

Chen Bei stood up and said: "The trade fair can start, let's go and have a look together."

"Okay, let's go take a look together."

The two left the tree hole and walked to where the Mang tribe's trading team was.

The trading team has already placed the goods on the open space in front, which is different from the previous ones. This time they borrowed a lot of thick tree stump tables from the people of the tree tribe, put the tables together, and placed the goods on the ground. On the table.

Don't underestimate this small change. According to Chen Bei's experience of setting up a street stall in his previous life, from the ground to the table, the grade has been upgraded to a higher level, which will give people a comfortable feeling.

First, there is no need to squat and bend over. Second, it is less prone to dust and is relatively clean. Third, the goods look more beautiful.

For example, throwing a pottery tripod on the ground and looking at it on the table is a completely different experience.

Song looked all the way over, nodded in satisfaction and said, "The goods you brought this time are indeed quite a lot more."

Chen Bei smiled and said, "I'll introduce you to some good things."

Chen Bei walked to a table, picked up a stone hoe, and said, "I think your tree tribe will definitely need this tool."

Song took the stone hoe, looked at it in his hand, and said, "What's the use of this thing?"

Chen Bei picked up another stone hoe, shoveled a few times on the uneven ground next to it, and shoveled away the raised clods.

"It can be used to dig soil, which saves a lot of effort. For example, when you plant saplings, you can use it to dig holes. It's much easier to use than bone plows. Chief Song can try it."

Like Chen Bei, Song Jiang shoveled a few times on the ground, and found that this stone hoe was really labor-saving, especially suitable for digging.

Unexpectedly, this thing is much easier to use than the bone prick just by turning a corner.

Song said with satisfaction: "That's right, it's a good thing, I want twenty."

Chen Bei smiled and said: "I want seeds, ten catties of seeds can be exchanged for one, as long as they are edible plant seeds."

Song frowned and said, "Ten catties is too much. Our tribe can also polish stone tools. If it's worth so much, I'll give you five catties at most."

"Our stone hoe is made of high-quality stone, and it takes a lot of effort to polish it. Eight catties of seeds!"

"No, it's too expensive, I'll give you six catties at most!"

"make a deal!"

Chen Bei made a decisive decision with a bright smile on his face.

Song's face darkened, and he felt that he was tricked by Chen Bei again.

Most of the tribal people are not good at doing business, let alone bargaining. Facing the cross-travelers like Chen Bei who have set up street stalls, how can they take advantage of it.

Chen Bei introduced several things to Song, all of which were more practical tools. Tribal people were more pragmatic and liked these practical things. Those gaudy decorations were only liked by a small number of tribal nobles who did not worry about food and clothing.

In the end, Chen Bei introduced Tao Ding to Song. There were two three-legged round tripods and two four-legged square tripods each, making a total of four tripods.

"Boss Song, you must not miss this treasure!"

"Such a large piece of pottery?" Song was surprised.

In the past, the pottery they saw was brought by the big tribes. Most of them were bottles, jars, dishes and the like, and they were not very big.

But the pottery tripod brought by the Mang tribe is very thick, more than half a meter high, with flowers, birds, insects, fish, fierce birds and beasts carved on it, which is extraordinary at first glance.

Chen Bei said proudly: "I dare say that the nearby tribes have never seen these pieces of pottery. It took our tribe a lot of effort to bake them."

Chen Bei pointed to a round tripod, and said: "This is called a three-legged round tripod. It can be used to cook fire, several times faster than a stone pot. It also has two ears, which can be used to wear wooden sticks. It's very convenient to carry it away."

Chen Bei pointed to a square tripod again, and said, "This is called a quadruped square tripod, which can be used to sacrifice to the totem god. If such a large pottery can be placed on the altar, I believe the totem god will be satisfied!"

There is no interest in burning fire for cooking, because their tribe rarely burns fire, and the totem god does not like flames.

But it can be used to worship the totem god, which is a very big temptation for him.

The tribal people are extremely fanatical about the worship of the totem god, even if they sacrifice their lives.

If there are good things, they must be dedicated to the totem god.

"I can't be the master of this matter, Chief Chen, please wait a moment, I will invite Wu to come over."

Sacrifice to the totem god is within the scope of the witch's authority, and the leader has no ability to communicate with the totem god.

Song hurriedly left.

Not long after, an old man with a cane came slowly, and supported him loosely. The members of the tree tribe also saluted respectfully after seeing this old man.

This was the first time Chenbei saw a witch from the tree tribe. This old man was very thin, the skin on his face and hands was like dry tree bark, and he seemed to have few years to live.

But he just made Chen Bei feel a sense of dread. In his body, there is a power that is completely different from the power of the totem, which is very mysterious.

Song introduced: "This is the witch of our tribe."

Chen Bei said: "Chen, the leader of the Mang Tribe, has met Wu."

The skinny old man nodded and said, "You are welcome, Chief Chen. I heard that you have brought pottery for sacrificial offerings. I want to see it."

Chen Bei introduced the two pottery to the Wu of the tree tribe again.

The shaman of the tree tribe touched the patterns on the pottery tripod lightly with his withered hands, and said, "It really is a good thing. If the sacrificial ceremony can use it to light incense, the totem god will definitely be satisfied."

The "lighting incense" mentioned by the tree tribe witch was not the well-made sandalwood pillars that Chen Bei remembered.

Tree tribes don't like flames, but during sacrificial ceremonies, they will light a lot of plants that can release fragrance after burning. This is called burning incense, which is an important part of sacrificial rituals.

These scented smokes repel the tree tribe's most pesky bugs.

The tree tribe witch pointed to a four-legged square tripod and a three-legged round tripod, and said, "Our tree tribe wants these two pottery tripods."

"As for how to trade, you can discuss, I will not participate."

The Tree Tribe Witch exchanged some polite words with Chen Bei, and then walked back slowly. Apart from Tao Ding, other things did not arouse his interest.

After Wu left, Song's expression became bitter.

One Tao Ding, he was afraid of being brutally slaughtered by the Mang tribe, let alone two.

But he couldn't refuse it. After all, it was designated by the witch to worship the totem god, so he could only bite the bullet and bargain with Chen Bei.

Unexpectedly, this time, Chen Bei didn't ask for a lot of money. Although he asked for a lot of things, the value was within his acceptable range, even much lower than he imagined.

Chen Bei saw his doubts, so he smiled and said: "Boss Song, I respect your totem god very much. Since it is used to worship the totem god, it is nothing if we lose a bit."

This sentence greatly increased Song's affection for Chen Bei. He laughed and said, "Chief Chen, our two tribes will be true friends from now on!"

Chen Bei nodded with a smile. This is what he wanted to see. The Mang Tribe needed such friends. Even if they had something to report, the value would be far more than a Tao Ding.

 Thank you for the 188 book coins reward from the book friend "Be kind and benevolent".

  Thanks to the book friend "Hunyuan Daluo Tianzun" for the reward of 100 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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