The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 97 Re-entering the Mysterious Forest

Chapter 97 Re-entering the Mysterious Forest
"Hey, Chief Chen, long time no see!"

When Chen Bei was busy selling goods to the members of the Tree Tribe, a fist hit him lightly on the back.

"Safflower, long time no see."

Chen Bei turned around and showed a smiling face. He knew who it was when he heard the voice just now, otherwise, the fist would not have landed on his back.

Not far away, Hongye saw this scene, kicked the stone on the ground irritably, and the stone flew far away.

Chen Bei said: "I was planning to find you after I finished my work, but I didn't expect you to come here."

"Find me?"

A joyful expression appeared on Honghua's face, and she said, "I thought you forgot me."

"How could it be?" Chen Bei smiled awkwardly.

"Tell me, why are you looking for me?" Hong Hua asked.

Chen Bei took out a small animal skin bag from his body, about the size of a sachet, he poured out a grain of buckwheat from it, and put it on the palm of his hand.

"I want to ask you, where did you find this seed? Is there any more?"

Hong Hua pinched the buckwheat grain from Chen Bei's palm, looked at it, and said, "I found this at the edge of the mysterious forest. , I gave the rest to my brother, I don’t know if he ate it or not.”

"I'll ask you for help."

Honghua went to Hongye immediately, without any delay, her character is like this, she does things simply and neatly.

Chen Bei looked at her back and was a little dazed, so he left?Don't even ask why he's here.

Besides the red flower, she searched around in the tribe, and finally found the red leaf sitting on a huge tree root sulking.

"Brother, have you eaten the bag of seeds I gave you last fall? This is it."

Honghua opened her palm, revealing the small buckwheat in her palm, which was black and shiny.

"No more, I've finished eating a long time ago." Hong Ye said angrily.

Honghua looked at Hongye suspiciously, looked at Hongye for a long time, and said, "You lied to me."

"Why am I lying to you? If you say you've finished eating, you've finished eating." Hong Ye stood up, arguing loudly.

"You just lied to me. Every time you lie, you dare not look at me."

Hongye unnaturally withdrew her gaze from the distance, and turned to look at her sister.

"Okay, I admit that I lied, the food was too bad, I didn't eat it, are you satisfied?"

Hongye was a little excited and also a little frustrated. When facing this younger sister, he always felt very powerless.

"Then give me that bag of seeds, and next time I will give you a big bag of delicious fruits to compensate you."

"Sister, the things you gave me have never been taken back. Is it for Chen this time?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Honghua answered frankly, without hiding anything.

Hongye closed her eyes in pain, and said, "Sister, why don't you understand? I told you a long time ago, you are impossible!"

"Oh, it's annoying! I don't want to hear that, give me that bag of seeds, or I'll go find it myself."

"You... why don't you listen to persuasion..."

Hongye was so angry that she jumped off the huge tree root, walked towards the tree hole where she lived, and said angrily: "I don't care, I don't care..."

When Hongye turned around, for a moment, Honghua's face was a little sad, but soon, she returned to her normal expression, and followed Hongye back.

After Hongye returned to the tree hole, she took out a bark woven bag from the wall, and inside the bag was dried buckwheat.

Over the long years, the people of the tree tribe discovered that whether it is fruit or seeds, they can be preserved for a longer period of time after drying, so they later learned to dry.

"Here, take it!"

Hongye stuffed the bag into Honghua's hand, then turned around angrily.

Honghua hugged the bark bag, the expression on her face gradually softened, she said softly: "Brother, I know you are doing it for my own good, but I just like him, I don't like others."

After Hong Hua finished speaking, she sniffed and turned to leave.


Hongye slammed her fist on the table and scratched her hair in annoyance.


Next to the Rhino King, Hong Hua handed the seeds to Chen Bei.

"Here, I found the seeds you asked for. Fortunately, my brother thought they were not tasty, so they were not eaten."

Chen Bei, who was combing the rhinoceros king's thick hair, put down the big homemade comb, and took the finely woven bark bag in surprise.

He opened the bag and took out a handful of buckwheat from it. It was smooth in his hands, which meant that it was dry and well preserved.

"Great, Red Flower, thank you."

There was a surprised expression on Chen Bei's face. With these seeds, he only needs to plant two seasons to harvest a large amount of buckwheat. In just a few years, he can even eat buckwheat for all of them.

Chen Bei has never been a person who likes to owe favors, he thinks he should repay Hong Hua.

He thought about it, hesitated for a while, and finally took out a small bag of salt from the animal skin bag that he carried, weighing about half a catty.

These salts were purified from soy milk, really good salt, and he took them with him for himself.

Chen Bei looked around and found that no one was paying attention, so he quickly put the bag of salt into Hong Hua's hand.

"Put it away quickly, keep it for yourself and eat slowly, don't let others know, otherwise it will cause trouble."

You must know that what he traded with the leader of the tree tribe was coarse salt that had not been purified from soy milk. If others knew that Honghua had such good salt in his hands, it was hard to guarantee that it would not cause trouble.

"Is this salt?"

Honghua knew what it was at a glance, because she had also seen the snow-white salt of the Eagle tribe, and she covered her mouth in surprise.

Chen Bei nodded, and urged: "Put it away quickly, and make sure no one knows."

Honghua nodded, and put it away as she said.

She's not good at refusing, and pushing back and forth seems hypocritical, which she doesn't like.

Chen Bei said again: "When will you go to the mysterious forest again? I want to go with you and find some plant seedlings that can be grown in the outside world, and bring them back to the tribe for planting."

Honghua replied: "We will set off at dawn tomorrow. If you want to go, make preparations."

"Okay, then I will take Baicao with you tomorrow."

"Then it's settled, I'll go back first."

Honghua turned and left, Chenbei put the bag of buckwheat away, and then continued to groom the rhinoceros king.

After returning to her tree hole, Honghua hid the bag of salt in a corner that only she knew. At this moment, she was very happy.


That night, Chenbei explained to Lie and those totem warriors, telling them to continue to make deals in the tree tribe, and if they encountered something that could not be resolved, they must wait for him to come back before making a decision.

In fact, if the mysterious forest is not too dangerous, he would like to bring more people there.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know much about the mysterious forest. Bringing more people means that the risk will be much greater. He doesn't want to let the totem warriors of his tribe take this risk, so he can only look forward to the future.

The next day, just after dawn, the tree tribe's hunting team had already set off, and Chenbei and Baicao also went with them.

After a day's trek, they came outside the mysterious forest again.

This time, their speed was much faster than last time, and the setting sun still showed half of their face, and it didn't completely set.

Chenbei also witnessed the shocking scene at sunset in the mysterious forest.

As the sun gradually set, those tall plants gradually bent down, closed their leaves, closed their petals, and slowly fell into a deep sleep.


A giant plant originally unfolded like a big green fan, but as the sun set, its leaves slowly moved closer from the two sides to the middle, making a sound like wooden boards rubbing together, and after closing, it became a cylindrical shape.

A strange, cloth-like flat plant circled little by little, and finally turned into a combed round cake.

There are also all kinds of strange plants, which protect themselves in various ways after the sun goes down.

Chen Bei sighed: "This forest, sunrise and sunset, both give people the same shock."

Hong Hua smiled and said, "Why don't we call it the Mysterious Forest."

After the sun had completely set, most of these plants fell into a deep sleep, and Red Flower brought the hunting team, Chen Bei, and White Grass into the plant kingdom again.

What Chen Bei didn't know was that on this day, another group of people also came to the mysterious forest, but they didn't dare to go in, but spent the night outside.

They are the Zerg Tribe, headed by the old enemy Black Tooth, and the grandson of the leader of the Zerg Tribe, Centipede!

 Thanks to the book friend "Imperial Power Thousands" for the reward of 1000 book coins.

  Thanks to the book friend "a passing little brother" for the reward of 500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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