The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 10 I Haven't Experienced Death for Many Years

Chapter 10 I Haven't Experienced Death for Many Years

Liu Xue's expression changed.

What did Su Tianling call her?

"You are not allowed to call me that!" Liu Xue said with a cold face.

"What do you call you? Little daughter-in-law? Little wife? Little concubine?" Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue with a smile.

"You!" Liu Xue glared at Su Tianling angrily, feeling that Su Tianling had changed, how honest he was before!

Now that his cultivation base has grown to King Wu, is he full of flowers?

"If you call me that again, don't blame me for being rude!" Liu Xue said.

"Little wife." Su Tianling.

"You!" Liu Xue's face turned red with anger, and she really wanted to teach Su Tianling a lesson, but considering that Su Tianling was already King Wu, she couldn't teach him a lesson.

Liu Xue turned around angrily and left, she swore secretly that when she practiced to King Wu, she must teach Su Tianling a lesson.

Su Tianling smiled faintly, and did not stop Liu Xue, the reason why he called Liu Xue's wife was such an affectionate title.

One: He felt that he came here from another world for 10 years to make up for the guilt in his heart.

He was married to Liu Xue, and with Liu Xue's temperament, it was impossible for him to marry another man, let alone another man.

Liu Xue has no feelings for him, but she has to bear the burden of fame and spend her whole life with him in a muddleheaded way.

At this point, Su Tianling felt very sorry.

He wanted to make up for Liu Xue.

How to make up for it?

Su Tianling has thought about this problem, and it is enough to eliminate Liu Xue's unhappiness, and solve Liu Xue's resentment towards getting married.

He thought for a long time, but the only way for Liu Xue to regret marrying him was to feel very lucky to have married him.

Liu Xue was happy, and his knot was naturally resolved.

As for the intimate title of calling Liu Xue's wife, Su Tianling was just trying to test Liu Xue's attitude.

"This reaction is very intense." Su Tianling shook his head lightly, and didn't take it to heart. Feelings need to be cultivated slowly.

Over time, you will be able to fall in love.

"My sister is still sleeping, I'll go out and buy her two clothes."

Su Tianling stood up and stretched long.

For my sister, I feel the most guilty in my heart.

He once entered another world for 10 years by accident.

It was hard for him to imagine what life Su Xiaoke had lived in these 10 years.

Perhaps, she was forcibly married to Liu Xuan!
Or maybe he was killed or even insulted.

Or maybe, the beauty was unlucky and died within a few years.

When he hit the pinnacle, he encountered the inner demon tribulation, and the scene of Su Xiaoke being bullied was always in his mind.

There is a scene of forcing Su Xiaoke.

There are also all kinds of beasts who are not as good as animals to bully Su Xiaoke.

Thinking of this scene, Su Tianling was furious and wanted to slaughter all the villains in the whole world.

"No matter what, I have come back across the years and rivers, and I will definitely not make you suffer." Su Tianling thought in his heart.

He walked out of the courtyard, turned a few turns, and then walked out of the Liu family.

In Qingling Town.

There are three prosperous areas, and these three prosperous areas are divided up by three families.

The Liu family mainly deals in weapons.

The Bai people mainly deal in elixir.

The Zhao family mainly deals in daily necessities, such as clothes, shoes, restaurants, luxury goods, etc...

It can be said.

The clothes worn by the vast majority of people in Qingling Town were bought on the streets controlled by the Zhao family.

Su Tianling walked to Zhaojia Street!

Zhaojia Street is full of beautiful things. If you look at it at a glance, you can find food, drink, and clothes.

"I remember Zhao's family has a big shop, and the clothes they sell are pretty good."

Su Tianling glanced over, and saw a magnificent shop in the distance, specializing in women's clothes.

Su Tianling walked over.

Entering the shop, many people's eyes were on Su Tianling.

"Su Tianling, you also come to buy clothes."

A young man came over from not far away. The young man was holding a young girl in his arms. The young girl looked pretty good.

Su Tianling looked at him, but didn't look any further.

In his memory, he remembered that this young man was Zhao Wu, a descendant of the Zhao family. Zhao Wu liked his younger sister, and once brought his elders to the Liu family to propose marriage, but was rejected by the patriarch Liu Feng.

Zhao Wu saw that Su Tianling glanced at him indifferently, and then ignored him directly, which made him feel very uncomfortable!

Just a married son-in-law!She didn't even look at him squarely!
"Hmph, do you think that you and Liu Xue have become husband and wife, so now that you have a strong back, you dare to ignore me directly!" Zhao Wu said coldly.

"Brother Wu, how can his son-in-law be strong? Who doesn't know that a man's marriage means that the man is very weak and useless. How can a useless man be tough? Perhaps...he has never been strong in bed, giggling ..."

After the girl in Zhao Wu's arms finished speaking, she laughed coquettishly.

"Hahaha..." Zhao Wu couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing this.

The people around couldn't help laughing too.

"Su Tianling, are you really bad? Hahaha... If a man is not good, a woman will steal it, hahaha... Will Liu Xue wear a green hat on your head? Haha... "

As Zhao Wu said, he laughed out loud, and the laughter was endless.

"Hehehe...Brother Wu, I heard that the son-in-law who married into the family has low self-esteem in front of his wife, and they are all strictly controlled by their wives. It is said that when they do that kind of thing, it is always the wife who goes up to the husband..." The girl said again, her eyes were playful. Looking at Su Tianling.

"Hahaha..." After Zhao Wu heard this, tears flowed from his laughter. He pointed at Su Tianling with his belly in his arms, and couldn't help laughing and asked, "Su Tianling, tell it Liu Xue riding you or you riding the horse?" Liu Xue?"

Many customers in the shop, as well as shop assistants, were all looking at Su Tianling. They really wanted to know whether it was Su Tianling going up or Su Tianling going down.

at this time.

Su Tianling looked at Zhao Wu and the girl, his eyes finally fixed on Zhao Wu, and he said lightly: "Who is the woman in your arms?"

"He is my unmarried daughter-in-law Bai Yan, why do you ask this?" Zhao Wu was taken aback, why did Su Tianling ask this?

Bai Yan was also puzzled, why did Su Tianling ask this?has no meaning?
Su Tianling looked at Zhao Wu, and said calmly: "Sleep with me for your unmarried daughter-in-law. Tomorrow, you will ask her if my body is strong or not."

This statement came out.

Zhao Wu's face suddenly became gloomy, and he stared at Su Tianling fiercely.

Bai Yan's face changed, she stared at Su Tianling, she never thought that Su Tianling would dare to say such a thing!
When did a married son-in-law dare to speak like that?
All the people in the shop changed their faces and stared at Su Tianling. Su Tianling dared to say this, this is the rhythm of courting death!

If the Liu family knew that Su Tianling had said such things outside, they would probably be punished by the clan rules, right?

After all, a married son-in-law has a very low status.

"You're looking for death!" Zhao Wu gritted his teeth, his eyes were like a wolf's, and he stared at Su Tianling with murderous intent.

Su Tianling dared to verbally insult him and his fiancée, this, I can't bear it!

"Looking for death?" Su Tianling shook his head lightly, and said: "What is it like to die, I haven't experienced it for many years, I hope you can give me a surprise, let me experience the taste of death, otherwise..."

Su Tianling didn't say any more, but the cruel smile on the corner of his mouth gave people a chilling feeling.


(End of this chapter)

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