Chapter 11

When everyone heard Su Tianling's words, they all looked at each other in blank dismay. Haven't experienced death for many years?
The cow is about to be blown up.

Su Tianling is eighteen years old, how many years has it been?
"Abolish you!" Seeing Su Tianling's calm expression, Zhao Wu was extremely dissatisfied in his heart. When he said harsh words, Su Tianling should have shown fear!
Zhao Wu took a step, as fast as a bird. At the same time, he clenched his fist tightly, his waist and horse united, and an explosive force pierced through the airflow, smashing towards Su Tianling fiercely.

Su Tianling looked calm.

Seeing that Su Tianling didn't dodge, Zhao Wu showed a cruel smile. Is this looking down on him?

Do you think you can resist his punch with your physical body?
This is too ridiculous!
The end point of Zhao Wu's fist was Su Tianling's chest. He could already imagine that if this fist landed on Su Tianling's chest, Su Tianling's sternum would be broken, right?
Bai Yan felt the same way, Zhao Wu was already a mid-term martial artist, but what about Su Tianling?It is said that they are only early-stage warriors, how can early-stage warriors compete with mid-stage warriors?
The surrounding customers and shop assistants also felt the same way. They knew that Su Tianling would break a few sternums soon, which might cause damage to the lungs and spurt blood directly.

When a loud bang sounded.

Bai Yan only felt that the pent-up breath suddenly became smoother. Su Tianling dared to speak disrespect to her. Now that her fiancé has taught Su Tianling a lesson, she feels extremely happy.

Everyone didn't think much of it, they just felt that Su Tianling was beyond his control.

Soon everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

"Ah..." Zhao Wu let out a scream and collapsed on the ground.

Zhao Wu actually collapsed on the ground, but Su Tianling was intact!

This... what the hell happened?
Su Tianling obviously didn't make a move, why did Zhao Wu paralyze on the ground and howl for no reason?
"Brother Wu." Bai Yan's complexion changed drastically. Somehow, her fiancé collapsed on the ground and howled.

She quickly checked Zhao Wu's injuries.

It was discovered that Zhao Wu's ribs were all broken!
That's not the most important thing!
She found that Zhao Wu's cultivation base was completely abolished!

What's the situation...

Zhao Wu was wailing at this moment, his complexion was like a pig's liver, he was in extreme pain, and he was sweating profusely all over his body.

He could feel that not only the sternum was completely broken, but also his cultivation base and martial spirit were all crippled!

"You! It''s you!" Zhao Wu looked at Su Tianling with resentment in his eyes. Except for Su Tianling, he really couldn't think of who would depose him!
"So what if it's me?" Su Tianling looked at him, with a faint smile on his lips, and said, "Do you know why I didn't kill you? Because, I prefer to let a warrior become an ordinary person, doing nothing and suffering a painful life." Finishing this life is the most painful thing for a warrior, more painful than death."

Hearing Su Tianling's voice, Zhao Wu's heart trembled wildly, Su Tianling was so ruthless!
in this world.

If there is something more terrible than death, it is the most painful thing to spend one's life like an ordinary person doing nothing.

In this world, martial arts are highly respected, and strength is the most important thing!

One can imagine how painful it is to be an ordinary person!

"Yan'er, hurry up and tell the strong family members to let them abolish Su Tianling! Hurry up!" Zhao Wu hurriedly said to Bai Yan.

Su Tianling glanced at Bai Yan lightly, and it was this casual glance that made Bai Yan fear in her heart, as if she had been planted with seeds of fear, and the seeds of fear continued to grow, making her more and more fearful in her heart.

Just for a moment.

Bai Yan was trembling with fright, her face was pale, she looked at Su Tianling in horror, and said in a trembling voice: "Yes...I'm sorry, don't destroy me...don't..."

Su Tianling looked at her, and said calmly: "Your brother Wu asked you to report to the strong men of the Zhao clan to abolish me. Are you going to report?"

" won't report...I...I am from the Bai family, Wu...Brother Wu, no, Zhao Wuxiu has been abolished, Bai family will not let me marry, so ...I have nothing to do with him."

Bai Yan explained in a trembling voice, feeling terrified in her heart, for fear that Su Tianling would abolish her cultivation.

If her cultivation base is abolished, her status in the family will become very low, even inferior to that of a maid.

Because, the family will not raise a waste for nothing.

"Really? But... I see that you had a good relationship with him before..." Su Tianling glanced at Zhao Wu, and his eyes fixed on Bai Yan's eyes.

Bang bang bang!
"No, I have a very bad relationship with him, no, I have no relationship!"

Bai Yan was so frightened that she quickly told Su Tianling that she didn't have the slightest relationship with Zhao Wu.

Bai Yan's foot kicked Zhao Wu's chest vigorously. Zhao Wu's sternum was already broken, but being kicked several times in a row, Zhao Wu was in agony.

"Ah... Bai Yan, you... bitch!"

Zhao Wu gritted his teeth and cursed while wailing.

After all, they were Lushui couple, yet Bai Yan kicked him directly, especially at the injured place!

"Bitch? You're just a trash with no cultivation, are you worthy of me now!" Bai Yan said fiercely, her eyes were as vicious as a snake's.

If it wasn't because Zhao Wu first talked to Su Tianling, how could she help to agree?How could it happen now?

Many customers and shop assistants around were a little bit embarrassed.

This is the family union...

They have no feelings for each other, they only care about interests.

Once there is no interest, they will part ways, or even stab each other in the back. This kind of thing is not uncommon.

Apart from some sighs, everyone was more shocked by Su Tianling's strength. Su Tianling had never made a move, so why was he able to severely wound Zhao Wu?how did you do that?
Bai Yan felt that it was almost done, she looked at Su Tianling in horror, and said in a trembling voice: "Now...can you let me go?"

Su Tianling only smiled slightly at her.

the next moment.

"Ah..." Bai Yan collapsed on the ground as if she had been hit hard, trembling all over, and breaking out in cold sweat.

" cultivation martial soul..."

Bai Yan immediately realized that her cultivation base and martial spirit had been abolished, and she became incoherent and mentally disturbed for a while.

"Hahaha, it's good to be crippled!" Seeing that Bai Yan's cultivation base and martial spirit had also been crippled, Zhao Wu burst out laughing heartily. Now you will end up like me, hahaha..."

At this moment, Zhao Wu's hatred for Su Tianling has decreased, and his hatred for Bai Yan has deepened. How painful is it to be betrayed by his fiancée?

"Get them out!" Su Tianling looked at a clerk.

The clerk nodded repeatedly, called a few people, and carried Zhao Wu and Bai Yan away.

Su Tianling glanced at the clothes on the hanger, picked out two white skirts, and took two pairs of white boots, then dropped a spirit stone and left.

Seeing that Su Tianling had left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They also laughed at Su Tianling just now, and they were afraid that Su Tianling would settle accounts with them.

Fortunately, Su Tianling didn't do that.

(End of this chapter)

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